What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I can't find a general troubleshooting thread, so I'll ask here: Does anyone else have trouble with embedded videos on this page lately? I recently installed a new software on my home PC and thought it was because of that, but now I'm at work and I'm having the same problem here, too.

I haven't been able to watch embedded videos for a few days. All I see where the video should be is a black rectangle of the same size, sometimes with the letter Y in the bottom right corner. Clicking on the Y refreshes the page, but the "video" still looks the same afterwards. Videos on other pages, such as YouTube and Facebook, work fine, though.

@La Femme Fatale @Romero @Steve Powell
Looks to be an issue affecting WebKit/Blink-based browsers such as Chrome, as Firefox, Edge, IE, etc. all seem to be displaying the videos just fine.
I can't find a general troubleshooting thread, so I'll ask here: Does anyone else have trouble with embedded videos on this page lately? I recently installed a new software on my home PC and thought it was because of that, but now I'm at work and I'm having the same problem here, too.

I haven't been able to watch embedded videos for a few days. All I see where the video should be is a black rectangle of the same size, sometimes with the letter Y in the bottom right corner. Clicking on the Y refreshes the page, but the "video" still looks the same afterwards. Videos on other pages, such as YouTube and Facebook, work fine, though.

@La Femme Fatale @Romero @Steve Powell
Yes, I've had the same problem with embedded videos. I thought it was because of a browser add-on, or that it was YOUR fault. I hoped it was you, because you can be bribed with a cookie? My browser can't be bribed with a cookie.

Looks to be an issue affecting WebKit/Blink-based browsers such as Chrome, as Firefox, Edge, IE, etc. all seem to be displaying the videos just fine.
I'm not so sure. I had and still have the problem, and I don't use Webkit/Blink-based browser, I use a Presto based browser.
Yes, I've had the same problem with embedded videos. I thought it was because of a browser add-on, or that it was YOUR fault. I hoped it was you, because you can be bribed with a cookie? My browser can't be bribed with a cookie.

Why should it be me, though? I'm only the goddess of the dead, I have no control over the internet and embedded videos. My guess is that the old man who was staring at the young woman by the traffic lights is responsible for our problem, he's no longer doing his job properly because he spends all his time looking at beautiful women. Unfortunately, upgrading the forum didn't help in my case (I'm using Opera at home and Internet Explorer at work), but that's fine. I can live without embedded Videos.

But I'll take that cookie anyway, thank you.
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Well the Youtube videos are working for me now! :) That's good news.

CT: So I watched Suicide Squad and I don't know what to say. It's like they were trying to go in different directions with the movie and most of the footage ended up on the cutting room floor. So they tried to put it back together and made a montage with weird soundtrack. The story and narrative was incredibly weak as well. I did enjoy Harley and Diablo was amazing! I'm not quite sure what they were thinking with Killer Croc and Will Smith did not bring his A game this time around. Which left me a little more surprised than what ever Harley would cook in her EZ bake oven.

4.5/10 sounds fair? It was a mess but entertaining at times. Call me crazy but Batman vs Superman was much better. The story may have been bad, but the directing was much better and they had a movie. Even if it was all broken up, it was far more coherent.

CCT: This is too awesome to not share. The only problem is that she gets weaker with each evolution. You'll wanna spam the "B" button every time she tries to evolve xD
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Update: I don't know what you guys did, or if YouTube changed something again, but the embedded videos are working for me now. So I should post one too.

This new game from E3 has caught my attention. You're playing as a lost soul trying to escape a twisted version of my realm of the dead. Not much else is known about it so far, but it certainly looks interesting. (I know, I say that about all the games set in Hell or some other underworld, and in the end they turn out to be crappy anyway, or XBox exclusives, but... who knows about this one.) What do you think?
So, there's this British Assaulter guy in Evolve, Hyde.


He puts DmC Dante to shame when it comes to cursing, and he's always kind of the game's mascot, with his "Clumsy ****ing bastard!" when a Monster unintentionally alerts birds (not kidding, people sometimes asked the Monster player to alert birds just to have a laugh hearing him say that), or "Y'got me, I don't give a ****", or "I love melting ****ing faces", with that accent that makes it all the funnier.

Well, I got in a game where the Hyde player intentionally left the mic on and kept talking like Hyde the whole match. I'm sure everybody muted him but I left him on all the time cause I was having the best laughs of my life. :')

Can't watch the video right now but the way you described it got my attention. I'll let you know what I think later.
So, a really close family friend was in a bad accident last night with her daughter on their bike. Her arm is broken in three places, she had blood coming out of her nose and mouth, and you can see the bone in her daughter's leg. The hospital did some x-rays, then put them out in the waiting room again. All day they've been sitting there. It's ridiculous.
Why should it be me, though? I'm only the goddess of the dead, I have no control over the internet and embedded videos. My guess is that the old man who was staring at the young woman by the traffic lights is responsible for our problem, he's no longer doing his job properly because he spends all his time looking at beautiful women. Unfortunately, upgrading the forum didn't help in my case (I'm using Opera at home and Internet Explorer at work), but that's fine. I can live without embedded Videos.

But I'll take that cookie anyway, thank you.
But one of your spells could go wrong and have effect elsewhere. By the way, are gods doing sorcery or do we call it something else? lol

CT: What's the difference between a goddess and a mighty witch?

CT2: I should start playing Resi again, but I just have too many games.

