The more Caitlyn Jenner opens her mouth, the more I'd like for her to stuff it. I don't know what planet you live on lady that is fooling you to believe Ted Cruz, of all people, is better on women and trans issues than Hillary Clinton, but it certainly ain't planet Earth.
This pretty much confirms that Jenner cares far more about preserving tax loopholes than advancing trans issues in any way. But you do you - whatever makes you happy.
Yeah, I'm gonna try that. I currently volunteer for a charity shop because here in England they say that companies love any kind of voluntary work, but that doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere right now, after being there eighteen months. Gotta try something new.Definitely start volunteering, Jen. I started volunteering at an MP's office last month, and I've been told they're going to be hiring sometime in April and I'll pretty much be a shoe-in. Check out the organizations you'd like to get some experience with and, if you can, volunteer a few days a week.