Resident Evil (2002) / HD Remaster (2015) Whose scenario is canon - Chris or Jill's?

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Which scenario is canon?

  • Chris

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Jill

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 24 88.9%

  • Total voters

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Mar 16, 2009
Hi all,

So I decided to purchase the Remaster since I haven't touched this game since university, and I hadn't noticed it before but the ending struck me as odd. I presume that Wesker captures and imprisons whichever character you didn't choose to play with at the beginning of the game and thus you never run into the other main character. The best ending with Jill is with Chris and Barry being alive, and the best ending with Chris is Jill and Rebecca being alive. But Chris never meets (up with) Barry nor Rebecca with Jill - at all. It seems strange that Capcom wouldn't try to amalgamate these two scenarios so that Chris and Jill scan save both Rebecca and Barry.

We do see Barry again in the series (aside from just mercenaries), but not Rebecca, although I believe there was a file that said she was alive in a latter game. So is the canon scenario then some weird mix of both Chris and Jill's experiences? I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question...
I´d say both. Because we know it´s canon that Barry and Rebecca survive and each of those appear only in one of the two scenarios. It´s too bad that even the Remake does not interconnect the two scenarios like RE 2 did to create one whole narrative.

There is one scene that plays out differently in the two scenarios which is the "death" of Wesker. That´s really the only moment where only one version can be canon. Personally I prefer it when the Tyrant impales Wesker. But apart from that both scenarios are pretty much canon which simply switch the place of Chris/Jill in the prison cell.

Btw the stage play "Biohazard: The Stage" where Rebecca plays a major role has also been declared as canon by Capcom (Plus she will most likely be in the "Resident Evil: Vendetta" movie that releases next year) so Rebecca is 100 % alive.
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I'm pretty sure it's a mixture of both seeing as how both Rebecca and Barry live through the game. I imagine it being a bit like the Umbrella Conspiracy novel where both scenarios are going on simultaneously with all the characters running around, just barely missing each other.
I imagine it being a bit like the Umbrella Conspiracy novel where both scenarios are going on simultaneously with all the characters running around, just barely missing each other.

However that does not work anymore once you reach the lab as the Tyrant only escapes once and Wesker cannot die twice in different ways by the Tyrants hand. Also either Chris or Jill are always in that prison cell, they are never both free at the same time.
Well its hard to say which is canon by looking at the game alone. But the bits and pieces from the other games may help.

According to
- A file in RE2 we know that Rebecca was one of the survivors of the Mansion incident.
- The Second ending of RE3 and of course the whole Revelations 2 proves that Barry has survived.
- Chris's encounter with Wesker in Code Veronica suggests that Wesker believes that Chris came to the Rockfort island and Antarctica to stop him.
- The fact that Wesker didn't kill Jill and used her in RE5 may suggest that Wesker knew that Chris was looking for her.
- We also know that Chris received some Intel about Jill being in Africa. So its possible to say that Wesker was behind it?

So from that i'd say that Chris's scenario was Canon. And Barry survived on foot. After all Barry is the Weapon Specialist and he had a magnum. So his chances of surviving is much high.
Yeah, I don't think Chris and Jill are ever exploring the mansion at the same time. Jill was clearly taken by Wesker when Chris went to investigate the dining room, and Chris was attacked by... someone/something/Barry at the fireplace. I think if Capcom wanted us to believe they were both active you'd suddenly come across unlocked doors that were previously locked, or we'd have an actual scene or two of them barely missing each other.
Yeah, I don't think Chris and Jill are ever exploring the mansion at the same time. Jill was clearly taken by Wesker when Chris went to investigate the dining room, and Chris was attacked by... someone/something/Barry at the fireplace. I think if Capcom wanted us to believe they were both active you'd suddenly come across unlocked doors that were previously locked, or we'd have an actual scene or two of them barely missing each other.

The thing that attacks Chris/Jill at the fireplace is Lisa Trevor. You can clearly see her shackled hands hitting them on the head. What you said about Chris scenario being canon can be easily applied to Jills scenario too though. Chris could have entered the mansion when Jill and Barry were in the dining room, is then ambushed by Wesker who takes him away. Once Jill and Barry return to the hall, both are gone.
I'd probably say neither of them are fully canon. While both scenarios have a lot of elements and moments that are considered canon, they don't really make sense when you put them together unlike RE2 where if you take, for example, Claire A it matches up with Leon B except for a few gameplay instances like keys and doing the same puzzles twice.

