Violence in Video Games

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I think it's used as a scapegoat for bad parenting. If the child is unstable, and comes from an unstable home - then yes, violent video games are only going to add fuel to the fire. The real problem, however, was there already. What some people who claim that video game violence has a significant impact on children don't realize is that aggression in children cannot be attributed to one autonomous factor. It's very much a combination of several... and video games/Marilyn Manson music, etc often take most of the hits when in reality, aggression is far more deeper than a stupid game or a song.

For the rest of us who have a good head on our shoulders, I don't see why it's a problem. ****, I've been playing RE since I was 8 or 9, and I'm pretty sure I turned out fine. Had I had negligent parents, it probably would have been different.

Not to say that everything is attributable to poor parenting though. The Columbine killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold seemingly had great parents. The media pointed to 'Doom' as the reason for why it happened, but I just think it's so superficial to look at one cause and say 'aha! That's why!'. I don't think it's that cut and dry.
That's a good thread actually if you take in consideration that most of us were playing Resident Evil when we were kids.

From the article above said:
The state's attempt to assert prohibitive power comes from the assertion that exposure to violent media causes violence in people under the age of 18. The bill makes two essential arguments about violent causation, claiming minors are "more likely to experience feelings of aggression, to experience a reduction of activity in the frontal lobes of the brain, and to exhibit violent antisocial or aggressive behavior." Even when exposure to violent games does not cause violent behavior, the bill states it causes players to "suffer psychological harm from prolonged exposure to violent video games."

I've been playing many violent games since I was about seven years old and I'm not that aggressive at all. On the contrary I'm very calm. But this is just me. Actually, I've heard before from a research that people who tend to be aggresive will be affected by violent games. This doesn't apply for people who aren't aggressive though. So it's seems that it works like alcohol, if you are aggressive you'll become more aggressive.

As for the psychological harm, from personal experience again I can say that I had a few nightmares with zombies, but most children have nightmares anyway. Nothing serious, really.

[spoilers]Now that I think it again though tremor is tangible example of psychological harm caused by video games. :p[/spoilers]
La Femme Fatale;73746 said:
I think it's used as a scapegoat for bad parenting...

I couldn't agree more. If a song/videogame/whatever makes your kid act violently, you, as a parent, most likely failed somewhere.

I've been playing GTA since first game, back on the PS1 and I haven't killed a person, picked up a hooker, or knocked off a bank yet...
it doesn't bother me, eventhough i use to be obsessed with Mortal Kombat, i'v been playing violent games for who knows how long, the first was Tomb Raider, then MK , and Then RE. almost EVERY game out there has some kind of violence, even Mario. well golf games don't count though
Lol, I played allll the violent video games when I was a kid...the only thing wrong with me is that I've got a pretty demented sense of humor, but I've always had that :lol: My brother will be 13 in May and he's been playing violent video games since he was like eight or nine years old. He's not running around in the world killing people or just beating the crap out of folks.

I agree with Femme; it is a scapegoat for bad parenting. If you don't pay attention to your kids and teach them right from wrong..of course they're going to think it's okay to hurt people. I strongly believe there are wayyy more important issues out there besides kids and violent video games.
I actually did a little bit of research on this for a class not too long ago. Personally, I don't believe that playing violent video games makes you go out and kill someone. However, it can cause some interesting reactions in the brain and the body.
La Femme Fatale;73746 said:
I think it's used as a scapegoat for bad parenting. If the child is unstable, and comes from an unstable home - then yes, violent video games are only going to add fuel to the fire. The real problem, however, was there already. What some people who claim that video game violence has a significant impact on children don't realize is that aggression in children cannot be attributed to one autonomous factor. It's very much a combination of several... and video games/Marilyn Manson music, etc often take most of the hits when in reality, aggression is far more deeper than a stupid game or a song.

For the rest of us who have a good head on our shoulders, I don't see why it's a problem. ****, I've been playing RE since I was 8 or 9, and I'm pretty sure I turned out fine. Had I had negligent parents, it probably would have been different.

