What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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One week until Horizon Zero Dawn. This has been quite the year for us PS4 owners as far as exclusives are concerned. We've already been blessed with Nioh and Yakuza 0, and now we're getting arguably the biggest game of the year (next to Z:BOTW) in just one short friggin' week after a year-long delay! As if that weren't enough to excite, it's already got an 88 on MetaCritic.

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Resident Evil: Revelations is ungodly hard to find. Four walmarts, two game stops and one meijer later, nuthin'. One more gamestop and if it isn't there I'm ordering. :/
Jim Sterling made another video taking Nintendo to task for their shady practices regarding copyrights (or lack of):

I must admit: when he's not sucking off SJWs, Jim Sterling's actually fairly on-point about the gaming industry. Here, I couldn't agree more with him. Nintendo actively going out of their way to money grab, demonetize or even DMCA YouTubers legally using screenshots or clips of their games or commercials in reviews while simultaneously stealing the content of the creators themselves is a whole new level of insanity. Gotta love that a company that's so ridiculously anal about YouTubers using their content in their videos (legally, might I add) has no qualms whatsoever about placing it in ads in their videos without their permission. :lol:

Plus, if we stop allowing game footage to be used in YouTube reviews (which, newsflash: it qualifies as fair fuggin' use), then what next? Will using character's names be grounds for invalidating a review? How about we stop allowing review sites to use screen shots of games? Hell, why not start banning the use of the game in question's name in reviews and only allow them to be referred to by codenames? Because they sure AF own the rights to that.

I respect Nintendo as a developer, but as a publisher, they're really starting to give EA, Activision and Ubisoft a run for their money in terms of dickheadedness (I shouldn't say Konami, let's face it, no one's as bad as them), and that's saying a lot. So much that AngryJoe actually threatened to sue them if they dare to file a copyright claim on his planned Zelda: Breath of the Wild review (which you know they will because they're completely oblivious to copyright laws as Jim pointed out in the top video):

I hope AJ does sue them and wins big. Fact is, Nintendo doesn't have a legal leg to stand on here, they're just being dicks. :mad:
CT: That awkward moment when you're watching TV with friends, a video by the Bloodhound Gang comes on and you're like: "Hey, that was one of my favourite 90's songs!" ... But you've gotten older in the meantime, maybe learned a new language or two, you suddenly understand the lyrics, and then you're like:



Resident Evil: Revelations is ungodly hard to find. Four walmarts, two game stops and one meijer later, nuthin'. One more gamestop and if it isn't there I'm ordering. :/

Well, the game is four years old. :/ Did you find it in the meantime?
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Well, the game is four years old. :/ Did you find it in the meantime?
Yeah, I got it. Beat campaign a couple days ago. Working on unlocking HUNK in Raid Mode. Slow start so far, lol. The game's fun though.
Jim Sterling made another video taking Nintendo to task for their shady practices regarding copyrights (or lack of):

I must admit: when he's not sucking off SJWs, Jim Sterling's actually fairly on-point about the gaming industry. Here, I couldn't agree more with him. Nintendo actively going out of their way to money grab, demonetize or even DMCA YouTubers legally using screenshots or clips of their games or commercials in reviews while simultaneously stealing the content of the creators themselves is a whole new level of insanity. Gotta love that a company that's so ridiculously anal about YouTubers using their content in their videos (legally, might I add) has no qualms whatsoever about placing it in ads in their videos without their permission. :lol:

Plus, if we stop allowing game footage to be used in YouTube reviews (which, newsflash: it qualifies as fair fuggin' use), then what next? Will using character's names be grounds for invalidating a review? How about we stop allowing review sites to use screen shots of games? Hell, why not start banning the use of the game in question's name in reviews and only allow them to be referred to by codenames? Because they sure AF own the rights to that.

