This is a topic i've discussed with my friends for a long time. Most of us agree, he problably is gay. Sure this is a topic that isn't really that important to the games and the storyline. But being a die hard fan I still like to discuss these things.
Anyway what 'proof' do we have that Chris is gay? Well mostly it is his lack of emotions and general respons to other female characters in the games. The greatest example is in Revelations 1 when Jessica tries everything she can to make him interested. There is also other hints in this. For example his very sterotypical 'gay sailor' outfit in raid mode. Sure it isn't canon but it's still something to take note of. Other main characters have made it clear which sexual prefference they have. For example Leon loves Ada, Claire talked about her boyfriend in Resident Evil Damnation. But Chris has been silent when it comes to the topic. A great reason why is problably that even if he was gay capcom would problably not ever tell it because of the controversy.
What do you think? Is he gay,bi or straight? Who can tell.
Anyway what 'proof' do we have that Chris is gay? Well mostly it is his lack of emotions and general respons to other female characters in the games. The greatest example is in Revelations 1 when Jessica tries everything she can to make him interested. There is also other hints in this. For example his very sterotypical 'gay sailor' outfit in raid mode. Sure it isn't canon but it's still something to take note of. Other main characters have made it clear which sexual prefference they have. For example Leon loves Ada, Claire talked about her boyfriend in Resident Evil Damnation. But Chris has been silent when it comes to the topic. A great reason why is problably that even if he was gay capcom would problably not ever tell it because of the controversy.
What do you think? Is he gay,bi or straight? Who can tell.