Just like Ninja Turtles was too weird to be taken seriously yet til this day is one of the most profitable comic book films of all time whereas the Michael Bay TMNT movies were a complete failure with audiences despite all the "necessary" changes they made to the source material to connect to your general audience.Fact of the matter is, the video game fans don't make the profit for the studio. If we only made a movie for the fans, the budget would be for direct to video. It's the unfortunate truth.
Just as Hardware works in the film industry, so do I. And, it's not as simple as a 1:1 translation from the video game to a movie. Arguing that it can be done is a moot point. Of course it can be done. They can make a movie that has 100% accurate costumes and scenery and monsters. But, it would just be too weird to be taken seriously.
This whole "I work in the film industry" argument is such a weak argument anyway. You're not Martin Scorsese, your ideas and knowledge aren't somehow granted superiority because you "work in the industry." Plenty of clueless douchebags work in Hollywood and not everyone understands adaptations anyway. James Cameron being a great example of someone with far more experience than anyone on this forum in the film industry yet was going to make a terrible Spider-Man movie.
Right now, this entire "insert property is too silly to be taken seriously because of so and so" is as weak and tired as it has always been and has been proven wrong time and time again. I honestly don't understand why people still refuse to give audiences credit like they can't buy into already successful ideas without someone catering it specifically to needs people didn't know they even had because this entire film is somehow dependent on Jill's clothing.