Flawed from your point of view. Please stop putting me down and telling me that what I think is false and that your opinion and views are the only correct ones. I don´t like it when people I don´t even know call me flawed. Frankly I am getting really tired of this. Please just don´t say anything right now just for the sake of making another remark and just leave me alone. Your last comment was just petty and only meant to put me down and insult me and make me feel bad. It contributed nothing to the issue or the subject to this thread and was completely unnecessary. Dont´t reply to me just to be an ass. Thats just disrespectful.
Your logic is flawed by definition. Look:
That's what you did. You said I couldn't disprove the multiverse, therefore it could exist. You were appealing to ignorance, (which goes well with your also ignorant "exactly" comment above). This has nothing to do with opinions, you claiming otherwise is another fallacy entirely.
Not trying to put you down here, but you tried to make me the bad guy just because you took offence to a debate that opposed what you think is true. And yes, we're straying off topic but I wanted that to be said.
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