There were 4 years between RE4 & RE5, and in that time something happened with Tricell, The Organization, Spencer, working on Las Plagas & of course we cannot forget Uroboros, he was still a very busy man.

See, this here is my main beef with the movie, and I chalk it up to lazy and unimaginative writing. Leon is as two dimensional as cardboard cut-out in the movie. Whatever personality he had in the two games he was featured in, it had been sucked absolutely dry at the end of Degeneration. Most certainly, he *was* a `Gary Stu`. Just as much as I found Angela to be a Mary-Sue; let`s face it, she had all the qualities of a poorly written original fanfiction character. She had the the tragic past and the heart of gold, she was intended to be prettier than the other girls, she was stronger, but still a bit of a damsel in distress, and she had to a certain extent gained Leon`s affection at at least one point of the movie.013;44996 said:Putting his looks aside, I watched Degeneration only taking interest in his personality...but after watching it I realized that they screwed it up just as much as his face. Can you spell Gary Stu? Leon is great, but don't exaggerate his greatness to the point where he's TOO perfect to the point where it becomes rediculous. He gets vitch slapped by a G monster halfway across the earth only to get back up half a second later and go all marvel comic hero? Bull! Hell even Wesker got hurt in CVX.
Some people said Leon was a cliche action hero in 4. I disagree, Leon showed flaw and inperfection in 4, while in RED he hardly does. Then another thing that made me boil was the fact that they made him "so cool" that he hardly acknowlegded Clare and was "too cool" to give her a hug or a proper goodbye at the end of the movie. That's when him being unattractive really irritated me. seeing that it matched his irritating personality.
Resident James;45011 said:I like how this topic is going. By all means, tally ho!
Does Capcom actualy look at what the fans are saying or do they ignore us?
Generally, I think Capcom is much more concened with what we do, rather than what we say. It's important to keep in mind that they are, above all, just a business whose main goal is to increase their profit margin. It's not a democracy. The thing with RE is that is has such a close, almost cultish following, and unfortunetely this group is not being catered too anymore. I think it's pretty clear that Capcom knows we're going to buy whatever RE game they crank out, and that's it. With RE 4 and RE 4, they already had their 'base fans' buy it, simply because 'Resident Evil' was slapped onto the title. However, what these games intended to do was reach out to a much broader audience, and they were successful in that- the games sold like hot cakes in comparision to the earlier ones. So, no, I don't believe that Capcom listens to what we are saying. They are listening to what we are doing- and the majority of us are still buying whatever it is they try to sell us.Resident James;45011 said:Does Capcom actualy look at what the fans are saying or do they ignore us?
Oh, she for sure got way more screen time, for sure. I just didn't like the fact that it was basically her story, and Leon and Claire just seemed like players to me. The ending ****ed me off as well; I think it was intended for the viewers to think that Claire shouldn't be there or is out of place because Leon and Angela needed a moment. It's just, ugh, it irritated me.To Femme: True very disappointing. I thought Claire was much prettier than Angela. Angela was one of those forced chracters if ya know what I mean. Was it me or did she get more screen time and attention than Claire? Not cool.
Tell me about it; Capcom hasn't employed the most competent people as writers. I remember this line from another CC game that makes me cringe: 'let's make like a tree and get out of here'. I swear some of their lines are really just... wtf, heh."Let's go diving sometime".....honestly who writes this stuff.....oh wait, "How about we do some overtime?", "Master of unlocking", "Jill sandwhich", etc.