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Rocket Trash Panda
@1995umk3 I didn't hate the first one, either. I remember really enjoying it when I first rented it on video in the summer of '01. Granted, I was entering my 7th grade year at the time and didn't full grasp what made a good and bad movie yet, but I was really drawn to the fight scenes at the time in no small part because of this. However, an R-rated gorefest, which is what the new animated movie is, is exactly the way Mortal Kombat was meant to be shown. It's Mortal f'ing Kombat, a series that prides itself on over-the-top gore and fatalities, but again, I understand why they toned it down in 95. There was a meme going around at the time: "an R-rated Mortal Kombat would be box office suicide", and indeed it would be. They'd be cutting out 80% of their audience who consisted largely of 10-12 year-olds who's parents bought the game for them, but God forbid they be shown dismemberment/fatalities in a movie, which is a whole other can of worms.

However, the sequel, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation IS a mess. It's full of really bad CGI, editing and fight choreography and weird scene transitions and logic holes. Sonya is covered in mud from head to toe while fighting Mileena, yet she's perfectly clean in the next scene, WTF? And it has so many other "WTF?" moments like this one, not to mention it constantly jumping from daytime in one shot to night in the next and vice versa. It's because of my watching the first one that I blind bought it on DVD and was appalled at how much of a downgrade it was from the first movie in every facet, I couldn't believe my eyes. The only enjoyment I can get out of it is by laughing at how bad it is.

Of course, I would rent the first one again in my 11th grade year and it hasn't aged all that well, but still not horrible, especially for a videogame movie, which are never great.
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Well-Known Member
KManX89: I think sonya cleaned herself up on the next scene. I didn't notice all the things you mentioned, thanks. Turning day turning night between scenes.. I thought it was because the merger of the realms was happening and this crazy stuff happens naturally.

Maybe I do like them because I'm a MK fan... I remember it perfect in my memory about being into the games as well.. I was in 3rd grade or 4th (don't remember) at the mall at KB Toys makin a fit and beggin my mom to get the game. This was in 1995.

It took a while but it was worth it because everytime you wanted to rent the game.. the owner would say "Sorry where all out of mortal kombat games for rent"

Payless Video, Hollywood Video, Blockbuster.. the game (ARCADE game?) was a cultural experience beyond belief.
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Sexually Active Member
Watched this guys analysis on The Shining.

I’m impressed with all the subliminal messages in this movie. He makes me want to go home and rewatch the film after work. Great analysis that makes this movie even more unsettling.

I also only recently learned that Stanley Kubrick drastically changed the original story by Stephen King. I’d say it was for the better as he is a complete mastermind with utilizing hidden meanings and messages. This is one example where changing details and events in an adaptation actually is better than the source material.
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G Virus Experiment
I am watching Avatar The Last Airbender right now for the second time through. The first time I watched it, I had just started dating my now fiancee about 8 years ago. And we both had the flu so I missed a lot of the series with sleep and nausea.

Now, our precious cat Poggle has been missing since Saturday (He's orange, chubby, and dumb) and it is really depressing me. But Avatar distracts me enough to enjoy it. And now I get the see all of the episodes I slept through, so that is nice.


Super Saiyan Member
Watched this guys analysis on The Shining.

I’m impressed with all the subliminal messages in this movie. He makes me want to go home and rewatch the film after work. Great analysis that makes this movie even more unsettling.

I also only recently learned that Stanley Kubrick drastically changed the original story by Stephen King. I’d say it was for the better as he is a complete mastermind with utilizing hidden meanings and messages. This is one example where changing details and events in an adaptation actually is better than the source material.
I actually saw The Shining for the first time this past October and it was brilliant. But I know it's gonna be one of those I get more and more out of on repeat viewings.


Sexually Active Member
So I’ve revisited the Twilight saga- with all this Robert Pattinson talk. :biggrin: So cheesy and laughable but still a fun watch. Nothing against Kristen Stewart but I can’t stand Bella Swan as a character.

I also got around to watching both The Shining and Doctor Sleep. The former is still a masterpiece in every way, the latter not so much.
As much as I tried to consider the fact that Doctor Sleep stays more faithful to the sequel book that follows The Shining, I still couldn’t help but low key hate the movie. It constantly reminded me why Stanley Kubrick was brilliant in the way he grounded the story written by Stephen King and gave it his own dark spin and more hidden meanings and messages (as shown in the video from my previous post in this thread).

Ewan McGregor is still hot.
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Rocket Trash Panda
Watched the first Men in Black for the first time in years. Will Smith and TLJ literally steal the show with their contrasting personalities and interesting character arcs and its PQ still holds up fairly well 23 years later. Never a dull moment. Oh and Lara Flynn Boyle pre-surgery, dayum.

Sad about
the cat
, though.


G Virus Experiment
Just finished Avatar The Last Airbender. I can't believe how good that show is. I should say - Emmy Award Nominated Avatar The Last Airbender - and I forgot how solid that show was. Great character development. Sharp writing. Great characters. And a floodgate of anthropological intrigue and high creativity.

Started Legend Of Korra for the second time as well. Was a big fan the first time through and the 1920's steampunk Chinamerica aesthetic is pure gold.


G Virus Experiment
If I gave ATLA a 10, I'd give Korra a 9. Some people really dislike it. But I think the world building is so good and the updates from the original world of ATLA make for some real fan porn. But it's not for everybody!

Deleted member 21244

Just finished Avatar The Last Airbender. I can't believe how good that show is. I should say - Emmy Award Nominated Avatar The Last Airbender - and I forgot how solid that show was. Great character development. Sharp writing. Great characters. And a floodgate of anthropological intrigue and high creativity.

Started Legend Of Korra for the second time as well. Was a big fan the first time through and the 1920's steampunk Chinamerica aesthetic is pure gold.
It is worth watching?
I only saw the movie abomination unfortunately


Rocket Trash Panda
It is worth watching?
I only saw the movie abomination unfortunately

I've never seen the anime, but the movie was so f*cking bad on every level. Whitewashing certainly did it no favors, either.

Anyways, I'm watching The Martian again, such a great movie. Matt Damon's character is so good in this, he literally makes this movie his. It was fun watching his character throughout the entirety of the film, joking, traveling and just surviving Mars. A sh!t ton of research had to have gone into the making of the source material, just nailing the science of it all: space travel and life on Mars had to have taken a lot of crafting and legwork, but man does it pay off in a big way. Such an entertaining film from start to finish.


Sexually Active Member
Now, our precious cat Poggle has been missing since Saturday (He's orange, chubby, and dumb) and it is really depressing me. But Avatar distracts me enough to enjoy it. And now I get the see all of the episodes I slept through, so that is nice.
I meant to respond to this, I hope you find your kitty. :(


G Virus Experiment
He's still missing. I have combed dozens of acres of forest. At this point, if he comes home, I'll call it a miracle. But I still have some hope!

I am currently "watching" my other cat hunt insects. He looks pretty normal to me!

Also started Star Trek Discovery since I heard good things, but we'll see!


I make good toast
He's still missing. I have combed dozens of acres of forest. At this point, if he comes home, I'll call it a miracle. But I still have some hope!
You probably already know this, but the vast majority of cats will not actually travel far from their home territory, even if you lived in the middle of nowhere. He could be hiding in a shed or garage, barn, hedge...but somewhere closer than you think.

I've lost a cat before and looked for days only to find they were hiding in a neighbour's garden three doors down - wouldn't come when called but had basically scared itself into staying there and not coming home.

Really hope you find him soon and that he's just freaked out somewhere, being dumb and not coming home.
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