Not to say that everything is attributable to poor parenting though. The Columbine killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold seemingly had great parents. The media pointed to 'Doom' as the reason for why it happened, but I just think it's so superficial to look at one cause and say 'aha! That's why!'. I don't think it's that cut and dry.

This. People will always blame violence/sexism/racism etc. on just about anything so long as they can get out of not taking responsibility, or they need a scapegoat and for whatever other reason.
Kellyrose;73783 said:
I actually did a little bit of research on this for a class not too long ago. Personally, I don't believe that playing violent video games makes you go out and kill someone. However, it can cause some interesting reactions in the brain and the body.

What are these reaction and how much possible is this to happen?
Fallen91;73792 said:
What are these reaction and how much possible is this to happen?

Well, when you play a violent game, your heart rate will be higher. You may consciously know that the game isn't real, but the body is reacting as if it is. The increased heart rate is caused by the part of the brain that controls the 'fight or flight' response. So while you may know that what you are seeing isn't real, your body is ready to react as though it is.

Also, this article talks a little bit about an experiment that was done to measure the actual electrical resistance (galvanic skin response) in association with playing video games. While it's pretty much more of the same "video games = desensitization", its interesting that there is an actual, measurable difference in those that played violent video games compared to those that did not.
^ That article was a very intereting read. Two things, though. They measured the particpants heart rate and galvanic skin response (or whatever) while they watched violence on-screen. It makes sense that their tolerance for violence would increase otherwise they wouldn't be able to play the games...

My two qualms with the article are these: The article took their measurements as they witnessed on-screen violence. On-screen violence and real-life are very different. Watching a hooker get beaten with a bat in GTA, or watching some screwed up footage on some weird website is one thing. Seeing it happen in real life three feet away from you is something else entirely...

Also, they failed to mention how long this state of desesitization lasts. Is it for an hour or so, or are you immune to violent images forever?
I Agree With Femme It Is Just A Scapegoat For Bad Parenting Besides If You Watch What You Kids Play They Should Not Be Playing Games Like GTA Anyway. It Gets Alot Of Attention Because It Makes Massive Money. The Same Thing Happened With Movies And TV And Still Today With Music.
What the hell does scapegoat mean? :p

This quote sums up my view:"You know, I think if parents would spend less time worrying about what their kids watch on TV and more time worrying about what's going on in their kids' lives, this world would be a much better place."

If they do happen to become psychotic killers it wasn't a result from the video game it was a result of how there parents raised there child and how he reacts too what hes experienced.Violent video games aren't all that bad, i played them growing up and there awesome fun but theres gotta be a limit of how much your making your child play whether thats watching TV or playing video games.

If you didn't know what TV was you'd be incredibly happy throwing rocks at a wall and climbing trees with friends but this video game buisness provides an alternate reality kind of shuts you off from the rest the world and at a young age when your trying to define your 'personality' and learning life skills,i think too many video games in the picture can be harmful.The only difference violence makes is going"WOW BLOOOOD COOL" and probably gives the child a more egoistic personality after playing it everyday whether that turns into anger or confidence issues.But I'm only talking about kids after too much play, clearly older people are responsible enough to handle video game violence lol.

All in all its moderation like anything in is this world moderation is always good,too much or too little may be harmful or not satisfying enough for various reasons.
Hoady;73925 said:
What the hell does scapegoat mean? :p
A scapegoat is a person or an identifiable group that is forced or made to take the blame for others, or to suffer in their place. :)

Anyway, I agree with your entire post Hoady.
I agree with previous posts.Parents should watch what video games they`re kids play,and also Tv/Movies,it can harm,my little sister watched violence anime,it was really violence,her behaviour changed,she started shout and get mad very easy,i said to my mom what she watch,luckily she talk to my sister that she can`t watch that.
La Femme Fatale;73953 said:
A scapegoat is a person or an identifiable group that is forced or made to take the blame for others, or to suffer in their place. :)

Anyway, I agree with your entire post Hoady.

You Had A Much Better Explanation Of Scapegoat. Thanks Mine Just Came Off The Top Of My Head.