What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Man...Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 was fantastic. The sheer overwhelming number of characters, the story mode, the combat system, and the cutscenes were all just brilliant works of art. Anime based games make me really nervous, because they often suck, but this was brilliant.
CT: Phew. That was a monster job application... If they'd have just let me submit a CV then I could have done that application far quicker. But I guess they don't want everyone to just submit CVs and have to sift through them.
I'm still embarassed about how I got my two concussions. Especially the second one. I must've looked so stupid hitting my head on a huge metal bar over the sidewalk. They really shouldn't have put that right by the library while I still had my mind on a book.
My cousin hit me in the head with a Razor scooter while spinning it around doing tricks. She practically scalped me and I bled all over the front steps of my Aunt's house. I spent the rest of the evening watching cartoons and drinking Gatorade while my Aunt sewed up my head and everyone tried to figure out if I had a concussion.

Also, I got horribly sick with cramps, stomach aches and a fever from drinking Kamloops tap water once. Even brushing my teeth with that water made me ill.

And the moral of the story is always make sure your metropolitan city has a water treatment plant so as not to kill any of its residents with its untreated water.

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My cousin hit me in the head with a Razor scooter while spinning it around doing tricks. She practically scalped me and I bled all over the front steps of my Aunt's house. I spent the rest of the evening watching cartoons and drinking Gatorade while my Aunt sewed up my head and everyone tried to figure out if I had a concussion.

Also, I got horribly sick with cramps, stomach aches and a fever from drinking Kamloops tap water once. Even brushing my teeth with that water made me ill.

And the moral of the story is always make sure your metropolitan city has a water treatment plant so as not to kill any of its residents with its untreated water.

This stream of consciousness has been brought to you by: Me

Yeah, Kamloops was the reason I started getting bottled water whenever I go anywhere. And why I don't get ham anywhere other than here. That stuff was disgusting.
I can't tell if this is funny or offensive. If you think this is a fake redirect then I suggest typing it into your web browsers search bar. http://www.Loser.com
Haha. With the sh i t that he's said since beginning his campaign... I'd say this is totally fair game. There's no calling an entire country rapists and then crying when someone calls you a loser.
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I still hate what trends on Facebook. In fact, I might just hate Facebook.

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Do people who use the term 'feminazi' towards others realize that it originated from the incredibly wise ramblings of Rush Limbaugh? The same Rush Limbaugh that blames feminists for men's shrinking penises, although penises are actually getting smaller by average because people are getting fatter. Yeah, that guy's your hero.
CT: I had an amazing dream last night. I went to the supermarket to buy some grocery for my grandparents and saw David Bowie and John Stamos. i went to them and said hi and asked for their autograph and then asked them if they would like to hangout with me and have a cup of coffee and they said yes.
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