The voice acting is a huge factor, and Darkside is way better there, than UC of course. The graphics are really nice and cinimatic, but certain things like hair, or the previously mentioned mouth movements are the only things that are really off there. And like UC, there is a somewhat cartoony look to it, for no better word.
DC really had an all-star cast, everyone was great, minus a couple of them, obviously Wesker wasn't very good, and I really disliked Alexia's voice too, Alfred was okay, but it was different, otherwise everyone else sounded terrific. It was a real treat to hear Roger Craig Smith's voice for Chris, he finally has a real good and consistent voice actor who truly defines his character.
It is also really nice to just see Leon & Krauser together in Operation Javier, and just the fact that it is Paul Mercier and Jim Ward(or James Ward as in DC credits), makes it especially pleasing. It's like watching a good movie with really cool actors, it just makes the experience better, which it would not have been had Mercier & Ward been replaced by some cheap ripoffs trying to sound like the characters.
The music of course was one of the best things, RE2 & CVX were nice, but the new stuff was really amazing, especially what plays during the credits.
This game gets a 10/10 from me, it is the first time in a long time that I have had a reallly great RE experience, without many complaints, like with UC, Degeneration and RE5. Pretty much everything post RE4 has really been lazy, perhaps the commercial succuss of that game made Capcom feel that they don't have to try as hard anymore, but Darkside gives me some hope, and we get to look forward to Gold Edition.