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Super Saiyan Member
I've never seen the anime, but the movie was so f*cking bad on every level. Whitewashing certainly did it no favors, either.

Anyways, I'm watching The Martian again, such a great movie. Matt Damon's character is so good in this, he literally makes this movie his. It was fun watching his character throughout the entirety of the film, joking, traveling and just surviving Mars. A sh!t ton of research had to have gone into the making of the source material, just nailing the science of it all: space travel and life on Mars had to have taken a lot of crafting and legwork, but man does it pay off in a big way. Such an entertaining film from start to finish.
The Martian is awesome. I hate being a "The Book is Better than the Movie" person but the ONE way the movie f*cked up was not being rated R. In the book Mark is way more of a Bruce Willis type and his humor is even darker and filled with much more swearing. Not that their interpretation in the film is bad...just Really toned down. Other than that, A+ of a film.

As for Avatar and Korra, I'm about to be crucified. I prefer Korra.


Rocket Trash Panda
The Martian is awesome. I hate being a "The Book is Better than the Movie" person but the ONE way the movie f*cked up was not being rated R. In the book Mark is way more of a Bruce Willis type and his humor is even darker and filled with much more swearing. Not that their interpretation in the film is bad...just Really toned down. Other than that, A+ of a film.

As for Avatar and Korra, I'm about to be crucified. I prefer Korra.

I never read the book, but I remember hearing they took quite a few liberties with the source material from those who have. Damon's character was quite funny despite the watered-down material he apparently had to work with.

Anyways, I'm just wrapping up the very first Highlander movie. I've been curious about this one for quite some time as the first one has something of a cult following while I heard the sequels are complete trash. Low and behold, I saw it was on Prime Vid, so I watched it, and yes, it was everything I heard it was: cheesy, over-the-top and, at times, tonally inconsistent. It has a hard time deciding if it wants to be a gothic/noir horror, fantasy film or contemporary drama. Holy sh!t, it's all over the place, and I didn't like it that much. It's a "tolerable" one-off, I guess, but nothing I would want to rewatch, and if this is seriously the best the franchise has to offer, I probably wouldn't like the sequels, either just based off everything I've heard.


I make good toast
Space Force. As yet undecided as to whether I like it or not, but I'm usually a fan of anything with John Malkovich in, so hopefully it gets good.


G Virus Experiment
Looking forward to starting Space Force this week despite the middling reviews.

I finally caved and bought Disney+, so I watched the first 7 out of 8 episodes of The Mandalorian and I have to say, I was still impressed despite hearing so many solid things about the show. My brother in law and sister in law will be staying with us for a week starting on Saturday to give them a break from NYC Quarantine and we will all finish the series together. Sounds nice.


Rocket Trash Panda
Just got my Director's Cut Blu-Ray of Fearless in the mail earlier today and just started watching it, so glad I picked this up. 10 minutes in and I'm already hooked, this movie has some of the best fighting and choreography I've ever seen. It's been over a decade since I've last seen this (I rented it from Blockbuster back when those were still around in 2005, that's how long it was), but it's holding up very well.

If you're a fan of kung-fu movies, then this is a must-have.


I make good toast
SWAT. It's ok...never watched the original series but it's watchable stuff for the evenings, even if it is a little too obvious with its MeToo and BLM stuff. Like, I don't mind the inclusion of all that stuff but it's coming across as pretty hamfisted in places.

But I like that each episode is resolved within itself so there's no dragging out of stuff across seasons - I'm guessing that format will change, because they always do, but so far it's not too heavy.


You can't kill me.
I just finished watching the first season of Sword Art Online. As someone who finds it difficult to watch even a single episode of most animes, I liked SAO. There were some cheesy bits but overall solid story and cool premise. The characters were not too over the top, usually. I'd probably give it a solid 8/10. Probably will start season 2 soon and I see there is a movie too. Might eventually watch that also.
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Rocket Trash Panda
I just watched Rogue One again last night, such a great movie, especially the Death Star scene with Vader at the end, very bingeable. Easily the best of the Disney Star Wars movies, which I know isn't saying much, but still.

I've also finally got around to watching Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, got both seasons on Amazon sale on Blu-Ray, really enjoying it so far. It's too bad Salvation and Genisys were so bad that they had to reboot the timeline, so none of this really matters, anymore, and I sadly think you know what I'm getting at.


Rocket Trash Panda
I finally watched Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, that was awesome. Easily one of the better DC animated films I've seen. I really liked the whole Justice League defeated angle with some nice dark twists and turns along the way. The action easily ranks up there with the best DC animated movies as well. Loved it from start to finish.

Currently watching Blade Runner 2049. A little long, but a more-than-worthy follow-up to a great movie.


Rocket Trash Panda
I finally started watching Battlestar Galactica after all this time. I got my Complete Series Collection in the mail yesterday, and I'm really enjoying it so far. It's very similar to OG Star Trek, which I sorely miss the good ol' Trek days, especially after hearing how disappointing Discovery is (it's pretty divisive), so that's a plus in my book. It even looks like they intentionally shot it with the retro 80's look considering the show first aired in 2004. One thing that stands out from OG Trek, though, is it's very linear with conflicts that aren't resolved by the end of the episode, which I really enjoyed. The characters are all well-acted and superbly-written as well.

This is a must-watch for sci-fi fans.


Stray Jedi
AoS season 7. It's a shame it's the final season but it's been fantastic so far. This show sure had a hell of a ride and made it's way to my favorite show of all time. The new episode is in the 50's an all in black and white. I love how they take risks to do such unique stand out episodes like this! Love it!


Super Saiyan Member
Started an anime called Tiger and Bunny, and I'm really loving it.

I just watched Rogue One again last night, such a great movie, especially the Death Star scene with Vader at the end, very bingeable. Easily the best of the Disney Star Wars movies, which I know isn't saying much, but still.

I've also finally got around to watching Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, got both seasons on Amazon sale on Blu-Ray, really enjoying it so far. It's too bad Salvation and Genisys were so bad that they had to reboot the timeline, so none of this really matters, anymore, and I sadly think you know what I'm getting at.
Rogue One is EASILY the best (and only legit *good* Star Wars film), and yeah. Sarah Connor Chronicles was great. I haven't watched it since it was airing on TV. But I really liked it.


Well-Known Member
I'm working my way through One Piece and I'm around one third through the whole thing. I occasionally watch a few episodes of Community, because I have obviously been missing out on that show, thanks to my lack of connection to the genre. I'm also halfway through Z Nation, but I needed a break. Doctor Who has also three unwatched seasons.


G Virus Experiment
Ended up watching the newest season of Legends of Tomorrow when it was released on Netflix. Let me tell you, it is NOT easy watching Arrowverse shows out of order. But hey, I still loved the season. The weirdest and most meta season of any TV show I have watched, but the characters were fun. They really amped up the weird and silly portions of the scripts and I loved it. I wish they would stop kicking off characters I like. But it's better than seeing them killed off for no reason. And getting to know new cast members is always nice.

Currently watching Agent Carter since I missed it the first time around and I am desperately trying to ensure that my Disney+ subscription isn't a waste. haha
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