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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
Ok so I'm sure that most of you heard that another RE movie is coming out this year telling of the story of RE1 and 2. The pictures of the cast came out of Twitter, and please tell me I'm not the only one. Why can't these movies have good casting? I mean, Chris is the only one that's recognizable. Jill is not even in her iconic uniform, and Leon and Claire both look like cosplays. The actor for Leon would be a great Carlos, but not Leon. The hairstyle is even wrong. (Leon is Italian, right?) Claire's actress looks ok, but she needs red hair and put it in a ponytail. I mean, how hard is that? Apparently it's a low budget movie.




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I don't have a huge problem with the casting. At least they appeared to have learned from Andersons films and are trying to stick way closer to the stories presented in the games. Im hyped for this.
LMAO! Was waiting for someone to post this. This is so laughably bad. I'm convinced Resident Evil has no business being adapted on film because nobody who would do it justice would even touch this property and those lucky enough to get their hands on it just run it straight through their ass.
I honestly don't think Kaya looked that bad as Claire. Nor I miss the red hair, since in the Re2R is more of brownish (which also is in some of the original RE2 arts. Same with Leon). She'll probably tie her hair in a ponytail some time in the movie, I bet. I really think she's a good casting choice. The rest...? Oh boy.

Avan Jogia looks like a Leon cosplay. I mean, at least they could cut his hair right? No facial hair too? Is that too hard to ask an actor? I just can't see Leon there. He looks like a cosplayer. Amell also don't remind me Chris. He's white. And that's it. Unless we're talking about RE7 Chris. Maybe. Hannah not only doesn't look like Jill, but unlike the other characters, they didn't even got her uniform right. Look, I know Jill's RE1 costume is pretty...anime-like. No police force uses something like that, but at least give her something blue. Shades of blue in her uniform, so she could be recognizable somehow. Jogia don't look like Leon, but his uniform does. Hannah's Jill doesn't even get that going on.

Then again, I don't think this movie will be good. Just sticking the mansion and Lisa Trevor can't make a movie good. But hey, I want to be optimistic and say Kaya looks good and gorgeous...I guess? She would be in my RE2 Fancast. If we're talking about current-age Claire, I would go with Missy Peregrym (Rookie Blue \ FBI)
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I don't have a huge problem with the casting. At least they appeared to have learned from Andersons films and are trying to stick way closer to the stories presented in the games. Im hyped for this.
Yeah I get it. This is basically just a retelling of the original games. So hopefully it's ok, but considering the cast you can't hope for much.
I honestly don't think Kaya looked that bad as Claire. Nor I miss the red hair, since in the Re2R is more of brownish (which also is in some of the original RE2 arts. Same with Leon). She'll probably tie her hair in a ponytail some time in the movie, I bet. I really think she's a good casting choice. The rest...? Oh boy.

Avan Jogia looks like a Leon cosplay. I mean, at least they could cut his hair right? No facial hair too? Is that too hard to ask an actor? I just can't see Leon there. He looks like a cosplayer. Amell also don't remind me Chris. He's white. And that's it. Unless we're talking about RE7 Chris. Maybe. Hannah not only doesn't look like Jill, but unlike the other characters, they didn't even got her uniform right. Look, I know Jill's RE1 costume is pretty...anime-like. No police force uses something like that, but at least give her something blue. Shades of blue in her uniform, so she could be recognizable somehow. Jogia don't look like Leon, but his uniform does. Hannah's Jill doesn't even get that going on.

Then again, I don't think this movie will be good. Just sticking the mansion and Lisa Trevor can't make a movie good. But hey, I want to be optimistic and say Kaya looks good and gorgeous...I guess? She would be in my RE2 Fancast. If we're talking about current-age Claire, I would go with Missy Peregrym (Rookie Blue \ FBI)
Yes! Thank you! I definitely see your point. I looked up Claire's actress, and she does sort of look like her, I do hope she puts the hair up. But with Chris he looks the closest to the real thing, and like you said that's not saying much. He is just a white guy that's what they got right. But with Leon, I can't even start. Leon is also a white guy, I'm not even sure why they thought they could get away with casting him any other nationality than just Italian American. Don't get me wrong, I like Avan as an actor, but I think he would have been better as a Carlos. I mean, he has the hair for it.
Yeah I get it. This is basically just a retelling of the original games. So hopefully it's ok, but considering the cast you can't hope for much.
That's relative, is it? I get that you don't have high hopes because of the casting and the same could be said for a lot of people here. But I'm not going into this movie expecting it to be anything. I don't expect it to be terrible just because of the casting. I don't expect it to be spectacular because no video game movie has ever been. Judging from what I've seen, this reboot is following the games more closely than Paul Andersons films and so that is all I will keep in mind when I watch the reboot. If you go into a movie with expectations, odds are you're going to be disappointed, if for no other reason than because it didn't fit whatever you thought would be a proper movie and it's worse if you go into it with low expectations. Expect something to be bad, you're probably going to experience it as bad.
What a shame. I knew about the casting a long time ago so nothing surprised me there. But oh man, they can't even style and dress up these characters properly. They all look terrible and nothing like their video game counterparts except for Chris. It bugs me that they went so far in trying to accurately portray the locations from the games with such an attention to detail, but they forgot about the characters? I don't care if they show me a perfect recreation of Spencer Mansion if Jill and Albert are not even dressed similarly at all to the games. What a poor costume department.

