I'm thinking theres not enough time in the day. So i made a hyperbolic time chamber, thank god for that.
So i made a hyperbolic time chamber, thank god for that.
Good, get me the hell out of here. My current thoughts are of beating the dog **** out of my stepdad's father. This man whines and complains more than a woman. And I don't get embarrassed easily, but he definately knows how to do it. Here's a couple examples:
1. We go to the grocery store with him. He starts playing with one of those claw machines with te stuffed animals in it. He claims the machine is rigged. So the poor bag boy has to listen to him bitch and complain about how the machine screwed him over. The bag boy AND the grocery store have NOTHING to do with the damn claw machine. Never again. I will never go to the store with him again.
2. Eating at restaurants are never a joy when he's around. He finds everything to complain about. "I didn't ask for this." "My food isn't cooked right." Blah blah blah....
3. Working with your step grandfather isn't fun either. He complains about all the little three dollar calls he gets. He loses his temper with everyone. He cusses out customers, therefore turning business away from the company.
And let's not get into the bull**** that I have to hear at home. I'm getting fed up. And what happens when Tremor gets fed up? Bad things. Very bad things.
CT: Someone explain this to me in words I can comprehend because I just don't get it. Our annual income is the lowest it has ever been, we have another baby due VERY soon and the government have CUT the tax credits for our household - which we utterly rely on to exist - by £30 a week so now I am feeding 4 of us on about £75 each week. We'd be better off cheating the system (like everyone else), claiming social security even though we're not entitled to it (like everyone else) and lying about our financial status (like everyone else). Then we can afford to eat.
I am so very very angry right now...
Why do people keep putting "CT" at the beginning of their posts? What does it mean?
Lol, this is why you should just stay with us. We rarely have arse-trolls here xD and when we do, they get straightened out one way or another. That's one of many good things I can say about this forum; we have an excellent staff and members
And VG, your sig doesn't look too big to me. There's a thread on here that'll tell you what the limit is. If I was on the PC I would get you the link.
And you have me to thank for recommending you here in the first place.Now we completely agree ^_^ you peepz is awesome sauce!