nothing feels better then playing non final fantasy games while listening to final fantasy music its so awesome
I prefer playing non-persona games listening to persona music.nothing feels better then playing non final fantasy games while listening to final fantasy music its so awesome
Playing guitar is painful. I've played until the strings were covered in blood for a week, and my fingers haven't callused yet. I think I'm going to get a keyboard next.
"Played it till my fingers bled" eh?I'll never forget the first time I played until my fingers bled... I felt such accomplishment! You definitely won't have that problem/badge of honor with a keyboard, but it's just as rewarding an instrument, I believe. Either way, kudos to you!
by god in 300 years there will be nothing!!There was apparently an Italian study done that suggested that man's average penis size has shrunk 10% in the past 50 years due to air pollutants, weight gain around the waist and smoking. Rush Limbaugh just said, in all seriousness, that he doesn't buy this - he blames feminism instead.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Kidney stones suck. <--- True story.
Not yet and it's keeping me out of work.Indeed! My stepdad gets them. I have never had one myself, but according to all the hollerin'....yep I can imagine they suck. Have you passed yet?
Not yet and it's keeping me out of work.I'm starting to get a little ticked off here. I mean I'm not in any pain, not since I went to the doctor, it's just not passing and they have me on medication so I can't go back to work. (I've also got two more still in my right kidney that haven't even begun moving yet.)
Thanks, Tremor.Ugghh..I am so sorry that you're having to deal with thatI hope things move quickly so you can get to feeling better and go back to work.