Job searching is absolutely frustrating. 1 in 5 jobs you stumble across are unpaid internships - which I used to think were not a bad idea, but they're so incredibly prevalent now that it's terribly obvious it's just a way for employers to use loopholes in the Employment Standards Act to get their paws on slave labour.
I saw criminalize them - they should only be allowed for non-profits, if that. It's obvious that no one wants to pay their employees anymore - because they were definitely not anywhere near as prevalent 5 years ago.
Tell me about it, especially here in Portugal. I have no money to go to college, can't gain access to a lot of jobs because of this, 80% jobs demand experience, since I don't have, I can't take them, how can I have experience for a job, if no one gives me a job to have experience?? 10% are unpaid internships just like you mentioned, and other 9% are sales, door on door selling those TV+Phone+Internet packages(which in this economy of crisis in Portugal, is practically impossible), if I don't sell, I don't make money, however, train and subway are expensive and in case of no profit, I would just be wasting money that I don't have. The other 1% is the miracle good paying jobs that you can land with no bad consequences.
I am 20 years old and all I did was work in a warehouse for 6 months, I worked my ass off and all I got was no contract renewal and back pain from heavy lifting. That money slowly goes away since I always put some to help on the house.
Of course there are call centers that have an extremely bad reputation of not paying their employees too, so I don't even take a chance on those.