Is Chris gay?

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Jan 22, 2015
This is a topic i've discussed with my friends for a long time. Most of us agree, he problably is gay. Sure this is a topic that isn't really that important to the games and the storyline. But being a die hard fan I still like to discuss these things.

Anyway what 'proof' do we have that Chris is gay? Well mostly it is his lack of emotions and general respons to other female characters in the games. The greatest example is in Revelations 1 when Jessica tries everything she can to make him interested. There is also other hints in this. For example his very sterotypical 'gay sailor' outfit in raid mode. Sure it isn't canon but it's still something to take note of. Other main characters have made it clear which sexual prefference they have. For example Leon loves Ada, Claire talked about her boyfriend in Resident Evil Damnation. But Chris has been silent when it comes to the topic. A great reason why is problably that even if he was gay capcom would problably not ever tell it because of the controversy.

What do you think? Is he gay,bi or straight? Who can tell.

This topic has been debated to death, and there's always people who claim a character must be straight until stated otherwise by the creators (which is bull$hit), but the fact that Chris's sexuality comes up so often in fan discussions shows me that I'm not the only one who gets this impression from him.

Let's look at some of the hints:
1) He shows no interest at all in female characters. I don't care what people say about him and Jill, those two have never done anything onscreen that I haven't done with close friends without being in love with or sexually attracted to them.
2) His strongest feelings are directed towards male characters in the series. He's absolutely obsessed with Wesker, just like Wesker is obsessed with him, they both make quite ambiguous statements about each other every once in a while ("It seems like our fates are forever intertwined." - "Suck on this, Wesker!"), and I won't believe anyone who claims that Capcom didn't do that on purpose to fuel some of their fans' yaoi fantasies. Then there's Piers, Chris's only male partner and the only one he's ever been that emotional with. If their relationship isn't based on very strong feelings of friendship and mutual respect, it can't be anything other than love.
3) As others have pointed out, he has those "gay" alternative outfits - sure, they're not canon, but I think it's saying something that Capcom even consider giving him one of those in every game he has appeared in since RE5, and he's also the only male character they're doing this with. If it was all just about sexualising him, they could do so without also making him look gay, it's not like there aren't enough sexy "straight" outfits he could wear.
4) His body shape... I know this is a stereotype, but some stereotypes are just true, and most gay guys I've encountered in my life were either ridiculously thin or walking mountains of muscle like Chris.

These hints mean nothing when you look at them individually. Chris not flirting with his female partners doesn't necessarily mean he's not attracted to women, maybe just not to the ones he's usually surrounded with, maybe he's just shy, or maybe he realises that getting out alive is more important than his love/sex life while he's being chased by some virus-mutated abomination. The body shape is not a proof either, otherwise it would mean that every muscular guy is gay. But it's the combination of those things that creates those "gay" vibes.
I don't think he is Gay.

He is a solider. he has to be in top shape to stay alive in the war he is in. He has been described by his commanding officers when he was in the U.S Air Force as "uncompromising", "possessing unwavering dedication" and having a "high level of adaptability". And the way he kept talking about Jill in RE5, Seeing how she came to his mind when Wesker tried to throw Sheva of the plane shows that and the fact that he quickly switched focus completely onto rescuing Jill. When she was in danger. Shows that Chris and Jill are more than close partners. As for his obsession with Wesker. Well its really clear. I mean Wesker betrayed Chris and killed half of the S.T.A.R.S members. if you were in Chris's place wouldn't you feel enraged and want to take Wesker down?
Chris wanted justice, not revenge! Barry wanted revenge! Speaking of which... Ugh... Apparently in the original build of Bio 5 had Barry in it. Amongst other epic things that were cut.