I respect Nintendo as a developer, but as a publisher, they're really starting to give EA, Activision and Ubisoft a run for their money in terms of dickheadedness (I shouldn't say Konami, let's face it, no one's as bad as them), and that's saying a lot. So much that AngryJoe actually threatened to sue them if they dare to file a copyright claim on his planned Zelda: Breath of the Wild review (which you know they will because they're completely oblivious to copyright laws as Jim pointed out in the top video):

I hope AJ does sue them and wins big. Fact is, Nintendo doesn't have a legal leg to stand on here, they're just being dicks. :mad:
Oh BOI. This FAT **** again.

Now, I agree with most points made on their youtube policy. But anything else? No. Y'all need to sit down. Nintendo games are the most sought after to the point where someone made a Wii U emulator for those who don't have one.

So you're causing Nintendo to lose profit because you don't want to cough up the dough. THAT's illegal first thing. Next that is bad for all parties. Reasons like this is why there is such hostility in the gaming industry lately. Who the hell would be remotely kind if they found out you got for free what they paid for? (Not everyone is like this but a lot are. I myself am.)

I'm reasonable. If you get it on a sale where I suckered in for full price? Good Job you had more self control than I did.

BUT. If you tell me that you did not legally buy it like the rest of us. And then straight up brag about it. (Many with Ems do that.) I WILL be upset. Especially if you start hating on it AND Nintendo for being garbage when you didn't lose squat. I will NOT be kind to you. I will be against you no matter what your justification is.

Now. On to the VC. You could say it's sketchy but the service is still 1000x times better than anything anyone else has. You can play classic games with no restrictions. No paying for a ****ty service. (Looking at you PS Now. Disgusting wench.) Now with the switch, Anywhere at any time. Hell. The fact this is even a complaint is stupid.
Although, I think it's more than fair if you owned and bought a game before and wish to play it on an emulator. You gave Ninty your money. The game belongs to you no matter what.

Aside from that? Sit down son, you deserve nothing. You pay for what you like. Or make your own thing.
That's how life has been. And how it will be.
CT: When I was in school, I started reading a teen series of books about a young girl who solves crimes. During parents evening, my English teacher (who was a bit of a stuck up cow) said to my parents that I was reading material that was too basic and that I could do with some more adult material. My parents didn't listen to her, per se, but they did start buying me some different books to read as well as these teen novels. Of course, I got hooked on those books and the series of teen novels got abandoned eventually.

However, I found one of the books the other day and wondered if they had made any more. I remembered when I got two of them for Christmas I stayed up to read both of them in one night. Long story short, I found the series online and now I'm reading them at 2am, so I've got extreme déjà vu from being thirteen years old. Yes they're simple and easy books to read, but you know what? They're lighthearted and I'm enjoying them as a change.

Sorry to disappoint you, Mrs. Berry. :P
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CT: When I was in school, I started reading a teen series of books about a young girl who solves crimes. During parents evening, my English teacher (who was a bit of a stuck up cow) said to my parents that I was reading material that was too basic and that I could do with some more adult material. My parents didn't listen to her, per se, but they did start buying me some different books to read as well as these teen novels. Of course, I got hooked on those books and the series of teen novels got abandoned eventually.

However, I found one of the books the other day and wondered if they had made anymore. I remembered when I got two of them for Christmas I stayed up to read both of them in one night. Long story short, I found the series online and now I'm reading them at 2am, so I've got extreme déjà vu from being thirteen years old. Yes they're simple and easy books to read, but you know what? They're lighthearted and I'm enjoying them as a change.

Sorry to disappoint you, Mrs. Berry. :P
Nancy Drew?
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Oh BOI. This FAT **** again.

Now, I agree with most points made on their youtube policy. But anything else? No. Y'all need to sit down. Nintendo games are the most sought after to the point where someone made a Wii U emulator for those who don't have one.

So you're causing Nintendo to lose profit because you don't want to cough up the dough. THAT's illegal first thing. Next that is bad for all parties. Reasons like this is why there is such hostility in the gaming industry lately. Who the hell would be remotely kind if they found out you got for free what they paid for? (Not everyone is like this but a lot are. I myself am.)

