Is Chris gay?

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Ya know for a split second I got excited that he was into younger women... then I remembered he isn't real.

Maybe Capcom is trying to avoid that cliché of Superman and Superwoman being paired as a couple?

Or, as was said before, they are leaving it vague for fans to run with their own ideas.

Chris was probably friend-zoned a long time ago if he ever felt anymore than a close friendship/partnership for Jill. I can sort of see them as Dr. Grant and Dr. Ellie in Jurassic Park 3. There is a picture on Jill's desk in RE2 that says she is with her "boyfriend" in that picture, Claire never mentions it being a picture of Chris however.
Is it sad that I'm looking forward to the RE2 remake because I want to explore that S.T.A.R.S. office (among other things)?
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Capcom usually keeps its characters relationships pretty vague the only times a characters relationships are stated are when their married or like in Damnation were they hint that Ada and Leon have slept together at least once. I can appreciate that especially when my ships can get really obscure (richard/rebecca) So I would say its up to the player usually I'm more of a Jill/Chris kinda person myself

This was an advert that popped up when I was browsing this thread off-line. It's clearly a sign. I'm guessing Chris cruises with Piers. Probably wears that sailor outfit too, since it'd be fitting.
I understand you're trying to wax poetic and all, but on the last page @Storyofmylife posted a video with deleted dialogue from Resident Evil 5, which proves that he's at the most bisexual, if not totally straight. ;)

Nice try though.
That's what I'm here for. To crush the dreams of fangirls and boys alike. <3 ( only kidding of course. )
The fangirl in me tends to think that they never used that dialogue so therefore it is irrelevant... "The limit does not exist!" ;D

But clearly Capcom has written him with the idea that he is straight.... Or bi like some of us tend to still push for.
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The RE5 producer confirmed Chris and Jill deep down are into each other but they just don't say it, because of their job.
I suppose it makes sense they'd keep things strictly professional in front of everyone. If you were were an original member of the BSAA, you wouldn't want your subordinates talking about you bangin'.
Nah, Chris and Jill just seem like great partners if you ask me. He gets way more emotionally worked up over Piers, so I still say that's a sign :P
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Just an idea but considering chris' track record, you know, with all of his friends and subordinates dying and his sister being kidnapped that he purposefully avoids relationships to keep from getting someone else hurt or killed? And as far as the whole piers and chris thing, piers was young enough to almost be a son to chris, and his replacement for when chris was going to retire. So maybe he was so emotional because it was like a father losing a son or his little brother dying.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but there was actually canonical evidence from way before the unused LiN audio leak that confirms he's into women: as you may recall, Capcom released a series of viral videos in the promotional materials for the game. The second one actually shows Chris dating a woman (an Asian girl):

No way do they do this if he's gay even if you wanna argue "oh, it's not canon because they removed it" in regards to the LiN audio. Bisexuality's still in the cards, though.
Ehhhh... I wouldn't take anything for granted when it comes to the love/sex life of RE characters. The thing is they almost never talk about the character's private lifes.

I even remember the producer of RE5, Jun Takeuchi, stating that Chris and Jill having feelings for each other, except they don't say it out loud. Jill's survival was very important to Chris in RE5
You can't tell me he made all this drama over Jill just because they're 'partners' lol
and then look how important it was to him in RE6 :razz:

RE constantly changes its team of writers/producers with each title, so the opinions on everything vary from each producer/writer
Didn't those videos also completely forget about TerraSave and made Claire a soldier or something?

It was a training mission:

Again, them having an actor portraying Chris with a girl in promotional material and putting audio in the actual game of him flirting with one in the office (even if they later removed it) while actually being gay just doesn't compute. Bisexual maybe, but he's definitely into chicks.
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You all are delusional, those live action commercials were only a marketing strategy. *troll face*
Just now encountered this thread for the first time and I'd like to weigh in. Firstly, I'd like to believe that Capcom deliberately avoids mentioning anything about Chris's love life because frankly it's not important in the context of any of the video games, considering he's always fighting for his life. However, I don't believe that that is the case. I'm guessing it's more of a business strategy than anything. Regardless of whatever his true sexuality may be, he's become a large sex symbol for women and men alike. To confirm his sexuality in any way would harm his image for someone.

Additionally, they're incredibly indecisive when it comes to anything relating to their characters. Fans argue about characters' sexuality, relationship status, significant others, and in some cases even whether they are living or dead. This is something that many of us seem to enjoy debating, and it also keeps us interested in the characters and their lives. This wouldn't be possible if Capcom explicitly stated certain things about these characters, which is why I believe they will continue to leave these issues unaddressed, as it leaves more room for us to imagine and debate our own personal beliefs on the subject.

Regarding my personal thoughts on Chris's sexuality, I would like to start by saying I hate the idea of Chris and Jill being together. I like both characters, and I mean no offense to people who do see them together, but I can only see it as another situation where *insert male lead* gets together with *insert female lead* because they're supposed to and that's just how it goes (I could argue for pages as to why I absolutely hate Kirito x Asuna for that exact reason but this is neither the time nor the place). Now that we've got that out of the way, I personally believe that Chris is bisexual. I'm not going to pretend that I have any proof, because frankly there is none, but I just get a bisexual vibe from him. I don't however believe he's ever been romantically involved with, nor interested in any of the other characters we've seen. I don't believe he's gay because as someone pointed out, while any information that suggests he is interested in women never made the final cut and therefor is non-canonical, if the creators believed Chris to be gay they wouldn't have considered it in the first place. But then again, I'm pretty sure they didn't even know Alex Wesker's gender until they started working on Rev2, so anything's possible.
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Well it's obvious that Capcom flip flops a lot as @N7Valentine stated. That is pretty much a given for anyone who's been following the releases xD

As far as the story goes. It really doesn't matter if Chris is gay or not because his love life contributes to the story in no shape or form. It's not who he is or what he's about. He's dedicated to fighting for the cause and it wouldn't make sense for his protective personality to get anyone else involved romantic or otherwise until he's ready to set down the gun and retire and with how Chris's story is progressing. That isn't likely going to happen. He's going to fight bioterrorism until he's dead or utterly defeated. The whole concept of his love life goes against the well being of his character development that's been told over the past 20 years. Up until RE5 he's been more of a lone wolf type but he's always there for those he cares about. He chased leads. RE5 and forward he suffered loses with those close to him. Sheva is the only person who never really suffered at his side, yet he was reluctant with her for the longest time in their journey together.

Leon on the other hand has a lot of history with his fling with Ada. He also flirts with a lot of other women which adds to his character and story. It would be great to see Leon and Angela Miller meet again because they have great chemistry. Claire even has some good chemistry with Leon which could evolve into something more way down the line and go full circle. I think the end of Leon's story is going revolve around him not getting to be with Ada and will need to either kill her or arrest her for her actions and involvement in various conspiracies with is no doubt going to go too far one day. Leon's closure would work great with the typical get a girl plot, but it's not going to be Ada as some fans might be hoping for or expecting (if anyone actually is).

The point is Chris's story doesn't need a love interest and it's rather irrelevant. His brotherly love with Prier's on the other hand is relevant. His relationship with Jill is relevant and they should focus on his relationship with his sister. I feel that he seems quite distant to her at times. Likely to keep her safe.

Until Capcom every clarifies it and makes something finale. We can only go with what they give us in game. It's clear Capcom is having fun with Chris and his fans and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop anytime soon. After a Sailor outfit in Japan certainly holds meaning. So why don't we just have fun too? After all, we all know Chris is always going to bend over backwards and flip his **** cakes if Albert comes around again.

You go kill those Zombies and keep us all safe now, big guy!
