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What would you do in a Zombie invasion !!!!!

v iBaxter

New Member
I am really suprised nobody has done this in a resident evil Forum so sorry if they have already.

What would u do in a zombie invasion !!!
( These are slow zombies not runners )

simple, post what u would do and escape ...or no escape!!!...

Personally i would grab a bag and fill it with water and food, then i would grab a lighter ( never know when u might need to burn a fire to get a map!!:lol: ) and any usefull weapons eg knifes, bats, posibble areosol spray to go with the lighter also red paint, then i would go outside and climb the house and jump my way towards my local market get on top of the shopping center and right help or sos and hope for some one to see me, if theat doesnt work i will continue to stay on high ground unless zombies can climb :blink: !!!... and get to the police station, roundhouse chuck norris style the zombies, get as many guns as possible and learn to drive a car make it towards marina and steal a boat and wait for help or travel the zombie infested country side off great britain searching for survivours.


Hmmm... not much i can do with how tiny i am...well take everything i can grab good old reliable metal baseball bat and run... i would die in the first hour.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
As Romero said, we did have that topic - but it's been 4 months since it was last updated, so we'll stick to this one.

Anyway, in a zombie invasion, I'd probably die.


Her royal court joker
La Femme Fatale;62460 said:

Anyway, in a zombie invasion, I'd probably die.
Could you not ban them or sumthing? :(

In the case of a zombie invasion I would get my S&W magnum and my shotgun and head for the woods.

v iBaxter

New Member
it sucks u cant buy guns in britain like in america thats why i would chuck norris everyone.


Hard To Kill
Put on my olive cargo pants and my navy blue shirt get some elbow and knee pads and solve this alone my own way. Don't forget "This is war. Survival is you responsibility.


Jupiter Jazz
I'd unleash my inner psycho, it really wouldnt be difficult haha. but wouldnt it be such a mess if that happend, I think the first thing id wonna do is check if everyone was okay like friends an family but really, I'd need to find a safe haven to hideout

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Romero;62462 said:

Could you not ban them or sumthing? :(
Well, I'm not sure how efficient my banning powers would be in the real world, but if there was a zombie invasion of this forum sure, I imagine the banhammer might work.
On second thought, we've already had an invasion of mindless, brainless, flesh-eating individuals *coughTDotcoughcoughcough*.


Her royal court joker
Weskers Shades;62465 said:
it sucks u cant buy guns in britain like in america thats why i would chuck norris everyone.
I guess your gun laws are similar to ours. We need special licenses. I don't like it. The criminals always get guns, law-abiding citizens have a hard time getting license. End of rant.

That was a really cool Norris picture, let's hope that was a colmillo and not someones dog..

v iBaxter

New Member
yeah i think britain i worse than america for deveolping young crime i am civalised and smart so i dont where burbey caps listen to 50 cent and where tracksuits wandering the streets aimlessly trying to be hard.


Jupiter Jazz
haha That sounds just like me!! Not.
I dont dig those caps I'm not chav haha But 50 Cent is fine, he has good songs, I own tracksuits too...

I have morals though... soo please don't assume Im a dirty chav that mugs little grannys and kids lol

v iBaxter

New Member
Rap is crap most artists today all they care about is money, all they do is talk about sex girls and drugs what happend to real music...


Jupiter Jazz
Dunno man It's all out there you just gotta find it haha Im going off topic though but this is a disscussion maybe worth carrying on in another thread maybe.


Well-Known Member
Establish a safe room/house of some kind I can sleep in, then spend my days murdering as many Zombies as I can (dream come true) until there are no more. I will be the apocalypse to the undead.
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