On top of that, the director has recently made the most lame excuses as to why he cast the people he did. I'm now fully convinced that he's got no idea what he's talking about, since he claimed that "you can't relate or make a video game character interesting". Wow, wow.... He revealed his true normie identity. Sure thing man, I deeeeeeeeeefenitely cannot relate to a character I spend 10+ hours controlling and listening to.

My expectations for this film were already extremely low, and I'm still disappointed.

Can't wait for the trailer to drop and see that dislike bar glow up like a shooting star!
That's relative, is it? I get that you don't have high hopes because of the casting and the same could be said for a lot of people here. But I'm not going into this movie expecting it to be anything. I don't expect it to be terrible just because of the casting. I don't expect it to be spectacular because no video game movie has ever been. Judging from what I've seen, this reboot is following the games more closely than Paul Andersons films and so that is all I will keep in mind when I watch the reboot. If you go into a movie with expectations, odds are you're going to be disappointed, if for no other reason than because it didn't fit whatever you thought would be a proper movie and it's worse if you go into it with low expectations. Expect something to be bad, you're probably going to experience it as bad.
Not necessarily. I went to a couple movies where I think it's going to be bad but been proven wrong, and vise versa. Do I want to be wrong? Sure I do. But you got to be realistic. Like you said video game movie adaptations don't always come out as planned. Sure I do want this movie to be better it's just it always starts with writing the script and then casting. I just don't know why it's so hard to cast people that look the part. ‍*shrugs*
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I honestly don't think Kaya looked that bad as Claire. Nor I miss the red hair, since in the Re2R is more of brownish (which also is in some of the original RE2 arts. Same with Leon). She'll probably tie her hair in a ponytail some time in the movie, I bet. I really think she's a good casting choice. The rest...? Oh boy.

Avan Jogia looks like a Leon cosplay. I mean, at least they could cut his hair right? No facial hair too? Is that too hard to ask an actor? I just can't see Leon there. He looks like a cosplayer. Amell also don't remind me Chris. He's white. And that's it. Unless we're talking about RE7 Chris. Maybe. Hannah not only doesn't look like Jill, but unlike the other characters, they didn't even got her uniform right. Look, I know Jill's RE1 costume is pretty...anime-like. No police force uses something like that, but at least give her something blue. Shades of blue in her uniform, so she could be recognizable somehow. Jogia don't look like Leon, but his uniform does. Hannah's Jill doesn't even get that going on.

Then again, I don't think this movie will be good. Just sticking the mansion and Lisa Trevor can't make a movie good. But hey, I want to be optimistic and say Kaya looks good and gorgeous...I guess? She would be in my RE2 Fancast. If we're talking about current-age Claire, I would go with Missy Peregrym (Rookie Blue \ FBI)
Yeah and I wanted to see Jill's iconic uniform. Maybe it's too expensive or outdated? But RE1 is set in the past
@Christorm747 The problem isn't that Jill's uniform is too expensive or outdated. It's silly and pretty unrealistic. It might be iconic for us, the players, but I wasn't expecting her to use it. No police force would use something like that. I just expected her to have a little of blue somewhere. Maybe an undershirt, like Chris is using, but blue. It wasn't that hard.

Also, I don't have high hopes for the plot either. Mixing RE1 and 2's storylines into a single 2 hour-ish movie is a recipe for disaster and rushed stuff. I simply don't think it'll be good. It doesn't matter if you copy the RPD and the mansion the same way they do in the game, if the plot is rushed or simply bad. (considering RE's game plot isn't the best out there. Never was.) Oh well, I have zero expectation and frankly, yeah, it'll be better than Anderson's, probably. But that doesn't set the bar very high, does it?
I wasn't wild about the cast since it was announced - none of them looked one bit like their videogame counterpart, even though I think Kayla Scodelario is not a bad choice as Claire Redfield (has anybody seen "Crawl"?). The rest look quite atrocious even when costumed, with Leon taking the biggest hit. I've seen people complaining about Jill not having her OG costume - that's probably the only thing they did right: she would've looked silly, just like Leon. Besides, the STARS Alpha team is supposed to be, you know, a team - so that means matching uniforms. Their design in RE1 was very...videogame-ish, if you will - you could definitely tell it was the same company that made "Street Fighter 2" in that regard. I'm glad they went for Claire's RE2make design as well for the same reason: her '98 costume made her look like the wet dream of some Japanese nerd who had stared at too many American magazines' centerfolds. Or a Final Fight character.

