What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Still funny to imagine, though.

Lecturer 1: "Let's discuss the case of Jen."
Lecturer 2: "Who?"
Lecturer 1: "You know, the one with the bra..."
Lecturer 2: "Oh, her! Now I remember. Yeah, I think she had some very nice... um... arguments."

Result: A+
(or whatever letters/numbers/signs you use for grades in Britain)
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But their job is to judge your qualifications and a minor wardrobe malfunction isn't changing that.
If they were unprofessional and did let it affect your grade, it'd very likely be to your benefit. :p Relax, it wasn't your skirt/pants falling down.
Gosh, that would have been a hell of a lot worse. I'm hoping it won't affect it, they're nice lecturers so hopefully they'll be lenient about it.
Still funny to imagine, though.

Lecturer 1: "Let's discuss the case of Jen."
Lecturer 2: "Who?"
Lecturer 1: "You know, the one with the bra..."
Lecturer 2: "Oh, her! Now I remember. Yeah, I think she had some very nice... um... arguments."

Result: A+
(or whatever letters/numbers/signs you use for grades in Britain)
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Sorry, it can't be easy being injured. But some things are easier to handle. Have you thought about pepper spray? An electronic shock device could work too (if they are legal) but pepper spray is simpler. I don't think your pets could possibly trigger it, and it should be possible to find a safe place to put it anyway. There are also pocket-size alarm devices that draws attention in an emergency.
I don't know if this helps, but it's the best ideas I can think of.

Hmm... I'm moving to a new house soon that has alarms. As for an electric shocky thing... That's how I damaged my nerves. I always make somebody else plug in things for me or take things out of the electrical socket. I'm scared of electricity now (odd since I play so many videl games).

I'm thinking that people need to stop talking trash about I Know What You Did Last Summer. I don't care what anyone thinks about it now, that movie scared the **** out of all the haters in the 90's and it's actually still a pretty good movie even to this day. Holds up much better over the years than some others I could name.

Also thinking that it doesn't need a reboot/remake so Hollywood should just move on. Get some new ideas, guys. The movie isn't even 20 yet.
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Honestly, I think movies should only be remade if the original was fundamentally flawed or, depending on the movie, if the remake was to follow the original source material better, like John Carpenter's The Thing.

Most remakes are worse than the original. I get offended when a good movie is remade into something terrible (Carrie) or when the characters look nothing like the original... In Footloose, who's this new dude that's supposed to be like Kevin!?
I don't think Remakes are always bad. Sometimes it takes a sh*tty remake to TRULY appreciate the original XD. Seriously though, I never judge a remake until I see it. There's been some good ones AND some bad ones. Examples:

Mr. Deeds (Remake of "Mr. Deeds Comes to Town)
John Carpenter's The Thing (Remake of The Thing)
House on Haunted Hill (Wasn't BETTER than the Original, but certainly wasn't BAD)
The Evil Dead (TOTALLY Different, but EQUALLY Brilliant)

Red Dawn (Not that the ORIGINAL was very good lol)
The Amazing Spider-Man (Reboot of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man Films)
Total Recall
Technically, the first 15 minutes or so of Evil Dead 2: Dead Before Dawn is a retelling of The Evil Dead. d:

And I'd like to add RoboCop (2014) to the Bad side of things.
Yeah, I refused to watch RoboCop...And Evil Dead 2 is actually a remake of the first Evil Dead as a whole. So technically The Evil Dead was a remake of a remake. I'm a big Bruce Campbell fan XD And Sam Raimi for that matter.
CT: Today I was shopping with my sister and she told me there was no way I could walk in these five-inch heels. While I was trying to put them on, the tips of the heels were so sharp that when I accidentally hit my toe with one I started bleeding and got blood all over the floor. You could use those shoes to murder somebody. Do people not test these things out??
Apparently phones expire?? I had to get a new phone yesterday, because I was told my old one an older model, and therefore wouldn't be working within 2 weeks time on the current plan.
CT: I'm depressed. Remember this cool, iconic and terrifying scene from Tomb Raider 2013?


Well, until today I at least thought it was all those things. Turns out the red liquid she's submerged in isn't actually blood. Ugh! That makes this entire scene so much less cool!

And now I've ruined it for all of you too. You're welcome.
It's funny to think that Eyes Wide Shut is widely considered Stanley Kubrick's worst film even though for most other directors, it could be their very best. Just goes to show how high Kubrick set the bar for himself, I guess.
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I finished a project last night which I have been working on since July.
And have shared it today with positive feedback :)
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