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A New Resident Evil


Kickass Stranger
Humor me for a minute; what if there was a RE dedicated entirely to Mercs?
The RE4 Mercs basically started the modern basis for RE replayability. (Although RE4 had some badass bonus content that was well worth the extra playthroughs... The gazillion extras and games, too... but that aside....)
Mercs is the thing about RE5 that I think most, not all, do most after two or three playthroughs of the story mode.
We all love it, it's da bomb shizznit. It got worse since RE4... simply because... Wesker doesn't have the rocket punch... dammit... lol.

Seriously though. If they could make a Resident Evil: Mercenaries, what would you guys want on it? Weapons? Customizations? Level ups? Co-op? etc.

(Ada and H.U.N.K. please!)

Who knows? Given enough support, maybe we could get a bunch of signatures and whatnot and ask Capcom. (And don't spam me about how it's useless, that's not what the thread's for. I'm just saying, if it gets to that point then, awesome.)


Well-Known Member
Sounds great to me. I loved re4 mercs, especially HUNK. I would love to upgrade or add attachments to weapons, and coop is a must.

v iBaxter

New Member
i got resi 4 back the other day for gamecube since ps2 broke and then i played mercs and it beats the crap out of 5s, 5 did have improvments but over all it was lazy people dont want costumes they want characters real soldiers i love... H.U.N.K but i think krauser is better with stregth, i mean who wants to see Sheva in a buisness suit or chris in a f****** safari outfit !! its stupid and they have even repeated chris safaria weapon loadout onto josh stone its stupid !!!


Kickass Stranger
Weskers Shades;63686 said:
i got resi 4 back the other day for gamecube since ps2 broke and then i played mercs and it beats the crap out of 5s, 5 did have improvments but over all it was lazy people dont want costumes they want characters real soldiers i love... H.U.N.K but i think krauser is better with stregth, i mean who wants to see Sheva in a buisness suit or chris in a f****** safari outfit !! its stupid and they have even repeated chris safaria weapon loadout onto josh stone its stupid !!!

Check please! lol

I hear ya.

Chris and Sheva already have three frickin' costumes. They don't need more. Bring in new characters and give them new outfits. Rebecca in Bravo team and clubbin' outfit. Ada in the floral dress and RE2 attire. Leon in RE4 and mafia attire... etc. Two each at the most! And bring back H.U.N.K. for God's sake!

Sorry for trailing off topic...

So all characters and two costumes each?


i would like a RE game that has a Modern Warfar II style of level up, you get points for killing , and you can unlock weapons, and Costumes for a possible Edit Mode, plus a normal story mode, like RE4 , basicly mercs would have ALOT more to do, including unlockables and stuff to use in story mode, like starting with more ammo or even an infinate weapon. so i Mercenaries had Even more such as larg multiplayer and even a survival mode where you are given a wave of enemies, you get a handgun, shot gun and a single herb, and you need to kill all enemies in that round, not gaining any health, the next round will have stronger and more enemies, continuing forever, and eventualy it will be like a No Mercy mode on PRo. and every 3 levels you have a chance to get a health item from a Dual with a boss, i could be a Crimson head, Tyrant. Licker. Green Licker. Birken, or even Wesker


Kickass Stranger
Jason-Voorhees;63700 said:
i would like a RE game that has a Modern Warfar II style of level up, you get points for killing , and you can unlock weapons, and Costumes for a possible Edit Mode, plus a normal story mode, like RE4 , basicly mercs would have ALOT more to do, including unlockables and stuff to use in story mode, like starting with more ammo or even an infinate weapon. so i Mercenaries had Even more such as larg multiplayer and even a survival mode where you are given a wave of enemies, you get a handgun, shot gun and a single herb, and you need to kill all enemies in that round, not gaining any health, the next round will have stronger and more enemies, continuing forever, and eventualy it will be like a No Mercy mode on PRo. and every 3 levels you have a chance to get a health item from a Dual with a boss, i could be a Crimson head, Tyrant. Licker. Green Licker. Birken, or even Wesker

I'll take Wesker; I'll pass on the Licker though. Their cheap-ass spear tongue move does too much damage.

I always thought survival mode would be cool. Perhaps turn bosses on and off for this mode? I always wanted to just barricade doors and hold off without thinking the axe guy's just gonna come and ruin it all. They're a little more annoying than scary, I think. What do you guys think?


for the licker move. lets give a button press to dodge that tongue and other enemy attacks. to make them less anoying,


Kickass Stranger
Jason-Voorhees;63714 said:
for the licker move. lets give a button press to dodge that tongue and other enemy attacks. to make them less anoying,

YES! Absolutely!


The Master Of Unlocking
Outbreak had a boss fight thing, at least File#2 did, where you could just fight the bosses and try to conserve your weapons and such for each fight, that would be kind of cool too.:)


Polkka. lol
I'm not really sure, but won't this lead into a gameplay style nearly the same as Left 4 Dead? Just not FPS and not following a story?

On the other hand, I think this could turn out to be a great game, though it'll probably die quick if they don't put in a lot of content into it.


Tiger Army Never Dies!
Yeah, I'm with Levan. But if done right, this idea could be awesome. I'm just afraid people will get burned out with it really quick, like ODST.


The Master Of Unlocking
It probably wouldn't work at all...so they should just continue to make the ever succesful Mercs apart of the extras lined up with their games...

Perhaps put it in every game from now on, even in games like UC or Darkside...like even though Darkside is a rail-shooter, just having Mercs available in the extras section, playing like it did with the Wiimote and nunchuck in RE4 Wii edition...or whatever, just an idea.;)

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
If they did make an RE game strictly for Mercs, then I'd probably have to pass on it. I don't like Mercs, probably because I'm absolute rubbish at it and I'm too chicken to go online because hardcore gamer dudes scare me, lol. :lol: :p


The Master Of Unlocking
lol, it just takes a little practice.:) Actually alot, you have to really know the levels pretty well to learn where the times are, etc., so you have to fail alot first.:)

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
That's probably my problem then... I am the most impatient person when it comes to anything, lol. I think I attempted it twice in RE 4 and threw my controller at the TV because I was so frustrated, lmao. Haven't touched it since. I'm a bit better at RE 5's mercs, in that I can actually stay alive until the time runs out... and that's about the extent of my Mercenary prowess, haha (or lackthereof, rather).


The Master Of Unlocking
I would suggest trying it with a partner, but then your goal is doubled. So if you want an A, it goes from 40,000 points to 80,000...


Kickass Stranger
I'm impatient and I was number 70-something in world ranking for Missile Area for almost a year. Granted, on singles. I only have two reliable co-op partners.
Aside from that, yes; the game would need bucketloads of extra content. Perhaps customizable guns, clothing, and... oh my God... the return of BUTTON INPUT CHEATS! -For vast bucketloads of offline fun! ^^ I miss old games....
A huge mess of levels with varying sizes and every character in the series. EVERY character. Twould be epic.


The Master Of Unlocking
The idea of custimizing everything, weapons, clothing, etc, that doesn't sound like RE at all...

I mean we have been able to upgrade our weapons since RE2, to some extent, but I think just the idea of this whole thing would be straying too far from RE.
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