What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Got to thinking about Deadpool. Deadpool quips in the movie that it's low-budget.
Deadpool was made for $58,000,000. Tim Burton's Batman was $48,000,000 and at the time was a huge project.
Even when it's adjusted for inflation in 2016, that's $94,000,000. Less than half of Man of Steel's budget ($225,000,000).
That's just so crazy to me.
Got to thinking about Deadpool. Deadpool quips in the movie that it's low-budget.
Deadpool was made for $58,000,000. Tim Burton's Batman was $48,000,000 and at the time was a huge project.
Even when it's adjusted for inflation in 2016, that's $94,000,000. Less than half of Man of Steel's budget ($225,000,000).
That's just so crazy to me.
Wow, maybe they should have just hired the real superman. Would have been much cheaper :P
I waited 6 hours in the bank just to hear "come back at the end of the month to renew your credit card". Seriously six hours just to hear that stupid thing. Wouldn't it be easier and smarter to add the day on the card. i mean you've add the year and the month of when the card would expire.
Well, I got back into Scott Pilgrim recently. Both the graphic novels and the movie

Thanks CineFlix

and I swear to whatever god that Michael Cera was genetically engineered in a lab somewhere so that he may someday play Scott Pilgrim in the movie.

And after I'm finished Scott Pilgrim I might have to re-read Seconds, also by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
Not very excited about Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (Jesus, the title alone speaks train wreck). In what should have been just two iconic heroes battling one another over different ideologies and misunderstandings, now the film has too many characters. What should have been a simple, self-contained story has been goat-roped into being the lead-in for the Justice League. I'm sorry, but I have zero interest in the Justice League. I rarely like superhero movies as it is, and Man of Steel was the first Superman movie that got be interested in seeing a Batman versus Superman film. Well, there's always Suicide Squad.

For anyone else disappointed, I highly recommend Daredevil season 2 on Netflix.
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so...do I gain money if I get these?
I saw The Offspring last night and it was ****ing amazing! They are actually one of my all time favorite bands.
That being said, this was the roughest crowd I've been seen in a concert that I've been to. A couple of things really hindered my experience and people were selfish, a complete 360 from the Disturbed concert I went to a month ago.
Hell, I saw one guy ****ing in the sink in the bathroom because he wouldn't wait. Then again, welcome to Edmonton.

My friend worked on the trailers for the new Anno game :)
Saw Batman vs Superman last night. I actually enjoyed it, it was fun and entertaining movie. The film editing and scene cutting was amongst the ****tiest I've ever seen in a film. What the actual ****? It literally does every filming making no-no in the book. Did Zack Snyder fall asleep when they put the film together? Did the producers at WB go on extended vacation? WTF?! No wonder the critics tore it apart. The plot was ehh... The entire fight can be summed up by saying Batman was an asshole who couldn't just say "Hey, you okay?" Instead he goes in Call of Duty style and pew pew **** you. I understand why he felt the way he did, but he's BATMAN! He investigates before he pulls the trigger. Also so many scenes were out of place and didn't have the effect that they clearly intended the audience to have.

There are some great things in the movie that I did like. I thought Ben Affleck was great. I am one of the few that think Henry Cavill is the perfectly casted Superman. He's a good actor and he looks just like Superman from the comics imho. The special effects were awesome as well. Zack really knows how to make great actions scenes.

Sometimes actors can only be as good as the script. Which brings me to mention, which I think is the highlight of the film is Jesse Eisenberg. His acting was phenomenal. Was he Lex Luthor? No, but at the same time. I'm unsure if my comment on that is even accurate considering his appearance in the film, while was major, came off more as an origin story for him. After all he doesn't get that "look" until the end of the film. He was also originally casted to play a very different character, then they changed the script and changed his role. I've never been a fan of that actor and only really liked him in one role, but he proved some real talent here. Unfortunately he got **** on by the direction of the film. I stand by my words and say that he doesn't deserve and of the **** people are saying about him, from an acting perspective. He was outstanding in comparison of most of the cast. Far above average, even if his character was a 180 degree different. In this case, it comes down to the writer, not the actor. He did a DAMN good job with the scrip he was written.


I have the need to say that when I went to the theater last night. Some jackass decided to drive over the curb to skip the traffic circle. It would have taken him an additional 10 seconds to go around. The **** is wrong with people?
I should probably be sleeping but I'm too excited to sleep.

My sister and I had tickets tonight to see Garth Brooks. We booked them really, really late so we were way high up in the nosebleed section - super far away from the stage. So we get there, take our seats - as we were waiting for the show to start there was this really drunk woman a few seats away and she's yelling at people about how this is her section and my sister and I are just laughing at her/doing our best to avoid eye contact the whole time. Then, just before the show started around 11, this guy comes up and sits behind us. He starts asking us where we were from, if this was our first concert - honestly, we thought it was super strange at first. Then he's like 'so ladies, I'm in the band, and Mr. Garth wanted me to come up here and give this to you.' He hands us SECOND ROW TICKETS. We had like, 2 minutes to boot all the way down the arena to the stage but it was so amazing - we were literally an arms length from the stage the entire frickin time. In fact, I'm pretty sure Garth accidentally spit on us a few times, lol. :D

I'm usually not emotional about things like this but I seriously almost burst into tears. My dad was a country guy when he was younger, so we were brought up listening to GB. I've been to my fair share of concerts, but this was just... oh my god. I'm speechless. Will post photos later.