Every once in a while never hurt anyone... :evil:

Every once in a while never hurt anyone... :evil:
I tried imgur now , and i tried many other site, i can upload the image but I can't post it here, when i try to post it it give me an errorimgur.com is a great choice. Links to images are short, direct links aren't much longer, it's ridiculously simple to upload something (drag and drop, copy and paste), and all your uploads are private by default, sharing with the rest of the site is totally optional.
I tried imgur now , and i tried many other site, i can upload the image but I can't post it here, when i try to post it it give me an error
Don't know why
I find the link for message board and forum, but if i post it as an image on the forum it give me errorI use imgur and you have to make sure you are selecting the correct link. There is a link list, next to the uploaded image, and from that list there is a “message boards and forums” link you should use for posting on forums.
I find the link for message board and forum, but if i post it as an image on the forum it give me error
If i put the link directly will the image show?
Well thanksWell AlbertWesker959 - It's great to finally put a face to the words. After all of this time talking to you, I have to know where you're from! And don't take this the wrong way - but you're pretty good looking bro.
And Rondachewarrior - Welcome back again! I've seen your posts for a long time, so it is great to see your back and have the ability to talk with you too! That is a great photo. Cool hair.
And don't take this the wrong way - but you're pretty good looking bro.
No homo, right?
Well thanksI'm from Italy by the way
You look like Alan Alda. Not current Alan Alda...on account of he's ancient. But maybe like, Alan Alda in the late 80's, early 90'sBe gentle
Just me