I'm reasonable. If you get it on a sale where I suckered in for full price? Good Job you had more self control than I did.

BUT. If you tell me that you did not legally buy it like the rest of us. And then straight up brag about it. (Many with Ems do that.) I WILL be upset. Especially if you start hating on it AND Nintendo for being garbage when you didn't lose squat. I will NOT be kind to you. I will be against you no matter what your justification is.

Now. On to the VC. You could say it's sketchy but the service is still 1000x times better than anything anyone else has. You can play classic games with no restrictions. No paying for a ****ty service. (Looking at you PS Now. Disgusting wench.) Now with the switch, Anywhere at any time. Hell. The fact this is even a complaint is stupid.
Although, I think it's more than fair if you owned and bought a game before and wish to play it on an emulator. You gave Ninty your money. The game belongs to you no matter what.

Aside from that? Sit down son, you deserve nothing. You pay for what you like. Or make your own thing.
That's how life has been. And how it will be.

Except, by Nintendo's own logic, it's PERFECTLY OKAY to pirate their games which was the main point of the whole video, a paradox if you will. After all, they sure AF don't respect YouTuber's rights when they go around stealing ad revenue, demonetizing or even outright taking down their videos for legally using their content. They've (unfairly) claimed more videos for "copyright infringement" or some other BS reason than Konami has FFS. What does that say about Nintendo when ****ing Konami is less anal about claiming **** than them? After all, those are the same assholes who CCed MGSV fan art on Twitter:

Funny how a company that gets so bent-out-of-shape about others using their footage (again, perfectly legally) or even just saying the word Nintendo has no problem putting it in ads in their vids against the wishes of the creators of said vids.

As for stealing, funny you should say that because that's exactly what Nintendo does every time they go around self-righteously claiming other's videos for no good reason whatsoever, which is quite often.

Like I said, I hope Joe or somebody does take them to court over this and wins big. This is BS.
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Except, by Nintendo's own logic, it's PERFECTLY OKAY to pirate their games which was the main point of the whole video, a paradox if you will. After all, they sure AF don't respect YouTuber's rights when they go around stealing ad revenue, demonetizing or even outright taking down their videos for legally using their content. They've (unfairly) claimed more videos for "copyright infringement" or some other BS reason than Konami has FFS. What does that say about Nintendo when ****ing Konami is less anal about claiming **** than them? After all, those are the same assholes who CCed MGSV fan art on Twitter:

Funny how a company that gets so bent-out-of-shape about others using their footage (again, perfectly legally) or even just saying the word Nintendo has no problem putting it in ads in their vids against the wishes of the creators of said vids.

As for stealing, funny you should say that because that's exactly what Nintendo does every time they go around self-righteously claiming other's videos for no good reason whatsoever, which is quite often.

Like I said, I hope Joe or somebody does take them to court over this and wins big. This is

I will not argue their policies as I don't enjoy them either.

And yes, while you do own the video, you do NOT own the content. So by all means it's fair. It's a crap policy sure. But no company actually had to allow this kinda stuff as you as the youtuber ARE profiting off of THEIR content. So take that away and everyone would be sending copyright claims faster than you can even say "Damn."
And to be fair. We have fair use here. But that may not even exist outside of the US. So again, they have no obligation to allow such practice. (Although this, I'm not sure on.)
I am pretty exhausted tonight. I spent the whole day with my best friend and his other friends. So much social interaction that I'm not used to. It can really tire an introvert out.
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CT: I have been playing YGOPro The Dawn of a New Era with my friends. Its a lot of fun and its getting me back into Yu-Gi-Oh
JESUS CHRIST. Alright! That Kong: Skull Island final trailer looks amazeballs! They saved the best for last. Kong fights savagely as ****!
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CT: Been messed around by several people over the last few weeks or so and it really got me down. However, I'm feeling much more positive now and realised that I just need to forget the bad things that have happened, to move on to bigger and better things and to stay upbeat. Things have to come good sometime, surely. :smile:
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