Honestly, I'm one of those guys that screams to the Heavens that it isn't Resident Evil anymore. It's a totally different set of events from the previous games. It and RE 4.
I think the reason why is simple, Even though it's entirely fictional, it's still believeable fiction. And at least for the first game, the story was very original, very fresh and new.
I miss those very simple, classic elements from the previous games:
Zombies, how can you screw up zombies? They were working so well. When they introduced the Crimson Head Element into the REmake, it was well crafted, unexpected, and totally within logical grasp (they died, they got up. They died again, they're getting up again).
The lack of ammunition, suspensful.
THe lack of an armory, you got one weapon from each class. Pistol, Shotgun, Ect, and that was it. It didn't matter how specealized it was compared to other weapons (like 4 and 5), but what did matter was that the thing shot bullets.
And what really matters to me, the stories were so much more darker, so much more compelling and captivating. with 4 and 5 we are seeing way too many details of the overall story, dwelling too much on past events and discovering new ones. The stories start to take the game in a different direction (the first game,get thrown into the darkness, survive this haunted house, come to realize it was a corperations fault. Resident Evil 5, Respond to Biological threat you already knew exists, find out who's behind it all, kill that person). While characters in the 5th game were certainly more compelling, the atmosphere, enemies, general story line and story narration just weren't.
I hear a reboot of the Resident Evil Series is possibly underway. I wouldn't mind getting back into the well crafted survival horror these games started out with. But that's all my opinion, and I'm probably a bit jaded on the issue becouse I write fiction, but I think the earlier games didn't need to be graphically beautiful, becouse the stories, plots, puzzles, enemies, situations were just as gracious and well crafted. I believe Stories speak louder than any over the shoulder view point, or a mass of weaponry, or the size of the enemy.