I don't think Jill will be in RE8 at least not as a main character. It seems that RE3make will release before RE8 and I doubt they'll use Jill twice in a row. Obviously I could be wrong.I think the story of Eveline and the Bakers should absolutely be referenced in RE8 as an "important event", but both Ethan and Mia should be kept out of the actual game. Have them be put under witness protection program or something.
I definitely see RE8 as being Jill Valentine's return to form. Like Jen said above, her appearance in the series is long overdue and she has to be redeemed. Considering how RE7 ended, I suppose we have to throw Chris into the mix as well, but the main scenario should first and foremost be Jill's.
There's nothing official about that so far. I think most of the sites who're reporting on that rumor are just trying to get easy clicks, because they know people are extremely excited about a R3make after the massive success of RE2 remake. Long story short.....It seems that RE3make will release before RE8....
Yeah, every game should have at least one of main characters as playable. (Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire)Ah, the year of Jill Valentine.
Hey - Nintendo dedicated a whole year to Luigi, so we have a precedent for this!
I suppose the thing I want the least is entirely new character in RE8. Attach us to the lore!
True, but wether or not we get R3make before RE8 or not, I still doubt that Jill will feature in two games in 4 row. Of course it could happen (and I kinda hope it does) I just don't think so...There's nothing official about that so far. I think most of the sites who're reporting on that rumor are just trying to get easy clicks, because they know people are extremely excited about a R3make after the massive success of RE2 remake. Long story short.
I thought this too - Eveline literally was a copy of Samara from The Ring. The similarities are just so obvious.im just not invested in a little samara girl that didn't really show up until the last half hour of the game. .