LMAO XD! Yep, a very late reaction, but I laughted all the time while I read all those threads XD! Especially for Wolfgirls: ''Later Claaaare and Steve to the rescueeeeee!'' But however, even I wanna tell my own opinions :3
I don't hate Steve, I really like him <3! But not as much as I like Leon :3 As much as I love Zero <333!!! Ok, that's a diffrent thing, so...
I know, you can't compare Steve with Leon, that would be like comparing Claire and Ashley (someone told this before). But still even Claire is better skilled then Steve is :I Claire is as good skilled as Leon is (don't you think?). And I guess she needs to be younger, since Steve felt in love with her. But, is Steve really 17 years old 0_x?!
However, I don't hate any characters, only Ashley >.> If you hate Steve, then you didn't experienced Ashley 0_x! Ieuw yuck damn her >.<!!!
But still, I love Leon better <333!!