Awaii-Lynne momma cosplayer Oct 25, 2008 603 103 13,661 My Living Room Aug 24, 2010 #1,881 make sure all her dresses are red. What does Rebecca do in her spare time?
S.T.A.R.S.1 Well-Known Member Jul 9, 2010 46 0 2,528 california,united states Aug 24, 2010 #1,882 hangs out with billy in a room and makes breathing sounds why does wesker keep dying
LordGolbez Well-Known Member Feb 26, 2010 1,654 867 26,878 The Crystal Palace Aug 25, 2010 #1,883 Because Wesker Doesn't When To Stay Dead. What Kind Of House Does Wesker Have?
icydeath7 The god of walls Jul 24, 2010 258 3 3,378 silent hill Aug 25, 2010 #1,884 a duplex in the ghetto do you think the spray rebecca used on chris gave chris an allergic reaction later?
a duplex in the ghetto do you think the spray rebecca used on chris gave chris an allergic reaction later?
tremor 4 itchy tasty Premium Oct 17, 2009 3,963 3,229 37,128 35 here and there... Aug 25, 2010 #1,885 Yes, his face swole up to the size of a watermelon Why does Barry talk to himself?
C Counter88 Well-Known Member Jun 30, 2010 43 0 2,528 Home sweet home! Aug 25, 2010 #1,886 Because he has no Jill Sandwich. Where did Saddler come from?
JaguarsSoul ayşegül ϟ Apr 16, 2010 1,289 178 11,012 29 dordrecht, the netherlands Aug 25, 2010 #1,887 From a planet far beyond the universe called Mexicearth (wtf?!). Who advised Chris to use steroids?
Awaii-Lynne momma cosplayer Oct 25, 2008 603 103 13,661 My Living Room Aug 26, 2010 #1,888 Berry, he said Chris was far to small to handle a Jill Sandwich. Does Chris watch "Castle"?
bSTAR_182 Sexually Active Member Mar 29, 2009 2,165 2,918 32,478 Aug 28, 2010 #1,889 "I'm gonna have to say NO." Does Wesker like fish-sticks?
Capcomplicated The Lousy Architect Premium May 13, 2010 1,555 588 13,262 38 Computers Aug 28, 2010 #1,890 Only served with exactly 4 packets of ketchup and a side of rice set at 195 degrees farinheight. And he will not tolerate delays! What would Chris and Jill dress up as for halloween?
Only served with exactly 4 packets of ketchup and a side of rice set at 195 degrees farinheight. And he will not tolerate delays! What would Chris and Jill dress up as for halloween?
C Counter88 Well-Known Member Jun 30, 2010 43 0 2,528 Home sweet home! Aug 28, 2010 #1,891 Chris would be dressed up as a Bull. He's F***ing stronger than a bull. Jill would be dressed up as a Sandwich. If Wesker survived the 2 RPG's and the lava surrounding him, what would be the first thing he would do?
Chris would be dressed up as a Bull. He's F***ing stronger than a bull. Jill would be dressed up as a Sandwich. If Wesker survived the 2 RPG's and the lava surrounding him, what would be the first thing he would do?
Awaii-Lynne momma cosplayer Oct 25, 2008 603 103 13,661 My Living Room Aug 28, 2010 #1,892 Go to DisneyWorld!!! Who would he bring?
blivvy Master of unlocking... Premium Aug 22, 2010 1,633 1,144 28,378 Ireland Aug 28, 2010 #1,893 Hunk & tofu. How can a piece of tofu carry a knife?
Awaii-Lynne momma cosplayer Oct 25, 2008 603 103 13,661 My Living Room Aug 28, 2010 #1,894 Its quiet simple! But you have to be one with the tofu to be able to know! How can you be one with the tofu?
Its quiet simple! But you have to be one with the tofu to be able to know! How can you be one with the tofu?
JaguarsSoul ayşegül ϟ Apr 16, 2010 1,289 178 11,012 29 dordrecht, the netherlands Aug 29, 2010 #1,895 With a little bit Buthistic meditation, you'll be one with the tofu. Other ways are too gross... ... My gosh D: *kills fantasy* Why didn't Saddler cut off his long, ugly, black, rotten, gross, stinky, awfull, idiotic, gay nails?
With a little bit Buthistic meditation, you'll be one with the tofu. Other ways are too gross... ... My gosh D: *kills fantasy* Why didn't Saddler cut off his long, ugly, black, rotten, gross, stinky, awfull, idiotic, gay nails?
C Counter88 Well-Known Member Jun 30, 2010 43 0 2,528 Home sweet home! Aug 29, 2010 #1,896 Because he has Cancer. Does Chris have a pet? If so, what kind of pet?
JaguarsSoul ayşegül ϟ Apr 16, 2010 1,289 178 11,012 29 dordrecht, the netherlands Aug 29, 2010 #1,897 A gorilla; that explains his steroids abuse. What'd happen when Steve lost his underwear after changing back into a human?
A gorilla; that explains his steroids abuse. What'd happen when Steve lost his underwear after changing back into a human?
blivvy Master of unlocking... Premium Aug 22, 2010 1,633 1,144 28,378 Ireland Aug 29, 2010 #1,898 He'd be nekked. Whats weskers favourite tv show?
codename: HUNK Well-Known Member Jul 19, 2009 231 55 5,438 31 Aug 30, 2010 #1,899 desperate housewives what does Rebecca like on her pizza?
icydeath7 The god of walls Jul 24, 2010 258 3 3,378 silent hill Sep 1, 2010 #1,900 11 herbs and spices what does leon have for breakfast everyday?