Nikita_Hawkeye Well-Known Member Nov 24, 2008 14 0 3,838 24 Feb 18, 2011 #2,141 Three. One is framed on the top of the desk. One inside the top drawer. And the other one is laminated and was used as a cover for the table. What is Ada Wong's favorite drink?
Three. One is framed on the top of the desk. One inside the top drawer. And the other one is laminated and was used as a cover for the table. What is Ada Wong's favorite drink?
b.gluch Well-Known Member Feb 5, 2011 44 3 1,533 30 Canada Feb 18, 2011 #2,142 The Velvet Crush (Gin + Kool Aid) What's Ada doing right now?
Agahnim Well-Known Member Jan 2, 2011 37 1 1,533 New Orleans, LA Feb 19, 2011 #2,143 Shaving her beard and mustache. How often do you have to clean up after your pet Hunter?
Harry Sachz Ancient Alien Feb 3, 2011 238 64 3,183 Texas Feb 19, 2011 #2,144 Oh, you know, a few times a day. All that bloody mess he makes killing men all over the place, it gets quite messy. Would you let a Licker pleasure you with it's tongue?
Oh, you know, a few times a day. All that bloody mess he makes killing men all over the place, it gets quite messy. Would you let a Licker pleasure you with it's tongue?
Agahnim Well-Known Member Jan 2, 2011 37 1 1,533 New Orleans, LA Feb 19, 2011 #2,145 Better alternative to using toilet paper after taking a nice..... Pyramid Head encounters Nemesis naked in the shower. Who drops the soap?
Better alternative to using toilet paper after taking a nice..... Pyramid Head encounters Nemesis naked in the shower. Who drops the soap?
Hoady Well-Known Member Nov 23, 2008 3,419 438 14,321 32 Australia Feb 19, 2011 #2,146 Making sure neither of them drop the soap, out of nowhere chris drops it.Hes never been the same again. What would happen if Chris and Pyramid Head fused into 1 person?
Making sure neither of them drop the soap, out of nowhere chris drops it.Hes never been the same again. What would happen if Chris and Pyramid Head fused into 1 person?
domino29 PftU Spokesperson Oct 10, 2010 189 16 3,278 Canada... eh? Feb 21, 2011 #2,147 RE6 gets f'd. What would happen if Leon had a sex change?
b.gluch Well-Known Member Feb 5, 2011 44 3 1,533 30 Canada Feb 21, 2011 #2,148 He would become a professional singer and change his name for LEONa Lewis Did chris purposly drop the soap? (2 posts above)
He would become a professional singer and change his name for LEONa Lewis Did chris purposly drop the soap? (2 posts above)
KennedyKiller Super Saiyan Member Premium Jan 21, 2011 7,173 3,761 42,833 The United States of America Feb 21, 2011 #2,149 Only if Leon is in the shower with him... If Ashley saw Chris would she end her stupid crush on Leon...
Only if Leon is in the shower with him... If Ashley saw Chris would she end her stupid crush on Leon...
domino29 PftU Spokesperson Oct 10, 2010 189 16 3,278 Canada... eh? Feb 21, 2011 #2,150 NEVAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Likely. Would Nemesis and Tyrant make a nice baby or a mean baby?
Agahnim Well-Known Member Jan 2, 2011 37 1 1,533 New Orleans, LA Feb 27, 2011 #2,151 Actually, their child will grow up into a flower loving hippie. How often does Nemesis change his underwear?
Actually, their child will grow up into a flower loving hippie. How often does Nemesis change his underwear?
zombinater007 Well-Known Member Nov 12, 2010 317 31 2,783 29 Feb 27, 2011 #2,152 He has no underwear. He goes commando like a boss! What would you do if a nemesis going commando chases after you?
He has no underwear. He goes commando like a boss! What would you do if a nemesis going commando chases after you?
hellgirl223 Well-Known Member Mar 5, 2011 119 31 2,483 Jakarta (GMT+7) Mar 5, 2011 #2,153 run? is chris on steroids? (am kidding, btw xD chris is awesome <3) /shot
icydeath7 The god of walls Jul 24, 2010 258 3 3,378 silent hill Mar 12, 2011 #2,154 you're right he's on steroids and leon is using hair dye. Is Ashley really a man who wants to be a girl? you're right he's on steroids and leon is using hair dye. Is Ashley really a man who wants to be a girl?
JaguarsSoul ayşegül ϟ Apr 16, 2010 1,289 178 11,012 29 dordrecht, the netherlands Mar 13, 2011 #2,155 I think so. He just overrused the socks. How would Saddler react when he finds that out?
zombinater007 Well-Known Member Nov 12, 2010 317 31 2,783 29 Mar 21, 2011 #2,156 he turned into that one boss in the tower out of anger. y would he do something like that?
tremor 4 itchy tasty Premium Oct 17, 2009 3,963 3,229 37,128 35 here and there... Mar 21, 2011 #2,157 Because cross dressers are his worst enemy! What would happen if Wesker was a hair dresser?
zombinater007 Well-Known Member Nov 12, 2010 317 31 2,783 29 Mar 21, 2011 #2,158 he would have everyone have his hairdo of course? Why does he want that?
tremor 4 itchy tasty Premium Oct 17, 2009 3,963 3,229 37,128 35 here and there... Mar 21, 2011 #2,159 Because his new world order is really nothing but everyone having to have Wesker dos. Nemesis is your waiter, what do you do?
Because his new world order is really nothing but everyone having to have Wesker dos. Nemesis is your waiter, what do you do?
LordGolbez Well-Known Member Feb 26, 2010 1,654 867 26,878 The Crystal Palace Mar 25, 2011 #2,160 "Yes, Do You Have Chicken And S.T.A.R.S Soup?" Would You Go And See Wesker If He Was In An Asylum?