Question of the Week 4; Could a one-world-government ever exist?

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La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Mar 16, 2009
This weeks question was suggested by Jess and ties in heavily with the New World Order conspiracy theory where a "powerful and secretive elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through a totalitarian world government, which would replace sovereign nation-states and put an end to international power struggles."

So, do you think there ever could be a world government - a single common, autonomous political authority for all humanity?

Would this be possible?

What are the pros and cons of a one-world-government?

Jess, if you'd like to add more details feel free to. Discussion ends April 12th. :) As I said before, if anyone has any ideas of a topic they'd like to see, my inbox is always open. :)

Who knows if such a thing can happen? As technology advances these days and these "nuclear" weapons are out on the black market, it can be possible for someone to bomb the country and rule by evil and fear.

Ok I can be exagerrating sometimes :p

It COULD be possible to be ruled by a one world government.

-Everyone gets a share, meaning third world countries gets a share and resources can be distributed evenly.
-Hopefully there would be piece and people from around the world can connect to one another.
-Can't thing of much pros

-What about the aspects of religion and culture? Would countries be able to follow their customs or would it have to be banish and convert to relgion by ruler? I think the most controversal would be Judism, Christianity/Roman Catholic, and Islamic religions.
-Would corruption still exist? One way or another, every country has their politics of corruption. Would this "One World Government" promote more corruption because of the distances?
-How is the world going to manage? As far as communication with people who speak, read, and understand different languages. Where does this leave to those who can't understand each other that communicate in a different language? Would everyone be FORCED to learn a primary language? (I.E: The USA's primary language is English. There were laws that were supposed to be passed out in regards of speaking ONLY English, while having to disregard their native language.
-How is justice going to be served?
-Are there going to "class systems"?
-Who gets the special privlages and why?

The list can go on :p

Important Question:

Would there be a repeat of genocide, just like in WWII, where Hitler try to dominate by elinating all Jews?
Ooohhh...this one is a big one hahahaha.

It's hard to say whether or not it could happen. I don't want to say it can't, because anything is possible. There would be a whole lot of peace talks before anything like this could happen that's for sure.

I think tequila covered just about everything I'd say :lol:
Thank you La Femme Fatale for posting my question and tequila tremor for your comments. I don't even have a clear mind on the definition of Global Citizenship is it referring to performing the union of all countries so no longer does the barrier of nationality exist.. If the world were ruled by one government, various subordinate communities following which turned out to be just another form of division would this be what people called global citizenship..
Jess;71270 said:
Thank you La Femme Fatale for posting my question and tequila tremor for your comments. I don't even have a clear mind on the definition of Global Citizenship is it referring to performing the union of all countries so no longer does the barrier of nationality exist.. If the world were ruled by one government, various subordinate communities following which turned out to be just another form of division would this be what people called global citizenship..

That would be cool to have citizenship to every country and be able to live in peace in wherever you please :D

Unfortunately, that would be ALOT of work and paper work to process. That would take FOREVER. Then you would have to consider the rights and abide to the laws....

I think this is a great topic, I haven't thought about this. Great question! I'm sure we will get furter details from everyone's perspectives on this topic. Not only that, but you may be feeding my fury to get back into radio and journalism soon. :)
There is a lot to this, but in short, no, I don't think it is possible. People just differ too much in their beliefs and political ideologies. I could type up a lot more on this but I'm too tired at the moment :p
Of course it can exist! But not right now. It's something that applies to the far future definitely, not to our generations.

There are a lot of handicaps at the moment for such a great thing to happen. Differences in culture like language, religion, ligestyle e.t.c. However, these differences are slowly wearing off as time passes due to the rapid technological development. The internet has minimized the distances to zero.

I'm not talking about various subordinate communities, but a whole single nation.

In my opinion, there is an occasion in which the humans will unite under one banner - a huge threat for all humanity. Is it going to be global starvation? Climate reasons? An alien warrior-like race? I don't know. But of course in the last example the racism will be brought to the next level, humans and aliens.

