Mercs is a strayoff game. -_-
Besides, blandness isn't what defines RE. It's the survival-horror element that they seem to have fazed out in favor of... something. The original RE5 looked much better than the crap we have now; albeit, still a pretty good game, just not as good as it could've and should've been. As long as the classic RE feel and essence is there, why shouldn't we customize? Modders do it. People don't bash them for not being RE traditional. (I think I may have taken your comment a little too far, but I'm trying to make a point.) It's not that customization would stray too far from RE; it's that they already have and anything that doesn't relate to the older games is recieved with criticism because we don't want them to f*** it up despite the fact that RE does continuously need innovation. They just took it in the wrong direction, so every turn they make for awhile will be wrong until they realize they're on the wrong road, back up, and start over.
I started another thread that emphasizes the "what ifs" of what they originally had for RE4 and RE5. That'll be a good example.
The new third-person shooter system introduced in RE4 was epic. I love it.
The Rail shooter-style introduced in UC is epic. Takes me back to my old arcade days.
Besides, blandness isn't what defines RE. It's the survival-horror element that they seem to have fazed out in favor of... something. The original RE5 looked much better than the crap we have now; albeit, still a pretty good game, just not as good as it could've and should've been. As long as the classic RE feel and essence is there, why shouldn't we customize? Modders do it. People don't bash them for not being RE traditional. (I think I may have taken your comment a little too far, but I'm trying to make a point.) It's not that customization would stray too far from RE; it's that they already have and anything that doesn't relate to the older games is recieved with criticism because we don't want them to f*** it up despite the fact that RE does continuously need innovation. They just took it in the wrong direction, so every turn they make for awhile will be wrong until they realize they're on the wrong road, back up, and start over.
I started another thread that emphasizes the "what ifs" of what they originally had for RE4 and RE5. That'll be a good example.
The new third-person shooter system introduced in RE4 was epic. I love it.
The Rail shooter-style introduced in UC is epic. Takes me back to my old arcade days.