Yes, laughable, I got a smile from it.
I never thought about it, but the way he reacted was a bit off, after asking, he immediately asked what he was doing there...
And I just thought about this, but in an interview Richard Waugh talked about a 'Tool Box' that Capcom used, where they would have the actor record all of their lines, then they could use the 'tool box' and cut a line short, or place a word somewhere else, which could explain why some of the dialogue in RE sounds off, or the last word may seemed oddly emphasized...

I never thought about it, but the way he reacted was a bit off, after asking, he immediately asked what he was doing there...
And I just thought about this, but in an interview Richard Waugh talked about a 'Tool Box' that Capcom used, where they would have the actor record all of their lines, then they could use the 'tool box' and cut a line short, or place a word somewhere else, which could explain why some of the dialogue in RE sounds off, or the last word may seemed oddly emphasized...