Yep, it is a really good song. Actually did you ever hear anything by Rev and Synster Gates side band Pinkly Smooth. It is decent but radically Different from AX7
That's what I thought when I saw your post
I've noticed that a lot of people don't understand that for a while now.Good...because a lot of others don't quite understand...which drives me up a wall sometimes..
I've noticed that a lot of people don't understand that for a while now.
Everyone has the right to be an idiot some just tend to abuse that privilege.Youre not the only one...but hey...Idiocy is a disease i suppose...
Everyone has the right to be an idiot some just tend to abuse that privilege.
True, but Sometimes those two go hand in hand sadly. Ask Hilary Clinton or Bristol Palin. No wait look at them as prime examples
True as that may be I'd still like to See Condoleezza Rice as the first Female President. She will get S&!t done and won't take anyone's Crap! quote Tina Fey...Hillary may be a bitch, but bitches get stuff done...
True as that may be I'd still like to See Condoleezza Rice as the first Female President. She will get S&!t done and won't take anyone's Crap!
As long as the media has a say things will stay as corrupt as they currently are for a long time.Personally i'm not one for poitics as it's just a corupt organization of elites...that being said, there are a few good eggs in there, and eventually maybe something will get you said...
As long as the media has a say things will stay as corrupt as they currently are for a long time.
One can and who knows maybe one day things will actually change.One can have his optimisticaly foolish dreams can he not...
One can and who knows maybe one day things will actually change.
That is very true. if you are too heavy on one of the two, then you aren't changing Sh!tThat's why i call myself the optimistic narcasit...i think you need a splash of each to get things done...
That is very true. if you are too heavy on one of the two, then you aren't changing Sh!t
LoL then you can make quite the difference. We just need to get you in Washington.Haha...i've been told i'm too much of both lol...
LoL then you can make quite the difference. We just need to get you in Washington.
That works too. Actually when my wrestling career is over or if it fails I plan to teach TaeKwonDo.Sorry...but i'm gonna make a difference in the classroom...i want to be a teacher...