N3M3S1S1294;83041 said:
@spike991 hows that being a drama queen? i stated my
opinion something you cant seem to grasp the meaning of
It was a joke, which you can't grasp the meaning of I guess...
It's not that I can't fathom what you are saying, I grasp your opinions and thoughts perfectly, but they are wrong, that's all.
You may like RE1 better than RE5, you may prefer everything about it, that's cool, that's your opinion, but just because you don't like RE5 as much as RE1, that doesn't mean that it's that different.
My arguement is not that RE1 & RE5 are the same, my arguement is that they are not so different, to where they(especially RE4) don't deserve to get all this hate.
@Galactus, I suppose I should follow the pattern and reply in the same order.
I think that's a very fair deduction, seeing Lickers, might be a sign, a positive one that some of the older BOWs, might be returning, not because we want old enemies, but because logically, they are better BOWs, and deserve to show up. Not all, but I can pick out a handful of enemies from throughout RE1, 2, 3 & CVX that I would like to return.
I think your interpretation of what previous RE games were about is a little off. They weren't "running around a city shooting zombies", it was much deeper than that, and much more complicated. There was a bigger picture, a larger plot, same with RE4, it isn't just running around a village shooting Ganados. That's not to say we didn't run around a village or a city, and didn't shoot at zombies or ganados at some point though.
There's no way we could
go back to Raccoon, it is a hazarddous area, nothing will be able to survive out there for another decade or so...that place is a dump.
But anyway, it adds so much more to the story, more emotional, more personal, knowing that Umbrella basically killed 100,000 people and just an entire city in general. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I also think Claire looked best in RE2. Her hairstyle and everything, it was overlooed and in DSC, it wasn't like it was supposed to be, but without being too picky, I still found it pretty enjoyable. I also agree about Wesker, he was coolest in CVX, but he was ruined right after his RE4 appearance. Ada, her RE2 civillian outfit was the coolest, she had brown hair, etc, but when Capcom went back with UC & DSC, the hair stayed black, like it was in RE4, which messed with the continuity, and they gave her all kinds of gun holsters and tactical gear, thus getting rid of the illusion that she was a civillian...
I don't think the camera has any holding on anything. I think it works great, and well, it isn't such a different experience from the original. I mean, if they put us in a secluded area, like a mansion(kind of like LIN, but alone, and more in that style), it could be OTS yet still play slower, more of an investigative kind of thing. They could let the OTS view be accompanied by the quick-knife & manual reload, yet take out all of the melee attacks, and simply have it put us in an environment that really requires tedious puzzle solving(not that all were, but by RE3 a lot were), looking for keys, etc, and it would be pretty much exactly the same, but because of the aiming, possibly more fun.
Well that was much longer than I expected...
Well I think little things like the Typewriter are iconic, and symbolic of the series. I liked the way it was used in RE4, and Outbreak File#2 for that matter, where you didn't need ink ribbons. I never really complained about having to use the ink ribbons, but I wasn't sad to see those go. Door scenes, after awhile it got kind of annoying, but RE4 & RE5 both have loading scenes when certain doors lead to new areas, they could have easily put in a door scene there. Anyway, like I said, there have been tons of little changes, and I think we should have a more optomistic outlook on them...some of them. We shouldn't naively devour every little thing Capcom spews out, but still enjoy, and get over certain little things.
I really think that we have started to figure out what we both dislike about the series, and what would can probably be a little more leniant on don't you think?