I don't think anybody in this house (not including my mom) even CARES about how much my brother and I do around here. Anyone who's been on this forum long enough knows that I'm my mother's caregiver. I dedicate every second of my day to making sure she's taken care of. I have no life outside of that. I don't go out. I don't have a job. I just take care of her.
Today makes the second time I have been yelled at and screamed at by my stepfather because GOD FORBID I ask him to answer the God blessed door because I'm busy bathing my mom. I know he works nights and I know he doesn't always get sleep. I sent my brother to ask him to get the door and of course, here comes our stepdad stomping and slamming doors. I could understand his reaction IF he had been sleeping. If that was the case, I would have gotten my brother to answer the door. No. He was just sitting on his bed watching TV and smoking a cigarette.
Twice I've been used as a bloody f'ing verbal punching bag and I'll tell ya'll right now: I am one of the last people on this planet that you should yell and scream at. I have almost 15 years worth of rage tucked away in my little 5'3" body to- well...I'll leave that to your imagination...
I have spent the last 30 minutes crying my eyes out because I am so stressed and so fed up with the insanity going on in this house. My brother and I are only human. We are not robots.
And I have to say this: I freagin' DESPISE living with my stepdad's parents. They are the laziest people I have ever known. They know what kind of day my brother and I have had but they expect more out of us. My stepdad's wonderful mother (and I use wonderful very lightly) was supposed to take care of the chores today but guess who just got asked to take care of that? My brother. My utterly exhausted baby brother.
End rant.