At least Barry got his "revenge" on Alex Wesker. Where Albert threatened his family and forced him to do bad things. Alex was like **** it! I'm taking his daughter and injecting her with a virus. If Albert ****ed Barry off... Alex crossed the line and was waiting at the gates of hell for Barry.
I remember we had a conversation on this forum about this not to long ago, I don't feel like digging up the topic but yea most people believe there is a possibility he is gay, at least in comparison to other male characters in Resident Evil who have actually shown interest in girls while Chris has not.
It´s not like he has shown interest in guys either... XD
There has been nothing in the history of Resident Evil that suggests Chris is gay. Alternate costumes have always been silly in Resident Evil games and it's quite stupid for anyone to try to use such things as proof of anything. Not showing interest in women during missions is also a weak point because he has a much more serious attitude and personality than most characters in the series. Not to mention, his missions tend to be more personal. Besides, like mentioned earlier, it's not like he's shown any interest in men either. In all the times Capcom has portrayed the character, canon or not, he's been portrayed as straight. Whether it was cut dialogue or a commercial for Resident Evil 5 but never has he been demonstrated as gay. It's all just delusions.
Those viral ads don't have to be canon for it to make a clear statement about a character. Those videos belong to Capcom and if Capcom was displeased with their human, white, male, "gay" character being portrayed as anything but, they'd let it be known and make the changes. Even the cut dialogue says something. That in of itself holds a lot more water than conspiracy theories. Like I said before, canon or not, that's the only glimpse into his sexual orientation and it's coming from Capcom. I'm not debating that the character is straight in the series' canon as it isn't revealed but that Capcom has delved into the subject and has answered the very question twice with the same answer which says something about Capcom's creative direction for the character. But most importantly, there is still no evidence to support that Chris is gay either way.
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I don't know if Chris is gay or not. Keep in mind that I haven't played either of the Revelations games so my answer will reflect that - but Chris hasn't really shown any interest in another person that can, beyond any reasonable doubt, be attributed to romantic feelings. I also don't think the alternative costumes prove anything - Capcom has, for the most part, given female characters highly-sexualized alternative outfits (Rebecca, Sheva, etc) while the men typically get the smooth criminal look. I see Chris' sailor outfit as merely trying to even the playing field a bit, rather than a statement on his sexuality.

However, I also think that making Chris gay is a huge risk for Capcom - and Capcom has proven it's not totally up for taking any kind of risks when it comes to their main characters. They made fans believe Jill was dead in advance of RE 5 but didn't go through with it, they couldn't kill Chris at the ending of RE 6 although it would have made more sense, and they couldn't off Wesker without giving fans a 'surrogate' in Alex and Jake. Resident Evil's fans are largely teenage males and young adult males... I just can't see them making Chris gay with the sort of target market they need to appeal to.
I don't know if Chris is gay or not. Keep in mind that I haven't played either of the Revelations games so my answer will reflect that - but Chris hasn't really shown any interest in another person that can, beyond any reasonable doubt, be attributed to romantic feelings. I also don't think the alternative costumes prove anything - Capcom has, for the most part, given female characters highly-sexualized alternative outfits (Rebecca, Sheva, etc) while the men typically get the smooth criminal look. I see Chris' sailor outfit as merely trying to even the playing field a bit, rather than a statement on his sexuality.

However, I also think that making Chris gay is a huge risk for Capcom - and Capcom has proven it's not totally up for taking any kind of risks when it comes to their main characters. They made fans believe Jill was dead in advance of RE 5 but didn't go through with it, they couldn't kill Chris at the ending of RE 6 although it would have made more sense, and they couldn't off Wesker without giving fans a 'surrogate' in Alex and Jake. Resident Evil's fans are largely teenage males and young adult males... I just can't see them making Chris gay with the sort of target market they need to appeal to.

Well... Revelation's alt costume is quite... a revelation to say the least. In Japan a man wearing a Sailor outfit is well... equal to a guy going to a gay pride parade wearing a pink shirt with a rainbow scarf....




Which leads us to stuff like.....


And this


Oh and.... Capcom also gave him a "buldge". So he's in a Sailor outfit with a freaking boner.

The first two are in game.....
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