What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Does anyone else sort of get the sense that Game of Thrones is really getting dangerously close to the edge in terms of turning people off? I don't know, I re-watched the last episode and I'm really heartbroken. Like, Sunday night I got maybe one hour of sleep because I was up all night thinking about how close Oberyn was to winning. Like he had it. It was right there. It's such a tragic flaw that he became way too consumed with getting justice - and it was right there - RIGHT THERE - and he f u c k e d it up for everyone.

It's so depressing.
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Does anyone else sort of get the sense that Game of Thrones is really getting dangerously close to the edge in terms of turning people off? I don't know, I re-watched the last episode and I'm really heartbroken. Like, Sunday night I got maybe one hour of sleep because I was up all night thinking about how close Oberyn was to winning. Like he had it. It was right there. It's such a tragic flaw that he became way too consumed with getting justice - and it was right there - RIGHT THERE - and he f u c k e d it up for everyone.

It's so depressing.
Whilst I appreciate the medieval nature of the show, some of the kills have been a tad too outrageous. Eye gouging, yes, that's fine, but popping someone's head like a balloon? The Mountain is a massive guy, but I seriously doubt that eye gouging will then lead to what is effectively explosive decompression of the head.
That wasn't really the part that bothered me - I mean, this show has dragons and vagina monsters. It was more the disappointment that it happened to Oberyn, who was this amazingly charismatic (new) character who was just super badass and blew everything after he had clearly won. I just thought it was worse than the Red Wedding because Robb et al. didn't stand a chance - not to mention Robb made a ton of stupid decisions. Oberyn won. He had it and he blew it and that's why it's so frustrating! Ugh! I wish I could stop watching this show. It hurts my heart, heh.
That wasn't really the part that bothered me - I mean, this show has dragons and vagina monsters. It was more the disappointment that it happened to Oberyn, who was this amazingly charismatic (new) character who was just super badass and blew everything after he had clearly won. I just thought it was worse than the Red Wedding because Robb et al. didn't stand a chance - not to mention Robb made a ton of stupid decisions. Oberyn won. He had it and he blew it and that's why it's so frustrating! Ugh! I wish I could stop watching this show. It hurts my heart, heh.

The red wedding
I only started watching game of thrones in April and when I got to that episode I couldn't not watch it for at least a week because it made me randomly very angry and sad.
Whilst I appreciate the medieval nature of the show, some of the kills have been a tad too outrageous. Eye gouging, yes, that's fine, but popping someone's head like a balloon? The Mountain is a massive guy, but I seriously doubt that eye gouging will then lead to what is effectively explosive decompression of the head.

What's even more ridiculous is not only that, but the fact that he had a spear across his torso just 30 seconds before and he acts like nothing had happened.
What's this about dragons and vagina monsters? You have my attention.

I haven't gone swimming in a long time so the next few days should be lovely. Just as long as my best friend's girlfriend isn't being too much of an annoyance. She is trying so hard to make me like her and you just can't do that with me. If I like you, I like you and you'll know it. If I don't like you, you'll know that too.

So yeah, I'm thinking about jumping into some nice, cold pool water. And the possibility of throwing someone into some nice, cold pool water...
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Ugh, my vacation isn't until the first week of August.

Is it bad that I've already started packing?
  • 2 Bathing suits - check, check
  • Cover up - check
  • Beach towel - check
  • Sundress and fancy new skirt - check, check
I'm so ready for this!
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Ugh, my vacation isn't until the first week of August.

Is it bad that I've already started packing?
  • 2 Bathing suits - check, check
  • Cover up - check
  • Beach towel - check
  • Sundress and fancy new skirt - check, check
I'm so ready for this!
If you have room for one more, I'm good with heavy lifting and/or basic chauffeur duties. I also have a quite good sense of colour coordination. (Seems important for a holiday... I guess.)

Castle has to be the classiest, most intelligent and wonderfully hilarious series around. Can be as serious as House of Cards, as goofy as Chuck with the wonderful character development of Orange is the New Black.
Don't know quite how to feel. Upset that my candidate lost (and only by some poor last minute canvass strategizing), or thrilled that my party won a majority. Confuzzled!
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Just found out that for my exam I only have to write two essays instead of three this year! Haha, I'm so happy right now :)
Like my head is going to explode thanks to this very in-depth course on the administration of medications. If I have to answer another variant of 'how do you administer meds?' I'm likely to write 'Line all the residents up, mouths open, and catapult random tablets off a spoon in their general direction, thus saving time (a precious commodity) and cheering everyone up in the process'. Might be a tad counter-productive but hey.

Also feeling curious. This Game Of Thrones everyone talks about....any good? I don't have Sky so it's never really entered my radar but I do hear or read quite a lot about it, and curiosity is gettingthe better of me.
Just finished the entire Hunger Games series after sitting on the second book for about a year. (Recently reading Divergent made me long to finish the Hunger Games.) Such a powerful trilogy and I truly loved every minute of it.

Also just watched the first movie as I vowed not to see the movies until I finished the book.
Not quite sure which is sadder; Rue's movie death or her book death.

While things between the book and the movie were definitely different, I'm glad that it didn't lose what made me love it; it didn't lose the ability to make me feel.

Now I anxiously await the opportunity to see Catching Fire and then the release of the Mockingjay movies.
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Just finished the entire Hunger Games series after sitting on the second book for about a year. (Recently reading Divergent made me long to finish the Hunger Games.) Such a powerful trilogy and I truly loved every minute of it.

Also just watched the first movie as I vowed not to see the movies until I finished the book.
Not quite sure which is sadder; Rue's movie death or her book death.

While things between the book and the movie were definitely different, I'm glad that it didn't lose what made me love it; it didn't lose the ability to make me feel.

Now I anxiously await the opportunity to see Catching Fire and then the release of the Mockingjay movies.

Awesome! Catching Fire is great. It's my favourite book and my favourite film of the series, so far anyway. Though I don't know what to expect for the third film as I didn't like the third book as much as the others.
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Yay, got my phone back three days after sending it off to be fixed, with a software upgrade included. :D
:) it's always nice when something positive and unexpected happens, nice one, and fair play to the company who did that for you!

Right this minute I'm wondering why it's taken me 18 years to realise the absolute pleasure of playing Resident Evil. Still, it's always good to experience something amazing for the first time, no matter how out-of-touch with the rest of the world it may be :)
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Awesome! Catching Fire is great. It's my favourite book and my favourite film of the series, so far anyway. Though I don't know what to expect for the third film as I didn't like the third book as much as the others.
Catching Fire is my favorite of the books as well and it'll probably end up being my favorite of the movies as well.

Finnick is my favorite character so I'm not overly anxious to see Mockingjay. Though it'll be interesting to see his bouts of mental and emotional instability; they were my favorite parts of the third book. That book really gave him a lot of depth.