To quote Chris Ray Gun, "I'm pretty sure the 2010's will go down in history as the year that all the jokes actually happened." And this is no exception. The idea that you're going to ban a work of fiction, because of 1 individual in a world of 7 billion, is not only moronic, but full on manufactured outrage. We have life so good and so simple, that we now can b*tch about violent works of fiction that you have the free will to choose whether or not you'd like to see. What a strange time to be alive.
Same here. I played Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat and GTA3 when I was in 7th grade and below and I grew up on Romero and the Terminator films (maybe the latter isn't the BEST example, but it's still an R-rated franchise with fairly gritty, bloody violence and would still be R today, contrary to what some people think; no, T2 would not be PG-13 today, stop it), and I never once felt the need to shoot up schools or facilities and there's millions of others at the same or even YOUNGER age who've played M-rated games without any trouble (there's tons of kids who play CoD online and have their parents buy it for them every year despite the fact that it's an M-rated game FFS).
The only people who would EVER commit violence after playing violent games and/or watching violent movies/TV shows are either A)stupid and can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality or B)were already psychotic. It's like not letting anyone at all drive because SOME people out of billions are idiots and kill/injure others while DUI.
Here's an idea: instead of blaming violent movies and/or videogames for violence, how about we start at home and blame lack of mental care?