I always thought it would be good if they made a CGI movie telling the canon events of RE1.
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The thing that attacks Chris/Jill at the fireplace is Lisa Trevor. You can clearly see her shackled hands hitting them on the head. What you said about Chris scenario being canon can be easily applied to Jills scenario too though. Chris could have entered the mansion when Jill and Barry were in the dining room, is then ambushed by Wesker who takes him away. Once Jill and Barry return to the hall, both are gone.
Okay, I feel like a bit of an idiot for never piecing together that it was Kenneth's blood at the fireplace in the dining room until now... I always thought that it was Chris' blood and that's where he was attacked by Wesker and/or Barry. I know that Lisa Trevor attacked them in the cabin. You're right that Capcom probably did intend for Chris to enter the mansion when Barry and Jill were in the dining room and be attacked by Wesker immediately. In that case, they probably should have had Chris drop his lighter so that the storytelling was a bit more fluid.

And I agree @Loki, it would be nice to have a CGI movie version of the first game that would provide a consistent narrative about what happened. :)
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Neither of them are fully canon. They were probably exploring on their own, then met up and confronted Wesker together, like in Umbrella Chronicles, and Chris did most of the talking, or they could've met up right after Chris confronted him. Jill played Moonlight Sonata in the mansion, she references it in LiN, so she couldn't have been locked up the whole time. I doubt they would make a reference like that only for her to have just played it in her own time. Then there's the Jill sandwich references. I mean, they could just like to talk about sandwiches, but then Moira asks if Barry tells everyone that story (though that was in the localized version, people always say that the Japanese version is the canon one and she didn't say that in that version, so I wasn't gonna bring it up originally). It could go either way with Barry in the mansion, leaving on his own or in the helicopter.
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Okay, I feel like a bit of an idiot for never piecing together that it was Kenneth's blood at the fireplace in the dining room until now... I always thought that it was Chris' blood and that's where he was attacked by Wesker and/or Barry. I know that Lisa Trevor attacked them in the cabin. You're right that Capcom probably did intend for Chris to enter the mansion when Barry and Jill were in the dining room and be attacked by Wesker immediately. In that case, they probably should have had Chris drop his lighter so that the storytelling was a bit more fluid.

And I agree @Loki, it would be nice to have a CGI movie version of the first game that would provide a consistent narrative about what happened. :)

Oh my bad, I thought you were talking about the scene when Chris is hit in the head by Lisa in the cabin, because there was also a fireplace there^^

I actually never drew the conclusion that the blood in the dining room is Chris´blood. I always thought it was from someone from Bravo Team. Kenneth is a likely candidate but it could have been either one of them as well.

Neither of them are fully canon. They were probably exploring on their own, then met up and confronted Wesker together, like in Umbrella Chronicles, and Chris did most of the talking, or they could've met up right after Chris confronted him. Jill played Moonlight Sonata in the mansion, she references it in LiN, so she couldn't have been locked up the whole time. I doubt they would make a reference like that only for her to have just played it in her own time. It could go either way with Barry, leaving on his own or in the helicopter.

Actually Jill only said "I remember the last time I played this" . She did not specifically mention playing it in the mansion in 1998. With Jill obviously being a versed piano player she could have easily played it at some point between 1998 and 2006 again. Maybe she even has a piano at home.
Oh my bad, I thought you were talking about the scene when Chris is hit in the head by Lisa in the cabin, because there was also a fireplace there^^

I actually never drew the conclusion that the blood in the dining room is Chris´blood. I always thought it was from someone from Bravo Team. Kenneth is a likely candidate but it could have been either one of them as well.
Ah, I always thought Barry's 'I hope this isn't Chris blood' was a means to throw Jill off and alleviate any suspicion she might have of him later - pretend he didn't know what happened there when really he and Wesker attacked Chris there.

Actually Jill only said "I remember the last time I played this" . She did not specifically mention playing it in the mansion in 1998. With Jill obviously being a versed piano player she could have easily played it at some point between 1998 and 2006 again. Maybe she even has a piano at home.
That's true, but she does sound like she's harkening back to the Spencer Mansion. Chris comes back with something along the lines of 'seems like ages ago, doesn't it?'. They absolutely could be referring to another time Jill played the Moonlight Sonata when they were together, but I'd be surprised if that wasn't a callback to RE1.
That's true, but she does sound like she's harkening back to the Spencer Mansion. Chris comes back with something along the lines of 'seems like ages ago, doesn't it?'. They absolutely could be referring to another time Jill played the Moonlight Sonata when they were together, but I'd be surprised if that wasn't a callback to RE1.

well the exact dialogue is:

JILL: Hm..Moonlight Sonata. I remember the last time I played this.

