Hey everybody, my name's Machete. I was browsing the internet in a rather bored fashion, just meandering from result to result until I found this site. AFter giving it a good looking-over I thought it looked pretty cool and signed up, so here I am. I suppose I should tell you all a little bit about myself shouldn't I?
Well, my user name is Machete, you all know that. I've only ever played two or three games in the Resident Evil series but I still absolutely love it...except for the fact that the characters are really tactical thinkers and never move, even if their surrounded, as they're shooting. Anyways, I like games like this, role playing, drawing (or trying to anyways), and attempting to write at least semi-decent stories of both my own creation and the fan-fiction variety.
Anyways, that's about all there is to me and I hope I have a fun time on this board.
Well, my user name is Machete, you all know that. I've only ever played two or three games in the Resident Evil series but I still absolutely love it...except for the fact that the characters are really tactical thinkers and never move, even if their surrounded, as they're shooting. Anyways, I like games like this, role playing, drawing (or trying to anyways), and attempting to write at least semi-decent stories of both my own creation and the fan-fiction variety.
Anyways, that's about all there is to me and I hope I have a fun time on this board.