Leon And young girls

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
What is it with Capcom that they always have Leon to save/or protect a young girl and every game.Sherry in RE2,Lucia in Gaiden,Manuela in Operation Javier,Ashley in RE4 and he even helps Claire look after the young girl Rani in degeneration.Talk about a lack of ideas from Capcom.One of the reasons i prefer Chris to Leon.
Lmao well it wouldn't be as exciting to people to save some old nanna or have some clingy fat house wife on to you, its the idea of "I gotta save these young incredibly gorgeous women to feel like a man" or "This child is completely innocent i can't let her die!"then he just totally rejects them all lol.

I don't see why they couldn't put a dude in with him, but you know some how japanese operate there into that whole adding really good looking or ridiculously sized boobed girls.It would be pretty gay if you had to save like 17 year old teenager guys who think there hot,you couldn't wait till they got killed.But yeah i loved getting rid of Ashley.
I agree with Hoady. Of course Leon saving a pretty helpless little girl is far more marketable than him saving another guy or an unattractive woman. I suppose we have traditional gender roles to thank for that.
weskersbarber;70344 said:
What is it with Capcom that they always have Leon to save/or protect a young girl and every game.Sherry in RE2,Lucia in Gaiden,Manuela in Operation Javier,Ashley in RE4 and he even helps Claire look after the young girl Rani in degeneration.Talk about a lack of ideas from Capcom.One of the reasons i prefer Chris to Leon.

Leon is a ladies man, nuff said.:)
Leon is expendable. He is the guy that most girls will full their room with posters of him! Just another version of Ralph Fiennes... nothing important really.. :p :lol:

But I think that the barber of Wesker sees the matter from a more general aspect. He complains about the fact that Leon has to save someone most of the time and not because of the sex of the person who has to be saved. like I said this is the role given to Leon probably. It might be a cliche, but they have Chris for more original ideas! :D
I have to agree on both Hoady and La Femme Fatal as it is much more better to see Leon helping a little or girl or woman than a guy.
Hoady;70358 said:
Lmao well it wouldn't be as exciting to people to save some old nanna or have some clingy fat house wife on to you, its the idea of "I gotta save these young incredibly gorgeous women to feel like a man" or "This child is completely innocent i can't let her die!"then he just totally rejects them all lol.

I don't see why they couldn't put a dude in with him, but you know some how japanese operate there into that whole adding really good looking or ridiculously sized boobed girls.It would be pretty gay if you had to save like 17 year old teenager guys who think there hot,you couldn't wait till they got killed.But yeah i loved getting rid of Ashley.
You are right, but because I'm far past my teens just wish Ashley could have been a bit older... :pirate:
Im mainly complaining about capcom for being lazy.every single time Leon makes an appearance he has to save a little girl lol. capcom need to make more ideas for leon
Yea kinda agree about Capcom running out of ideas, but I have no problem with it. The way I see it, a dashing hero saving a damsel/s in distress is a sure seller. It is natural for a guy to save a girl, especially the pretty ones, it's chivalry..:lol:
take a look at to abuse of panty shots in anime on school girls then compair it besides they need the keep thetween markit in so the play of it yust like hot ladies with guns aims at other groups besides leon it a wight knit type and there not complete with out a "vair maden to resque"
JACKXS;70445 said:
take a look at to abuse of panty shots in anime on school girls then compair it besides they need the keep thetween markit in so the play of it yust like hot ladies with guns aims at other groups besides leon it a wight knit type and there not complete with out a "vair maden to resque"

Okay say that again but this time in English
S.T.A.R.S.1;83118 said:
I don't know hes probably gay, he rejected sex from ashley at the end of RE4


now come on! She had home work to do and besides he'd have lost his job!

Anyways Leon, is very much a cliche! and a pretty damn good one! the cheesey one liners and always putting the girls ahead of himself mixed in with the last minute escapes from death is everything that is required to be a Muscle bound heart throb!


Anyways they all have their roles to play!
:lol:Leon would probabely have ended up getting shot if he got to intimate with the presidents daughter (Ashley):lol:

I can see it now

the presdident: ok Leon was it you who got my daughter pregnant?:dry:

Leon: :ermm:no sir it wasnt me:rolleyes:

the president: LIAR!!:mad: Guards shoot him!

Presidents Guards: get there guns out and bang! bang! bang!

= RIP leon


thinking about this a bit more I bet it could have been a funny alternate bad ending
Lol, ohhhhh but you forget that Leon is a walking talking Cliche!

He'd probably blow a bubble of his gum wait for it to burst then perform some kind of over the top escape scene!
Yes like jump and smash through the window or something:lol:

probabely end up with a lot of people chasing him like maybe the police or army or one of the other speacial forces if he did that though

hope he's good at hideing as well:ninja::lol:
weskersbarber;70344 said:
What is it with Capcom that they always have Leon to save/or protect a young girl and every game.Sherry in RE2,Lucia in Gaiden,Manuela in Operation Javier,Ashley in RE4 and he even helps Claire look after the young girl Rani in degeneration.Talk about a lack of ideas from Capcom.One of the reasons i prefer Chris to Leon.
:dry: First off, I think we should be fair and give credit where credit is due - Leon didn't save Sherry, Claire did; Leon didn't take care of Rani, Claire did. Leon said not two words to either of those girls in their appearances and did practically nothing to help Claire help them. Aside from throwing Claire that gun in Degeneration, you wouldn't have even known Leon was in the same scene as Rani. Counting these girls in your list is just inaccurate.

Now, with that said, I agree with LFF and Hoady. It's all about what looks better and it just looks better for Leon to save a girl over a guy. Of course it's not like that with every male character but that was probably just the role that Capcom let Leon slide into because of his popularity; some polls even show that people prefer Leon as a hero over Chris. Capcom was giving the people what they want; not all the people of course - :sick: - but they were trying to appeal to all the Leon fangirls out there.
weskersbarber;70344 said:
What is it with Capcom that they always have Leon to save/or protect a young girl and every game.Sherry in RE2,Lucia in Gaiden,Manuela in Operation Javier,Ashley in RE4 and he even helps Claire look after the young girl Rani in degeneration.Talk about a lack of ideas from Capcom.One of the reasons i prefer Chris to Leon.

okami and dead rising dont have little gurls that need help ;D