History can give us tons of examples. Persian wars 490BC-480BC. The greek city states, which untill then were opposed to each other, united for the first time in order to defend themselves from the invading persians.

..You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one..

Imagine the power that guy would have?People these days blindly believe society and politically standpoints, if there was just one guy there would be no opposition, no difference throughout the world he could control and do as he goddamn well desires.If Hitler had succeeded to control Europe(for this case lets say he took the world) he was going to abolish most language and create his own rules there would just be one goddamn culture of 6 billion people looking up to this one fag.

Well maybe they wouldn't need to spend money on war which is what so much is gone into but then there is always going to be civil unrest and potentially rebellious wars so they are going to need that money to police the world anyway aren't they?Well i can't say its all towards bad intentions but honestly all the world run is run by bad intentions,money or whatever you want to call it.All i'm saying is there opinion is free to do whatever the hell they please and this one opinion has to be accepted by 6 billion people...i don't think thats going to go down well theres always going to be someone who wants change for whatever reason.

Until the day i see someone who actually means good in power,whos had true to earth life experience not what he thinks is right to his ego or what he has learned in study then maybe i could accept a good world order but for now i could never see it happening.Just a genuine good bloke.
New World Order conspiracy theory where a "powerful and secretive elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through a totalitarian world government, which would replace sovereign nation-states and put an end to international power struggles."
This can't be a serious debate, it is fiction. Do someone believe in this? It sounds too much like The Combine in Half-Life 2.

I could discuss it as fiction, like the "what do you do if a zombie pops out", but I can't discuss it as a serious and realistic topic. I hope I don't offend anyone.
You would be surprised how many people believe in this sh!t, actually. But, I think at the same time, people like to believe in these conspiracy theories - I guess it makes the world more interesting.

After Michael Jackson died, there were a bunch of whack-job MJ fans going on about something called the 'Illuminati' who were responsible for killing him because he was fighting their message or something like that. I looked this organization up, and it's pretty much some top-secret group that gets celebrities to put hidden messages in their music and eventually they'll enslave us and rule the world. I asked this person what proof they have, and he showed me drawings of triangles and eyes and stupid sh!t like that - which proves absolutely nothing but the fact that yeah, people fall for stuff like this. Everyday.

Anyway - is it possible? No way in hell. Countries are far too nationalistic and egocentric to even consider allowing a single organization hold all the power and authority. Besides, this planet is far too diverse - we have a hard time respecting each other's individual rights enough as it is, I don't think merging us all into one is the answer.

Also, as someone else pointed out - living under a single totalitarian regime would leave the entire world susceptible to whatever biases or prejudices the leader may hold. Look at it this way - Hitler's Nazi Germany wasn't that long ago. I mean, we're only talking about 60 years. Germany was considered a civilized country. Before the war and Hitler's rise to power, anti-Semitism wasn't anymore rampant in Germany than it was in other European country. Hitler however was an incredibly influential individual, and this was one of the reasons the Holocaust was allowed to occur. No one stopped him. There was no democracy, no one saying 'hey, wait a minute'. Dictatorships rarely ever work well - and when they say 'absolute power corrupts absolutely', they're right. If this were ever to occur, I don't think you can expect this leader to remain benevolent for long... unless that person is Jesus. Or Oprah.
Omg, I didn't notice the whole New World Order conspiracy part of the question. It seems to me that people read too much Dan Brown lately! :p

Anyway, I wasn't talking about conspiracies that are acting right now. In fact I was seeing the whole matter as a part of the human evolution. These things take thousands of years to happen.
At the rate we're going now... I'm not certain Earth will still be here in a couple thousand years to see it, to be honest.
La Femme Fatale;71806 said:
At the rate we're going now... I'm not certain Earth will still be here in a couple thousand years to see it, to be honest.
The Earth will survive the human species and its wounds will heal and balance will be restored. I think maybe you mean WE may not still be here.