CHRIS: Think you can still play it ?

JILL: You mean right now ? I don´t know, it´s been a while.

That does not really indicate the mansion for me. "a while" can be anything from a few months to 8 years. Of course the very element of the piano and that song (like pretty much everything in that episode) is meant as a reference to RE 1 by the developers for sure but just from an in-story point of view Jill could have easly referred to another time where she played the song on piano as well.
Yeah, I don't think Chris and Jill are ever exploring the mansion at the same time. Jill was clearly taken by Wesker when Chris went to investigate the dining room, and Chris was attacked by... someone/something/Barry at the fireplace. I think if Capcom wanted us to believe they were both active you'd suddenly come across unlocked doors that were previously locked, or we'd have an actual scene or two of them barely missing each other.
Okay, I'm not having a good day remembering RE stuffs! For some reason I was thinking of when Jill jumps onto the table and they talk about Spencer Mansion over the radio, lol. Time for me to just bow out.

I still do think she was talking about playing MS back in RE 1, though. 'It's been a while' could just be a reference to playing piano in general, not just that piece of music. If canon is a mixture of both stories, then Jill could have easily been the person who canonically plays the music. But then that would mean that Chris was imprisoned and I don't think that either... ugh!

I don't know! Now that we're actually talking about this it seems like the first game's storyline isn't as strong as I'd initially thought it was.
Okay, I'm not having a good day remembering RE stuffs! For some reason I was thinking of when Jill jumps onto the table and they talk about Spencer Mansion over the radio, lol. Time for me to just bow out.

yeah that´s another dialogue ;)

JILL: Kinda takes you back, doesn´t it?

CHRIS: To Raccoon City? Unfortunately yeah. That´s where all this started.

JILL: Hard to believe that was already 8 years ago. Guess I am getting older.

CHRIS: You´re not the only one

I'v always wondered this. It's a confusing one because bits of both scenarios are canon, and bit's of both aren't. There's a Jill sandwich reference from Claire AND a mansion reference from Barry in Revelations 2. Meanwhile Barry never set foot in the mansion in Chris' scenario ( iv given up with this one, iv pretty much concluded Barry was running around the Arklay forest all night lol) the RE3 ending and epilouge also showed us Barry survived in the main canon so if Barry was in the mansion (which he was considering the references and how he's been telling the Jill sandwich story to everyone according to Moira) only Jill's can be canon. At the same time in Jill's scenario, Rebecca never appears. And a file in RE2 said both Barry and Rebecca are mansion survivors. Plus Rebecca's coming back for a CGI film, so obviously she survived in the main canon too. So if Rebecca was in the mansion, which according to files in later games she was, only Chris' can be canon. It's got to be a mixture of both i suppose, Chris, Jill, Barry , Rebecca and Brad all survived in the main canon but you can never get that ending no matter how you play. Just when you think you have it down, the other characters scenario contradicts it. It would make much more sense if it was done in the style of RE2, with Jill and Chris having a scenario each happening at the same time.
Funny thing is that even Capcom is confused by its own canon. Chris killed Wesker in 2009 but in 2013 Chris said "It´s been three years since I killed Wesker". Well it´s actually been four.
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Funny thing is that even Capcom is confused by its own canon. Chris killed Wesker in 2009 but in 2013 Chris said "It´s been three years since I killed Wesker". Well it´s actually been four.
True and i remember when RE6 was coming out, it was advertised everywhere as " It's been ten years since the Raccoon City incident'. Well actually the Raccoon City incident was in 1998, RE6 happens in 2012/13. That's 14-15 years later.
I think Jill and Barry did most of the exploring and puzzles, and Chris and Rebecca mainly found out about Wesker and confronted him in the lab.
True and i remember when RE6 was coming out, it was advertised everywhere as " It's been ten years since the Raccoon City incident'. Well actually the Raccoon City incident was in 1998, RE6 happens in 2012/13. That's 14-15 years later.

Yeah even RE 5 took place 11 years after the Raccoon City incident. But to be fair the RE writers and developers have little to none influence over the PR. The Capcom suits are in charge of that stuff.