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Watched the movie Mama and was pretty impressed. Really makes me regret Silent Hills not coming to fruition as one scene from this movie reminded me a bit of the demo and was very freaky. The ending was a bit of a drag though.

Thirty Days of Night one of my favorite vampire flicks- next to Near Dark. It was eerie and fun. But that ending was yet another drag. Can't all live happily ever after though I guess.
Saw Justice League last night and I thought it was great. I honestly don't know why this is even getting sh*t on so much, meanwhile, crap like Spider-Man Homecoming and Thor Ragnarok is praised beyond belief. People made this movie out to be such a huge mess of a film that my expectations were seriously low and I was just waiting and waiting for those sh*tty moments to take me out of the film and it never happened.

I've seen people sh*t on Steppenwolf for being a terrible villain and while he's rather forgettable, he serves his purpose well. Steppenwolf isn't the reason to watch this film nor did I expect him to be such a compelling villain. At least he wasn't non-threatening like Loki in the first Avengers film or making dumb jokes like Ultron. He gave the League someone to fight and they delivered on that perfectly.

The CGI was also talked about quite a lot as being all over the place and questionable for a big budget film, yet it looks just like any other CGI heavy superhero movie. Yeah, there were a couple of shots where you can tell Henry Cavill's upper lip is off, there were also two obvious use of green screen during two separate Aquaman close-ups, and Steppenwolf is definitely not the best looking CGI character, but is any of this new or specific to this film? Not trying to make excuses for the film's shortcomings, but why exactly do I only see people bitch about these things when it appears in a DC film but never any Marvel film? It’s like when it happens in a DC film, the problem gets so damn amplified but during a Marvel film, it gets glossed over.

As much as I would have loved to see a longer version of the film, what I saw was satisfactory. It got to the point, it made sense, and told a linear and cohesive story without any boring and drawn out subplots. My only real gripe so far is a huge inconsistency regarding Superman.

At the end of BvS, we clearly see the dirt on his grave about to rise as if he’s about to fly out of his coffin, yet in this movie, he’s definitely dead and needs to be resurrected? What the f*ck happened? Superman’s characterization was also really forced. They keep talking about how Superman was a beacon and when he comes back, he’s so happy and 100% Superman-like, and it’s so unearned. BvS showed us that the world was split on Superman so while he was a beacon to a lot of people, he was also hated by a lot as well. This was a huge conflict for Superman on both sides and it never got truly resolved. On one hand, he’s hated and doesn’t understand the backlash, then he’s worshipped and looks to be unhappy with that too, and then he’s horrified by all the terrible situations he’s put in and suddenly we’re shown this side of him in the opening that we’ve never seen before? Are we just supposed to accept that he was always this guy despite never having been shown this in previous movies? It felt too much like a course correction and not a natural development.

With that said, I still enjoyed him in the film very much. It was refreshing to see him actually act like Superman and his fight with the League had to be my favorite part of the whole movie. Just the way he was destroying them and not weak for once like in the cartoons was so damn epic. Especially that moment where he spots the Flash running and you can feel Barry’s fear

The team dynamic in this film was just spot on. Each character had their moment with each member in the team and had great chemistry with each other. That alone makes Justice League a success for me because I want to see more of these characters. I want to see them in more movies together and be as entertaining as they were here.

In all honesty, I like this better than any of the Avengers films. The Justice League has just always been a better team with a better cast of characters, and seeing them on film for the first time and done this well, means more to me than seeing a bunch of B characters get together on screen. Not to mention, like Wonder Woman, the humor was balanced a lot better than most of Marvel’s flicks and like Man of Steel and BvS, there are lots of great moments and spectacular looking shots, which I’ve always felt DC did better than Marvel. The shorter length of the movie and it’s easy to follow story also make it a great rewatch, which I will definitely be doing. With that said however, it’s by no means a perfect movie. It has plenty of flaws and may not even be a better movie than something like Wonder Woman or The Avengers on a technical level, but I sure as hell enjoyed my time with it greatly.
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I just saw Justice League and, tbh, it was fun. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, but I enjoyed myself. The only characters I was kinda eh about was Cyborg, Superman and Lois Lane. I liked everyone else a lot. The plot was fine, better than Batman vs Superman's, imo.
I´m sorry if someone gets offended by this, not my intention at all, i repeat, NOT MY INTENTION.
But this has to be the funniest F chet i´ve ever seen in my life!!!

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Reactions: bSTAR_182
No gunshots. Nice, easy and painless.

A total F disaster. Not only they killed the guy who didn´t even have a gun (had a flip-flop), but they also killed their own police dog...Bravo!

You know why? -FEAR-
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I´m sorry if someone gets offended by this, not my intention at all, i repeat, NOT MY INTENTION.
But this has to be the funniest F chet i´ve ever seen in my life!!!


Love it! Apone’s Laugh hahaha!

Yeah, it's getting pretty bad.
At the start of the season, my reasons for watching were:
-Trev- er, Simon
-Negan's humour.
Now, one of those reasons is dead, another was bitten and is dying, things aren't looking so well for two more, one is apparently going to Fear instead, and one is in the background most of the time.
I quit watching the newest season after the second episode. They really are dragging this season by showing too many lame and or useless characters (ahem Tera) and Jesus ****ed me off in the last episode I watched where he bickered with Morgan in the middle of war. Not enough Negan.
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You guys, I bought the entire series of the original My Little Pony shows! All the nostalgia. Thought you’d all find that pretty cool. ;p
I'm finally watching Detroit. I meant to see it sooner, but never got around to seeing it in theaters. For all the controversy surrounding this movie, I hear it's actually a good-to-great film buried behind tons of race-baiting, the discrepancy between Metacritic user and critic scores seem to reflect that. Plus it's got my boy, John Boyega.

It reminds me of the backlash the live-action Ghost in the Shell got for its whitewashing (though they did make Scarlett Jo kinda look Asian), except it wasn't even a good movie sans the controversy. While Detroit's audience score is mixed, GitS was universally-panned by both audiences and critics alike.
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So I finally got around to watching Rogue One and holy crap what a badass movie. Everyone said it was good but no one told me it was gonna compete for that number one spot as my all time favorite Star Wars flick. It’s up there and just as good as the original flicks- perhaps better though all the nostalgia is making me think twice to completely give it that number one spot.

Not sure if this is even a spoiler at this point, but damn I can’t get over that end scene with Darth Vader. I was shouting at the screen. So well done.
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