Captain Courageous;56194 said:When your really drunk.You'd probably go up and talk"Hey man thats a wicked suit!"....*nom nom nom*.
Captain Courageous;56194 said:When your really drunk.You'd probably go up and talk"Hey man thats a wicked suit!"....*nom nom nom*.
Captain Courageous;56194 said:When your really drunk.You'd probably go up and talk"Hey man thats a wicked suit!"....*nom nom nom*.
Then I guess the Crimson Head surprised you a bit a moment later.Awaii-Lynne;55852 said:When I first saw the Crimson head Zombie, I thought of the Dawn of the Dead Zombies lol
Was Leon a bad driver in RE2?wolfgirl;51103 said:While driving... probably a little like Leon in Resi 2 lol
What? Please don't take offense but I have problems with your spelling.JACKXS;70107 said:just as you git out of stess teatment facilty for a phobaof the dead
I'm afraid I didn't get the point.JACKXS;70163 said:the natonal zombie walk