There will not be a one-world-government. Not even in the case of an alien invasion can that happen. If we are invaded by aliens we will probably stop fighting our human neighbors and unite to face the new threat. But here will not be one global government to rule all of Earth. Unless the aliens take that leader role...

Typically the opposite happens; countries breaks apart and new countries are formed. The European Union is one example of a new union, but it is already facing problems in spite of being made up of only European nations. And each member state still got its own government.
You know, I just remembered a guy in another forum, who didn't believe in human evolution. He couldn't accept the fact that humans and apes have the same ancestors. He thought that these two species are differnent and -let's face it- they are different. I think that the answer to such questions is time. You can't have a one-world-government during a single human lifetime just like you can't transform from an ape to a human in only a few centuries.

The European Union is a new formed union. About sixty years if I'm not mistaken. The bonds between its members are typical but even being typical they do exist. Of course there are a lot of problems because the size of Europe is reversely analogous to the number of the nationalities that live in it. Correct me if I'm wrong but there are only ten(?) countries in North America. What if there weren't so many differences in the countries of Europe too? :confused:

Like I said, nations are affected while time passes. They aren't the same through the years. One hundred years ago my grand grand father didn't have much in common with any foreign person. He was listening traditional music and in fact he couldn't even communicate with them. Today, we listen to almost the same music, English is our second language and we both like a game which is named Resident Evil. Who tells me that in the future my first language won't be replaced by English too?

I don't say that a one-world-government is definitely going to exist but I don't decline this possibility either. :)
I believe in the human evolution. As far as religion goes, I'm not so holy worshipping and stuff. (Not trying to offend anyone's religion, so let's please respect other's opinions)

I'm not sure how different education systems work in Europe, Africa, and Asia, but over here in the US, we are not allowed to practice religion (like prayers and stuff) in public schools. Also, teaching about the human evolution is very strict.

From what I learned, by self research is that Humans are developed somehow by apes. Over the years, genetics mutate and such. Now, homosapiens as we are classified are getting more advance and powerful as the years pass by. What will our genes develop over the years to come?
Fallen91;71846 said:
You can't have a one-world-government during a single human lifetime just like you can't transform from an ape to a human in only a few centuries.

I really like this analogy. The government is an entity in and of itself, and evolves just as any other living thing would. Over time, the ideas and concerns and needs of people change, and the government changes to adapt to these things. Each country has it's own interests because each culture is distinct. Eventually, maybe, when every country has caught up socially and technologically, and each universally have the same needs, maybe a one-world government is possible.

Basically, everyone has to be on the same page. It will take a long time, but we are way closer than we were, say, 300 years ago.
Honestly i don't think it could ever happen, even in 1000 years but by then(if we haven't killed ourselves)i could say we would probably be inhabiting planets at the incredible rate we evolve through technology.If that happens well then it seems more reasonable too have a one world leader for each planet but maybe i'm going too far now.

As for evolution hopefully we will have the ability to control our minds better.I actually still think we're pretty primitive beings but i'm getting off topic again.
Fallen91;71846 said:
The European Union is a new formed union. About sixty years if I'm not mistaken. The bonds between its members are typical but even being typical they do exist. Of course there are a lot of problems because the size of Europe is reversely analogous to the number of the nationalities that live in it. Correct me if I'm wrong but there are only ten(?) countries in North America. What if there weren't so many differences in the countries of Europe too? :confused:
It's less than 10 nations in North America. I usually count only Canada and USA. Bermuda and Saint Pierre are not independent nations but are in North America. I think of Greenland (Danish) as European.

There are many definitions of North America.

The United Nations:
Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings

If you choose to trust Wikipedia:
United Nations geoscheme
United Nations geoscheme for the Americas
Well, here in Canada we are taught that the only countries in North America are Canada, the United States and Mexico because of NAFTA.