The MP5 is the only way to get a high score with her. I wasn't able to top my Chris (Warrior) scores, but I came pretty close. If you wanna talk weak melees talk Excella's power melees and all but the knee drop and neck twist for Jill. -Just sayin'. They're weak as hell too. Then again, Jill has the knee drop which is the strongest beatdown melee- other than Miranda Rights.
Excella has her awesome bitchslap which is the strongest front-kneeling melee.
Rebecca is no different. She has the strongest front face melee. The flame spray does more damage than they have in their entire life bar. Get 'em in a group and it'll kill majini that you haven't even shot, yet. That's also the fastest and easiest melee. (Why do you really think the best scoring masters used Wesker and Chris in Mercs? It's quick and simple.) Rebecca is even easier. It also has more range. You don't have to have perfect aim. Sweep upward quickly with the MP5 and torch 'em. It also is helpful in crowds and you don't have to switch guns. The problem with Wesker or Barry etc. is that the handgun beasts with melees, but you can only hit one at a time if the majini are dispersed. If you're surrounded, I hope you have a flash grenade. Switching guns also leads to ridiculously long grabs and recoil from axe strikes which, otherwise, would not have occured.
Consider what she's good for before you all criticize. I really don't get the hate. I could tear apart everyone else if I was only lookin' at the negative, too. Try her. Haters might like her.