I browsed YouTube for Resi cosplay, and found this:
Don't worry about it dude. It's totally cool, no offense here. Anyway, I doubt they'll change his look too much. Maybe different outfits but that's about it. I don't see anything drastic occurring like somehow not having tattoos or having a totally different make-up job.

Yes, but you're forgetting that those shows were developed to fit into an already established universe whereas Arrow and Flash existed before DC's cinematic universe was even established. Not to mention that those Netflix shows are higher budget projects and don't necessarily have any major affect on the movies. There's a huge disconnect with Netflix and the MCU that they'll hardly get in each other's way. Especially because they know what they can or cannot use. I can't speak for Agents of SHIELD as I've never seen it but the focus on entirely different and lesser characters than those seen on the big screen is a huge advantage though one that has kept me away from the series. It's just a completely different situation here. Before BvS even released and established a DC cinematic universe, Arrow already explored the Suicide Squad, Deathstroke, Ra's Al Ghul, introduced The Flash, and built this entire universe around itself and not once has Superman or Batman been mentioned yet Superman is supposed to be the center of attention and have this huge impact on the world yet you wouldn't be able to tell watching any of the TV shows. Which is actually how I feel about Daredevil and Jessica Jones. It's simply too late to mix the shows with the films. They've been doing their own thing and I think it's best that way.

As for The Defenders in Infinity War, I swear it'll be so lame if they can't get them in there. Infinity War needs to be the Swan Song of this whole Marvel universe. This is what everything has been building to and there needs to be a big payoff. Obviously, they're going to continue past Infinity War, but this needs to close the whole Thanos chapter and everyone should have a part in it. I'm just hoping Infinity War is this big cosmic event. That's all I've ever wanted from The Avengers and even the Justice League on the big screen. Guardians of the Galaxy introduced us to this massive universe outside of Earth and here have The Avengers stuck on Earth with no damn clue about this massive threat that they've been teasing since the first Avengers film.

I thought Ben Affleck was perfect. I didn't mind the whole branding thing or how brutal he was I'm general. The killing, was a bit excessive even though they didn't really emphasize the fact that people were being killed. Sort of like how Christian Bale's Batman killed a bunch of people though it was never as constant and obvious. I also really liked Jeremy Irons too. He got the character down perfect though it's funny that not one live action Alfred has ever sported a mustache or even been bald like Alfred is supposed to.
The only way that I can see the studio being able to drastically change Jokers look would be if he was horribly disfigured at some point in the solo Batman film. Or (if the fuss Jared's kicking up about Warner Bros interference and editing out of most of his scenes ends up with him either quitting or being fired) by recasting.

Good point. Maybe I'm just being picky. I know they can't retrofit their current shows into the DCEU, I just feel like DC might be missing a trick not having at least one TV show to tie into the films universe. Though now that the CW's aquired the broadcast rights for Supergirl and are bringing her into the Arrowverse, Superman is going to be established in that continuity, even if he's only going to be in the opening episode of her second season.

As for Agents of SHIELD, it's definitely improved after the initial shaky start it had. Once they tied the first series into the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (still my favourite Marvel movie, and I'm psyched that the Russo brothers are directing Infinity War) the show jumped up in quality and was able to form it's own identity from there, to the point now where they're bringing Ghost Rider into the mix. Which I'm cautiously optimistic about, considering this GR isn't gonna be Johnny Blaze, who most, if not all, the fans want to see. They're going with the latest incarnation, Robbie Reyes, who I'm not familiar with, but I've looked up the comic versions origin, and he's got a strong backstory with enough emotional heft to be quite a sympathetic character, so hopefully the show will do him some justice.

Infinity War is going cosmic, as far as I know. All the signs that the MCU is heading to the far reachs of the Marvel universe and beyond are there. We've got Doctor Strange this year bringing magic to the MCU, which opens up doors for characters like Mephisto and Dormammu, and he might be involved in IW, Captain Marvel's shooting soon, and her powers are of Kree origin, Hulks going on a cosmic road trip with Thor during Ragnarock, and the Guardians are coming back by popular demand. It'd be a bit pointless to have all this buildup, just to have it all happen on earth.

In retrospect, Ben Affleck definitely was a great casting choice, as was Jeremy Irons. And now I'm picturing him as Alfred, bald with a moustache, and in my head he's looking like the '90s animated series version. I can't tell if it works or not. Could someone please Photoshop a pic of Jeremy Irons bald with a pencil moustache so I can clear this up?
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I browsed YouTube for Resi cosplay, and found this:

So I decided to go buy those Skull Crusher headphones today. The quality isn't the highest but that's not the selling point. The bass rumble is ****ing awesome! And.... well..... the background music in the cosplay video made them shake a lil. I think Nemmy was creeping up behind the wall at the 2:30 mark! :O
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But one of your spells could go wrong and have effect elsewhere. By the way, are gods doing sorcery or do we call it something else? lol

CT: What's the difference between a goddess and a mighty witch?

Gods live in different realms than humans, are often the rulers of those realms (or the rulers of something at least), and can't die of old age. They don't necessarily have magic powers like witches usually do. That doesn't mean gods can't also be witches, though; it's neither mutually exclusive nor inclusive.

I happen to be a witch as well, but most of my powers only work in my realm, and I'm bending the rules a little because I'm currently residing in the realm of the living. But can you blame me? We don't have things like Resident Evil in Helheim. Only actual zombies. But I've been thinking about bringing about a revolution anyway - let there be videogames in the world of the dead!
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CT: I know that it has to be done and I understand why... But I do think a lot of the aspects of applying for a job are mostly bull. :P