Anyhow, we'll see how the movie will turn out - I have no expectations whatsoever: Anderson's movies killed my interest in seeing a live-action RE game a long, long time ago. Lisa Trevor looks pretty good though.
If you're adapting Resident Evil and "realism" is preventing you from being faithful or accurate to the game's visual identity, then you shouldn't be working on it. That's always the lamest excuse they give for why they ruin iconic stuff nobody actually has a problem with, which is what gave us sh*t like gas cloud Galactus, roadkill Sonic, and black leather X-Men.
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@Christorm747 The problem isn't that Jill's uniform is too expensive or outdated. It's silly and pretty unrealistic. It might be iconic for us, the players, but I wasn't expecting her to use it. No police force would use something like that. I just expected her to have a little of blue somewhere. Maybe an undershirt, like Chris is using, but blue. It wasn't that hard.

Also, I don't have high hopes for the plot either. Mixing RE1 and 2's storylines into a single 2 hour-ish movie is a recipe for disaster and rushed stuff. I simply don't think it'll be good. It doesn't matter if you copy the RPD and the mansion the same way they do in the game, if the plot is rushed or simply bad. (considering RE's game plot isn't the best out there. Never was.) Oh well, I have zero expectation and frankly, yeah, it'll be better than Anderson's, probably. But that doesn't set the bar very high, does it?
Oh that is so true. I mean the cutscenes themselves make a movie. So pushing them together doesn’t seem like it would work in their favor. I mean even if they did RE2 and RE3 together in a movie instead it would still pose a problem even though RE2 and 3 technically happen at the same time. (Well RE2 happens in the middle of RE3 but you get my point)

And as for Jill’s uniform, you do make a point it wouldn’t look right. She stood out like a sore thumb in the game she would here as well. It would be nice to see parts of it modernized in some way though. Like the beret or something.
If you're adapting Resident Evil and "realism" is preventing you from being faithful or accurate to the game's visual identity, then you shouldn't be working on it. That's always the lamest excuse they give for why they ruin iconic stuff nobody actually has a problem with, which is what gave us sh*t like gas cloud Galactus, roadkill Sonic, and black leather X-Men.

I agree to a degree. I don't mind changing Jill's uniform. It's ridiculous. Looks ok in a game, but she would looks ridiculous against the rest of her unit. We need to remember that the general public also watches those movies. Same with Claire's original costume. It's so weirdly anime 90's that would also look ridiculous. There's no way around it. No one would have taken Daredevil's Netflix series seriously if he used his classic yellow and red costume from the 60's that looked like pajamas.

Again, for me, Claire looks fine. I actually think Kaya looks really recognizable as Claire, especially compared to RE2R Claire. And Jill...I just wanted a blue undershirt. Something blue on her.

But going full original costumes would only make both her and Claire looks goofy. That's just my take though. I still think this movie will be bad anyway.
I agree to a degree. I don't mind changing Jill's uniform. It's ridiculous. Looks ok in a game, but she would looks ridiculous against the rest of her unit. We need to remember that the general public also watches those movies. Same with Claire's original costume. It's so weirdly anime 90's that would also look ridiculous. There's no way around it. No one would have taken Daredevil's Netflix series seriously if he used his classic yellow and red costume from the 60's that looked like pajamas.

Again, for me, Claire looks fine. I actually think Kaya looks really recognizable as Claire, especially compared to RE2R Claire. And Jill...I just wanted a blue undershirt. Something blue on her.

But going full original costumes would only make both her and Claire looks goofy. That's just my take though. I still think this movie will be bad anyway.
I disagree. The general public loves crap like the MCU and can easily buy into other worlds that aren't 100% realistic. Daredevil is hardly associated with his classic yellow and red outfit ever since he went all red and the Marvel Netflix shows in general were considered ridiculous anyway for being scared to embrace their superhero outfits despite taking place in the freakin MCU.

I'm not saying certain liberties couldn't be made, even Marvel and DC has done it, but when it's not even recognizable, you've completely failed at your job. I mean seriously, dark blue pants, a light blue STARS shirt and some black combat boots isn't a hard place to start.

