Listening to Chris Redfield- I mean Roger Graig Smith talk about Ram trucks really revs my engine.
There have been so many HUNK theories that it's almost surprising that there haven't been people insisting that Natalia or Lottie is HUNK.
I smell a franchise crossover! :biggrin:...HUNK is the Boba Fett of Resident Evil.
Since I recently got into Mass Effect, I wonder: Why can't RE have the same (optional) romance mechanics? Everyone, no matter who they ship, would be happy. :razz: But then again, Mass Effect really lets you play out all the love stories you always wanted, but never got to see in RE, since half of the cast of RE is present anyway:
Starting with your playable character who, with little effort, can be played like this game universe's version of Chris ...
... then there's Jill ...
... Ada ...
... Piers ...
... Wesker ...
... Jake ...
... Sherry ...
... Rebecca ...
... Claire ...
... and even someone called Ashley, although that's where the similarities end.
Almost every somewhat important person you meet in the game (except villains) can be romanced sooner or later, and I'm only halfway through Mass Effect 2 so far, so maybe I'll encounter even more RE characters scattered over the Milky Way. Can't wait to find out!
Perhaps it doesn't seem that way to someone who isn't actively looking for those similarities (which, admittedly, I was), but once you see it, you can't unsee it. Take Jill and Miranda, for example, who only differ because Miranda has an actual personality. Rebecca and Kelly are even more blatant: Same looks, same last name, they're quite the cuties, both take care of their teammates' health in one way or another, both are smart and overqualified for their positions, both can die horribly later in the game if you don't save them in time. They may not be similar personality-wise (or maybe they are, I don't know Kelly that well yet), but all those other things caught my eye so quickly that I can't even imagine how another RE fan could possibly miss them. Something else that is more subjective on my part, but also added to my impression of the characters: It always seemed to me that, even though she never expressed a wish for it out loud, Rebecca probably wouldn't have minded getting into Chris's pants someday, and Kelly obviously has a thing for you...
I love the game so far. And believe it or not, I haven't actually started a romance yet.
I've been wondering what they're doing, too. Hmm... was it really a "negative" reaction though? Most of the posts I've seen about it have just been speculating if it's Chris or not and about his looks.Also I'm wondering what the hell Capcom is changing with the Not a Hero DLC. How bad was it? Maybe it was the negative reaction to "Redfield".
I've been wondering what they're doing, too. Hmm... was it really a "negative" reaction though? Most of the posts I've seen about it have just been speculating if it's Chris or not and about his looks.
Even with a new engine, he could still look similar to how he used to, though. Chris's look has always been somewhat consistent, and it doesn't really make sense to me if it was just a redesign in 7 to go back to his old look in Vendetta. I think this guy also looks younger than Chris has recently.I doubt it has to do with that. I mean it's possible but his looks were changed but I doubt it because of the new engine and photogrammetry. That's probably as close to Chris Redfield as they could get with the new engine. Plus this is hardly the first time they changed Chris's appearance and hardly the most drastic. I mean Chris went from Blue eyes in the early games to Brown eyes from RE5 forward. I think they changed them to brown for the RE HD Remake but I could be wrong but even still....
Plus does this new Chris reeeeeally look that different from Chris Redfield outside of our short term memories? The new "Blue Umbrella" Chris Redfield looks far more like Chris from RE1, UBC, and Code Veronica X than RE5, RE6, Rev, and Vendetta Chris ever did. He's just older and inline wit the new technology. Not to mention the RE5 and RE6 Chris had a more bulky design that fit that era of games and game design. Yeah it sucks that Capcom wasn't consistent but that's not going to stop them from releasing more games. Character design changes is a common practice in the gaming industry as we can add more details with better graphics or different fads come and go like the Gears of War style bulky arms or last gen
I believe Capcom is telling the truth when they say that they are delaying the "Not A Hero" DLC because they feel the quality is not up to par with the rest of the game. This is often the case when that claim is made with DLC. They likely want to spend more time polishing the content. After whether you were a fan of RE7 or not; it renewed a lot of peoples faith in Capcom's for those who were disappointed with RE6 and I think they want to ensure that quality is maintained and keep that momentum up. Hopefully the wait for the RE2 remake, Revelations 3, and even RE8 isn't as long the last gap of RE games.
