*throws some positivity around*Enough with the negativity. It's every day now and it's sooooo wearing. I need a break from it...

CT: Phillies!

*throws some positivity around*Enough with the negativity. It's every day now and it's sooooo wearing. I need a break from it...
My opinion is more like "I loved him despite Jim Carey."
Johnny Depp is amazing at everything and would most likely be just as amazing at Edward as he is at every other character he plays. I don't really care whether or not Katie Holmes comes back, I couldn't stand her as Rachel - I mean who tases Cillian Murphy in the face? That's so not nice and she was such an @$$ to poor, unhinged Scarecrow the entire movie.
Johnny Depp was brought up because there are rumors that he will play the Riddler, who is rumored to be in the next Batman movie.Haha...When did we start talking about Johnny Depp?...I mean i like him, but i think he's over rated...well, he's not, but a lot of his blockbuster movies are...
Johnny Depp was brought up because there are rumors that he will play the Riddler, who is rumored to be in the next Batman movie.
And pray tell how many blockbusters has Johnny Depp in? He's known for his quirky roles in cult films that don't really garner much...public success but instead strike a cord with smaller audiences. In fact the only movies right off hand that I can think of that are huge hits with an enormous fan base are the Pirates movies and, while Dead Man's Chest and At World's End are most definitely overrated, The Black Pearl earned the hype it got; it was a fantastic movie, something that no one had done in hollywood in ages and on top of all that, it was believable.
I actually heard that Public Enemies didn't do very well because the way Dillinger was portrayed was rather shaky, many didn't really like Tim Burton's Charlie because it was so different from the old one and they weren't fond of Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka, Alice did well but I wouldn't go so far as to say that people went overboard on the praise and it got undue recognition and, the word around the street is that the Tourist definitely didn't live up to the hype the previews got for the movie. A movie doing well and it being a blockbuster hit are two very different things and I can honestly say that, aside from Alice, I haven't heard much about any of the movies you listed since the week they came out and that's partly because of Alice's pre-existing fanbase.His old movies were cult classics...but tell me honestley...were Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Tourist, and Public Enimies not blockbusters....I mean I love Johnny Depp, and it would be cool if he played Riddler, so i wasnt complaining...i just hadn't heard those rumors...and youre right, the first pirates movie was amazing, whilst the others were God awful...Oddly enough i'm still gonna see the new ones...but tell me, have you ever hear of the movie Nick of Time? Thats by far his best, and it came out in 1994 when he was still semi-new to acting...
I actually heard that Public Enemies didn't do very well because the way Dillinger was portrayed was rather shaky, many didn't really like Tim Burton's Charlie because it was so different from the old one and they weren't fond of Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka, Alice did well but I wouldn't go so far as to say that people went overboard on the praise and it got undue recognition and, the word around the street is that the Tourist definitely didn't live up to the hype the previews got for the movie. A movie doing well and it being a blockbuster hit are two very different things and I can honestly say that, aside from Alice, I haven't heard much about any of the movies you listed since the week they came out and that's partly because of Alice's pre-existing fanbase.
I will most definitely be going to see On Stranger Tides because Keira and Orlando are gone! I feel that the emphasis put on them in the last two movies was a bit much and part of the reason they were so bad; it was like they were trying to make Elizabeth and Will outshine Jack's amazing logic and talent for pitting people against each other for his own gain.
I have heard of Nick of Time but I haven't had the chance to see it but I can say that I find it hard to believe he has a "best" role. All of his roles have been so different and outstanding in their own right that I, personally, can't tell you what my favorite role is out of the movies I have seen - and own.
The two of them are good actors to be sure and their characters are nice and all but they don't top Jack and the powers at be made the fatal mistake of trying to make them top Jack and it just didn't work out very well. Hopefully they've learned from this and we won't be looking at the same problem with On Stranger Tides.Finaly! Someone who agrees that the movie will be good because theyre gone! I felt exactly like you did in respect to them...
The two of them are good actors to be sure and their characters are nice and all but they don't top Jack and the powers at be made the fatal mistake of trying to make them top Jack and it just didn't work out very well. Hopefully they've learned from this and we won't be looking at the same problem with On Stranger Tides.
Elizabeth got annoying when she killed Jack, period.Really...i don't think Kierra Knightly is that great an actress...I really havnt seen enough with Orlando Bloom to tell...and frankly, Elizibeth's character got annoying when she was able to use a sword...i mean i have nothing against women who can fight...but they pretty much nixed the whole essance of damzel in distress...
Lol...the movie sucked long before that part...but lets face it...it made it worse when nothing else couldve...Elizabeth got annoying when she killed Jack, period.