Not that it matters anyway since they already f*cked up the casting, but still, I don't buy the notion that things can't resemble their source material because "it doesn't work." Sounds more like they don't understand the source material enough to make it work.
If you're adapting Resident Evil and "realism" is preventing you from being faithful or accurate to the game's visual identity, then you shouldn't be working on it. That's always the lamest excuse they give for why they ruin iconic stuff nobody actually has a problem with, which is what gave us sh*t like gas cloud Galactus, roadkill Sonic, and black leather X-Men.
Dude, a game is a game, a movie is a movie: they are different media and don't overlap. It's the same reason why they most definitely won't be looking for small keys to open doors they can easily tear down - if the filmmakers really wanted to pay homage to that gameplay element, there will probably be some special door locked with a keycard reader (for instance, keycards were a recurring element of Romero's script). Besides, not only hardcore fans are going to watch it: the general audience would laugh at the actual costumes from the game - definitely Jill's. People are already making fun of Leon's uniform, calling it "bad cosplay", even though it cannot really be more realistic than that - it's essentially a dark blue tactical suit with RPD insignias. But it doesn't look as cool as in the game because it's hanging on a real human being (so it cannot wear as tight as in the game, where it is part of the polygonal model)...also, the white sleeves look terrible IRL. It will probably look better in the final movie anyway - the shot of Claire and Leon is a publicity still (unlike the other two images, which look more like actual frames) and it's not graded, framed, or even lit like an actual movie.
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I disagree. The general public loves crap like the MCU and can easily buy into other worlds that aren't 100% realistic. Daredevil is hardly associated with his classic yellow and red outfit ever since he went all red and the Marvel Netflix shows in general were considered ridiculous anyway for being scared to embrace their superhero outfits despite taking place in the freakin MCU.

I'm not saying certain liberties couldn't be made, even Marvel and DC has done it, but when it's not even recognizable, you've completely failed at your job. I mean seriously, dark blue pants, a light blue STARS shirt and some black combat boots isn't a hard place to start.

Not that it matters anyway since they already f*cked up the casting, but still, I don't buy the notion that things can't resemble their source material because "it doesn't work." Sounds more like they don't understand the source material enough to make it work.
MCU movies are not horror, they are just VFX extravaganzas full of people with silly costumes people watch in a very lighthearted way - "Welcome to Raccoon City" is supposed to be a scary movie and you need to believe to a degree that what you're seeing is real for it to be effective.
Dude, a game is a game, a movie is a movie: they are different media and don't overlap. It's the same reason why they most definitely won't be looking for small keys to open doors they can easily tear down - if the filmmakers really wanted to pay homage to that gameplay element, there will probably be some special door locked with a keycard reader (for instance, keycards were a recurring element of Romero's script). Besides, not only hardcore fans are going to watch it: the general audience would laugh at the actual costumes from the game - definitely Jill's. People are already making fun of Leon's uniform, calling it "bad cosplay", even though it cannot really be more realistic than that - it's essentially a dark blue tactical suit with RPD insignias. But it doesn't look as cool as in the game because it's hanging on a real human being (so it cannot wear as tight as in the game, where it is part of the polygonal model)...also, the white sleeves look terrible IRL. It will probably look better in the final movie anyway - the shot of Claire and Leon is a publicity still (unlike the other two images, which look more like actual frames) and it's not graded, framed, or even lit like an actual movie.
That's just flat out false. Video games, much like films, are a visual medium and both tell stories, therefore they overlap. With that in mind, very clear expectations can be set, like who the characters are, what they look like, their characterization, and what the general story is. Gameplay literally plays no role here nor is it expected to make any sort of transition onto film because it's the one major aspect that sets the 2 mediums apart. That's like adapting a book and wondering why you didn't have to read any words or flip any pages.

I'm pretty sure it's more the guy wearing Leon's clothes than it is Leon's actual outfit that has people calling it a bad cosplay, plus the fact that better cosplays exist. It's honestly just a poor excuse at this point and despite how far films have come and how much audiences have evolved, it's shocking that people still buy the phony Hollywood excuses regarding character designs they didn't come up with and just blindly eat up a much worse alternative from the guy telling you the one you prefer is bad. People were even defending roadkill Sonic at one point too for the same exact reason and we all know how that turned out.

MCU movies are not horror, they are just VFX extravaganzas full of people with silly costumes people watch in a very lighthearted way - "Welcome to Raccoon City" is supposed to be a scary movie and you need to believe to a degree that what you're seeing is real for it to be effective.
I'm pretty sure it's a zombie movie and people don't exactly find those scary anymore. Unless it's "based on a true story" or paranormal, no one is watching this believing any of it is real and someone's outfit isn't going to make or break it for them either.
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