Love me some sprite-based first person shooters. Back when every FPS was a Doom Clone.
I will leave these mysterious steps for you to possibly go through with depending on your current situation at this time.
Step 1. Choose the Gunslinger perk.
Step 2. Unlock the Rack 'em Up skill.
Step 3. Use the Rack 'em Up skill.
Step 4. Pop heads.
Step 5. Refer to Step 4.
Started playing Hokuto ga Gotoku (a yakuza-esque fist of the north star). ITS SOOOOO GOOOOOD
just fought this guy (anybody who watched the anime would know him)
been replaying Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, it has THE best dragon from any franchise imo
Grigori SO GOOD
Lately, I've been playing Silent Hill: Downpour. It kind of sucks. I've had it since 2012 too, but I just wasn't keen on it back then. Since I had never finished it or even played that much of it at all, and I had nothing else I wanted to play recently, I decided to give it another go. It's surprising when fans of a certain franchise not to want to finish an entry that is a part of it.
For ages, I got lost in a library with these invisible mannequins and banshees, before I realized that all Murphy had to do was use the I.D. card in the elevator to go to the top floor to meet the DJ. There's no boss fights in the game, but it is not terribly interesting in general.