Recent content by Kellyrose

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  1. Kellyrose

    Games that you have beaten on the hardest difficulty

    Resident Evil 5, Uncharted 2, Prototype, God of War 1/2, Dragon Age: Origins
  2. Kellyrose

    Got my new PS3...

    Nice! Add me if you like PSN ID: XCons
  3. Kellyrose

    For those who like games...

    Dragon Age: Origins. It took me some 50 hours to beat it my first playthrough, and I pretty much did it all in one sitting.
  4. Kellyrose

    Write a 'Dear John/Jane' letter to someone!

    Dear Jacob, I don't really know how to tell you this, but our romance is over. I think I realized it when your dwarf bit me, in your closet and I saw you carve your initials into my boyfriend. I'm sure you're man enough to understand that Santa doesn't exist. I'm returning the cut toenails...
  5. Kellyrose

    Resident Evil 5 Your thoughts about the RE 5 puzzles

    The one in re5 was way easy. I was a little disappointed, there needs to be more difficult puzzles ala resi 1. There is no thinking in the newest game, just mindless killing :mellow:
  6. Kellyrose

    video games update

    Yep. Officially switching my pre-order from Lost Planet 2 to Red Dead Redemption today.
  7. Kellyrose

    Resident Evil 5 Today I completed RE5, LIN and DE for the first time...

    I agree, sooo much better with co-op. Veteran/professional is almost impossible with the AI. Also agree for the most part about LIN (havent played DE), I hated how they built up the suspense pretty well and then in the end there was nothing, very anti-climactic as I didn't find those anchor dude...
  8. Kellyrose

    Violence in Video Games

    Well, when you play a violent game, your heart rate will be higher. You may consciously know that the game isn't real, but the body is reacting as if it is. The increased heart rate is caused by the part of the brain that controls the 'fight or flight' response. So while you may know that what...
  9. Kellyrose

    Violence in Video Games

    I actually did a little bit of research on this for a class not too long ago. Personally, I don't believe that playing violent video games makes you go out and kill someone. However, it can cause some interesting reactions in the brain and the body.
  10. Kellyrose

    video games update

    I'm looking forward to Lost Planet 2 and Red Dead Redemption next month. Other than that, I don't really know whats coming and its a good thing, I'm gonna be broke.
  11. Kellyrose

    Question of the Week 5; KFC's 'Double Down Sandwich - is this going too far?

    This. It it not the job of the company to babysit it's consumers. I think its crazy that some people would sue fast food places on that grounds that they are responsible for their illnesses. Its not like the nutritional information of their food is hidden away in some secret vault somewhere...
  12. Kellyrose

    This is a Crazy Idea!

    2012 is when Tupac is finally going to release his new album.
  13. Kellyrose

    Resident Evil 5 Pro mode..

    The first time I did pro with a friend, the only parts that we had real difficulty with were the Wesker and Jill fight, and towards the end when you're waiting for the bulkhead to open. Stay close to your partner, and use weapons that are effective at long range, hopefully with infinite ammo.
  14. Kellyrose

    Hey, Happy Birthday! :)

    Hey, Happy Birthday! :)