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  • Okay so I totally accidentally deleted your proposal. Can you forgive me? *bats eyelashes*

    Anyway, I was going to suggest a Satanist priest or Buddhist monk instead of a rabbi. Unless you're Jewish I guess. Then let's go for it.
    La Femme Fatale
    La Femme Fatale
    Phew - thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot. That's good though, I was worried my arms might look too fat in that dress. I'm sure yours would look much better.
    But what if the dress does makes me look fat :'c
    La Femme Fatale
    La Femme Fatale
    No honey, your butt will look great in that dress. TRUST ME
    Ok, so, I swear I welcomed you back already but it appears I did not - I'm so sorry! It's great to see you here again Cheez! How's it going?
    Oh, that's okay. I'm doing great, thanks! :)
    How've you been, Femme? Still working at Niagara Falls? (I hope I remembered that right)

    Anything crazy happen while I was gone?
    La Femme Fatale
    La Femme Fatale
    Nah, it's been pretty quiet here for the past year or so to be honest. It's nice to see people start to trickle back.

    I've been well - not in Niagara Falls anymore. Left that hotel job, did some campaigning and got a job as an assistant to a politician. I kind of hated it though so now I'm in the job hunt pool again, aha.
    Glad to see the place is still kicking somewhat.

    Oh, lovely. I'll be not-working-full-time for the first time in over a year. More or less immensely looking forward to it so excuse me if it's odd to say "congratulations." xD
    Hey I have a question for you - you're taking journalism in university, right?
    Basically, if you do journalism first, your first job will not come quite as easily. If you're good at what you do, being hired for a juicy salary at a big PR firm straight out of the news business isn't out of the question at all. It's a common career move that editors and senior reporters make when they feel like there's no more room for advancement.
    Doing PR first is a dead end in terms of the field, but you can always climb the ladder.
    tl;dr Journalism is the more applicable choice. I would recommend it over PR any day unless you're hung up on the job market. The market has actually stopped dipping now. Finding a job as an e-journalist should be getting easier in the next few years.
    'sup cheezy.
    Terrible. Been so ill over the past few days that I slept in the bath last night. Troof.

    Also: where's my Dino Crisis 2 Let's Play?
    I have the game but I've been mighty busy. Just got back from a roadtrip and now I'm tied down to work and a new wimminz. IT'LL HAPPEN I PROMISE.
    sadface :(
    Well helloooo cheez!
    Hey there Ms. Femme! How goes it?
    La Femme Fatale
    La Femme Fatale
    I'm doing fabulous thank you, how is Cheez? Did you go out for St Patty's day?
    I'm doing marvelous. No, I had a pretty mellow St. Patty's. The week leading up to it was a bit extreme so I figured I would take the opportunity to detox. :)
    Finally an intelligent debate on John Titor! i'm excited. I'm gonna have to pull out the big guns (wherever they are?) Thanks for keeping it alive btw.
    lol i can see i have alot of explaining and replying to do. You'll have most of it tomorrow if not soon. Thanks for posting btw i love hearing everyones opinion. You brought up some good questions and hypothesis.
    Thanks. It's nice to know that someone was willing to read that insanely long post. haha
    Hey dude, you seem pretty cool, what's happening? :)
    Thanks. Quite a lot at the moment, it's been an eventful week in some ways good others bad (hence the "alleged" hiatus).
    and you?
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