Even with a new engine, he could still look similar to how he used to, though. Chris's look has always been somewhat consistent, and it doesn't really make sense to me if it was just a redesign in 7 to go back to his old look in Vendetta. I think this guy also looks younger than Chris has recently.
I'm sorry but you're saying that you can develop relationships for your characters in Mass Effect?!
Like you said, modifications can be made, though. Usually when I look at different models for the same characters, I can tell right away it's them, because while there might be some changes, it doesn't make me question if it's really them as they still have a lot of the traits of their other model(s). I mean, if this guy really is Chris, I'd be fine with it, I've just never seen a transformation this huge in character models. It just doesn't immediately strike me as Chris right now.While I agree with the topic of consistency and that how crazy different Vendetta Chris looks to this version which seems to be a realistic take of the original designs. I'm also not sure how that bulky version of Chris would work with Photogrammetry. They probably couldn't find a look alike (even if I can think of only one that's pretty much a splitting image of RE5's Chris) but he's not actor, he's a singer lmao.
That being said this video explains the scenario pretty well. Basically Photogrammetry is like what Death Stranding is doing. It's taking real actors and using them for the in game character models and animation. It skips A LOT of work. Keep in mind the model actors and the voice actors are different people. Modifications to the character models can be made in development if needed.
Here's a comparison of all the characters.
FREAKING LUCAS BAKER IS ON PAR. So is Pete and Andre, they even named them after their models but that Lucas tho!
I wonder if this is the route going forward. I kind of hope they don't change the iconic characters too much. Though I won't lie... with some minor modifications Matthew Mercer could both voice and model for an older Leon at his in game age lmao! Just as Julia Voth could fully model Jill Valentine. So it can work for some characters. Capcom started practicing this on a small scale with motion captures in Resident Evil Revelations 2 by modeling their characters after their motion capture characters. Elaine Hendrix played Alex Wesker and the model is based off of her.
Speaking of which. Not only are we waiting for the "Not A Hero" DLC which is free and seems to be a pivotal part of the game and apparently focused on Chris taking down Lucas Baker and hopefully shed more light on Blue Umbrella which is apparently a company that creates weapons specifically manufactured to destroy and eliminate B.O.W's and works closely with the B.S.A.A. and Red Umbrella still exists in the shadows and is lead by an unknown individual and the two of them are at war. Blue Umbrella is kind of resurrected from the old Umbrella but on the good side of things... I hope that leak is fake because it's kinda stupid imho and Capcom can do better, then again we don't know the depth and scale of it so it could work. I have other theories but I gotta question that leak since RE7 was accurately leaked prior to release *sighs* There's also another big DLC that is part of the Season Pass/Deluxe edition which is labeled as a "Story Episode" rather than "Banned Episodes". Could it be a flash back or an event that happened in the past that links to the current events and ties RE7 in the series on a deeper level? Evidence based on speculations and a little photo posted would likely point to a flash back but I'm not sure how it's going to tie in.... Related to Tentsu maybe? If Tentsu is the name. Based on RE7 Wesker's group H.C.F. worked with them and that would mean Tentsu is Umbrella's rival company. At least one of them sense we know of two now. Unless they are related. I guess we'll need to wait and find out because it's a freaking looper lmao!
Like you said, modifications can be made, though. Usually when I look at different models for the same characters, I can tell right away it's them, because while there might be some changes, it doesn't make me question if it's really them as they still have a lot of the traits of their other model(s). I mean, if this guy really is Chris, I'd be fine with it, I've just never seen a transformation this huge in character models. It just doesn't immediately strike me as Chris right now.