Recent content by cheezMcNASTY

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  1. cheezMcNASTY

    What Are You Listening to?

    Hello! May I have two slices of funky, please?
  2. cheezMcNASTY

    What are you watching?

    Watching FLCL: Progressive. Still the most random and amazing anime without tropes I've seen. 10/10.
  3. cheezMcNASTY

    La Femme Fatale!

    Happy happy birthday, Femme. My favorite thing to do in these threads has been to post an image of a weird cake. In that spirit, here you go!
  4. cheezMcNASTY

    Most nostalgic games

    Halo: CE Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Super Mario 64, Zelda: OoT & Majora's Mask Super Smash Bros. Melee Maplestory (unfortunately...)
  5. cheezMcNASTY

    Dark Souls 3

    The great scythe will be back in 60fps glory. I'm so hype :)
  6. cheezMcNASTY

    What are you thinking? (Part 2)

    There is one misuse of a word that I kind of like. Literal. Since everyone has begun to say things are "literally x" regardless of how true it is, literal's definition was officially expanded to include the opposite of literal in the dictionary. Who cares? Easy. Trolls like me. Say you're...
  7. cheezMcNASTY

    Pet Peeves

    I am a terrible grammar nazi and I know it. I've learned to live with it because otherwise I would be harping on people all day long. There is SOMETHING wrong with everything you've written; be it an excessive word, awkward sentence structure, or forgetting a hyphen. That last semicolon was...
  8. cheezMcNASTY

    What's everybody playing?

    Really looking forward to getting my hands on this when it launches this week.
  9. cheezMcNASTY

    I've gotta say. Life has me confused lately. So many questions! If we're made out of water, why...

    I've gotta say. Life has me confused lately. So many questions! If we're made out of water, why can't we get bigger when it rains? If Jesus died for our sin, who died for our cos and tan?
  10. cheezMcNASTY

    I happen to encounter quite a few teeth. By and large they come off as tough and are...

    I happen to encounter quite a few teeth. By and large they come off as tough and are unattractivye on the inside. Like, if you think about it, your jaw does most of the work and they just sit there like a bunch of pigeons. They demand attention daily and still don't usually make it all the way...
  11. cheezMcNASTY


    Happy birthday baws
  12. cheezMcNASTY

    What's everybody playing?

    Switching off between Dark Souls 3, League, and ESO.
  13. cheezMcNASTY

    NAST-, cheez!

    Holy snap... I was so away from my technology yesterday I didn't see this until now. THANK YOU EVERYONE. 27 YEARS YOUNG WHOOOOO