1. Resident Evil 5, everything about it is amazing. the story, the weapon system, the features, the fact that it's two player. Everything just puts it over the top really.
2. Resident Evil 3, the nemisis just makes it so tough... this is the only RE I still die in constantly, eventhough I know whats coming. Drives me nuts, but it's extremely satasfying.
3. Resident Evil 4, love the story, the length of the game is gratifying. All the characters were very inguaging and cool, great game.
4. Resident Evil, the original baby. Still really tough when you think about it... excellent game... with some of the best voice acting in a game I've ever heard. :lol:
5. Resident Evil 2, this game is insanely easy and short... but I still love it cause it's RE. Cool to have two different stories to go through.
6. Resident Evil 0, ok game, but definately not my favorite...
I just did those ones if thats ok, I doubt many of you will agree with my top choice but oh well