I've already left the series once.
After RE6, my faith in Resident Evil faded, I didn't even play Revelations 2 back then, it wasn't entirely due to Resident Evil alone, it was mostly Capcom's terrible decisions back then that were pushing me away, namely the DmC reboot that REALLY grinded my gears.
The only thing that stopped me from cutting Resident Evil loose entirely was a little video uploaded to YT that had the famous words "We Do It!".
Though throughout 2015 to 2018, I like a lot of other people forgot that was happening.
After RE7 was revealed to be first person and the previews showed a more supernatural direction, that was it for me, I was out, I wasn't even willing to give the game a chance, it wasn't until I came across a playthrough on YT and saw the first few hours that I decided to give it a chance.
I ended up really liking the game and my faith in Resident Evil was rekindled, then REmake 2 and Devil May Cry 5 happened and my faith in Capcom was restored.
The leaks for RE8 are concerning, but I don't know if I'll cut the series loose again.
This is sounding like a RE7 marketing situation again where the previews are making it look as "NOT Resident Evil" as possible only for the final game to end up being true Resident Evil.
Thing is Resident Evil NEEDS to have some good new main characters to carry the franchise onwards, Leon, Chris, Jill, Claire and Ada can't be around forever.
After RE6, my faith in Resident Evil faded, I didn't even play Revelations 2 back then, it wasn't entirely due to Resident Evil alone, it was mostly Capcom's terrible decisions back then that were pushing me away, namely the DmC reboot that REALLY grinded my gears.
The only thing that stopped me from cutting Resident Evil loose entirely was a little video uploaded to YT that had the famous words "We Do It!".
Though throughout 2015 to 2018, I like a lot of other people forgot that was happening.
After RE7 was revealed to be first person and the previews showed a more supernatural direction, that was it for me, I was out, I wasn't even willing to give the game a chance, it wasn't until I came across a playthrough on YT and saw the first few hours that I decided to give it a chance.
I ended up really liking the game and my faith in Resident Evil was rekindled, then REmake 2 and Devil May Cry 5 happened and my faith in Capcom was restored.
The leaks for RE8 are concerning, but I don't know if I'll cut the series loose again.
This is sounding like a RE7 marketing situation again where the previews are making it look as "NOT Resident Evil" as possible only for the final game to end up being true Resident Evil.
Thing is Resident Evil NEEDS to have some good new main characters to carry the franchise onwards, Leon, Chris, Jill, Claire and Ada can't be around forever.